Hello. The site is in development, I can’t show it yet.
This is a very strange situation. I have a pair of websites, one English and one French. I cloned the French site from the English, copying all the plugins over to the new site to translate it into French.
Dewdrop was working ok in the English site. And also in the “French” site that I was translating. By “working ok” I mean, the scrollbars showed up, and they were colored as I had designed them. After each work session, I saved a backup the site.
I briefly worked on the French site on March 28th, and on March 29th when I logged in again, the scrollbars had vanished from the site. I look at to the installed plugins page, to my surprise, Dewdrop was gone. It had been deleted. I didn’t delete it. Since when can a plugin delete itself? So, the site had no scrollbats AT ALL, and the Dewdrop plugin had been deleted.
I zipped a copy of the Dewdrop plugin from the English site and installed it in the French site, and turned it on. No scrollbars on the site.
It seemed to me it must be hacking. Somebody deleted Dewdrop and hacked some code to shut the scrollbars off altogether.
I spent 5-6 hours “testing” to try to find the problem. I reinstalled the site several times, on different servers.
In the end, for no apparent reason, the default scrollbars reappeared on the site; but when I then activated Dewdrop again to color them, all the scrollbars disappeared. When I turned off Dewdrop, the default scrollbars all came back.
Please tell me, can a plugin delete itself? This is a mystery. Dewdrop is still in my English site and is “working ok”, meaning the site scrollbars are visible and are colored. Why would the same plugin suddenly stop working in a clone of that site… and then delete itself… while leaving the site with all the scrollbars vanished.
Thank you.
]]>Yes, windows 7 and firefox are both our of date, but this complaint goes back years to when they weren’t. It’s not only Dewdrop plugin, but every scrollbar-coloring plugin I’ve tried, blocks some browser functions. Notably, it prevents PAGE SEARCH from working. I have chapters online of a book I’m writing. I cannot even find anything on my page while Dewdrop is turned on. Too bad because I really like to have a matching scrollbar. But, it cannot search my page for words I know are there, and I end up having to login to my site and search while logged in. That is the great disappointment of every scrollbar-coloring plugin I have tried, and I have tried a lot of them.
A beautiful to have plugin..
Works fine in FF …but scrolling is not working in Chrome.
Are still supporting this..?
Chrome: 66.0.3359.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)
]]>I’m using a scrollbar in another area of my website (by having a div with a max height) is there a way to make dewdrop work with those scrollbars?
]]>how can i change the z-index of scroll bar?
]]>Hello Soyon,
I installed your plugin on a new site I am trying to make and after it is activated I cannot see the scrollbar at all, regardless of what settings I put in.
Can you please help me with this problem? My site is here.
]]>List of problems that happen sometimes:
1. Takes a lot time for the scrollbar to appear even the page loads.
2. Doesn’t show at all.
On my site the scrollbar disappears completely behind my sticky menu (a menu that is always present, resizing down when you scroll down the page) when I’m at the top of the page. I’ve tried setting the length of the Custom Scrollbar even to 400, but it won’t appear. Auto Hide is disabled. Any way to force the Custom Scrollbar to always be at the front?
I love your plugin however it doesnt work on my phone. The site doesnt scroll at all when used on the phone.
Can you please tell me how I can only make this plugin work on the web based site and not on phones?
I have a windows phone. You think maybe that is the issue?
]]>Hi, it seems I was unable to make right-click menu appear on my local development website after installed your plugin. Can you re-check it?
]]>How do I use the scrollbar on textareas also for forms?
Thanks! I love your plugin!!!!!!!
]]>Fixed some error & now this plugin is clean.
For better surve, pls reinstall the plugin.
Pls, rate this plugin 5 star, if you like it.
Thank you.
]]>Your’ve got some housekeeping to do in the admin:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://officialdame.com/wp-content/plugins/dewdrop-custom-scrollbar/js/colorpicker.js?ver=3.9.1
This is a multisite issue – you will need to fix this multisite compatibilty
I spotted a strange error that is appearing several times in my WP logs that seems to be coming from this plugin –
iThemes Security – Logs – 404 errors
Referrer =
Data –
Query_string = Ver=3.9.1
I have no idea what it means ! Some problem with the colorpicker ?
Thanks, and keep up the good work ??
]]>Hello, I just tested this plugin on my site but after activation, I did not have any at the scroolbar and could not be scrooling, so I uninstall it
]]>Hi staritsoft
Thanks for your useful plugin, which work better than others I’ve tried.
I have a feature request : please consider adding SCROLL SPEED to your settings panel (as seen in NiceScroll).
Thanks ??
I need scrollbar inside of content page, so to use short codes with custom width and height. Need immediate help please!!