Thanks for this great plugin and your work associated with it!
When Popup Type On Mobile: Fullscreen is activated, opening of hotspots on mobile devices works, but the fullscreen windows on mobile cannot be closed. When hitting “x” in the fullscreen window, nothing happens.
I was able to reproduce this on Android (Chrome and Brave browsers) as well as iOS (Safari browser) in Image HotSpot verions 1.2.8.
Would be great if this could be fixed – thank you in advance!
I’ve encountered a problem with apostrophe management in your module. When I write content containing apostrophes in my sentences, after updating, a backslash is added in front of each apostrophe.
Can you help me ?
best regard
Maxime Donzé
Since you can’t customize the styles like the background color of the tooltips in the plugin and the source code doesn’t make me smart, I wanted to ask for the CSS selectors for it.
firstly thank you for this wonderful plugin! It has worked great for us so far. After the update to 1.2.7 we noticed a bug – if an image has a single hotspot with content of image + text, the content is not displayed on hover. However there is no issue if the content of the hotspot is text only, or if there are multiple hotspots added on the image. Version 1.2.6 works okay for us (WP version 6.6.2, PHP version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18). Could you perhaps look into this bug?
Thank you again for your work!
]]>Hi, thank you for the very good Plugin.
I can′t use shortcode in the content anymore like [INSERT_ELEMENTOR id=”2838″] because after saving the Quotation Marks get Backslashes after saving. And then the Shortcode looks like [INSERT_ELEMENTOR id=\”2838\”].
if i save again, the Backslashes Add on more like: [INSERT_ELEMENTOR id=\\”2838\\”] and so on.
Can you please fix it?
Thank you in advance
]]>Hi there! Thank you for the amazing plugin!
I would like to report one issue that I suspect is caused by the latest improvements against security flaws. Previously, I was able to add Spotify embed iframes inside the popup. Now, If I add it, it gets escaped and it is never rendered…
Have you guys any idea on how to overcome this safely?
]]>I found several I18N issues and made some modifications.
I also uploaded the modified plugins for your reference. Please download them and compare them with the original 1.2.6 files.
Click here to download.
]]>The red pins have text in them so should hover. The blue pins are working. The green pin does not hover although there is text in it.
Thanks for helping
]]>Is this plugin ever going to be compatible with PHP 8.0 or higher?
I’m using your superb plugin on several sites, but Google is applying SEO penalties to me because the tags don’t contain an alt tag (Example: alt=“The Best WordPress Plugins!”).
Is it possible to add this for the background image and hotspots?
Many thanks for this plugin!
]]>Hi Team – I’ve just updated the plugin to the latest version.
I had to ammend an existing tooltip where I have added to a site plan I created.
When updating in the backend, all tooltips and the image background dissapear.
Have you had any similar probelms?
]]>I'm using the latest WordPress and I can no longer 'add point', the grey spinner just spins. I get the following js error.
Uncaught TypeError: e is undefined
jQuery 4
jQuery 5
jQuery 2
Hi there
We can’t add new points to a new to a new image, but can edit or add points to a exsisting image.
It comes with error:
Uncaught?ReferenceError:?tinymce is not defined
]]>Dear Le Van Toan
Image pins are not showing up in the macOS Safari browser. could you please address the issues in an upcoming release?
Tested on MacOs -Safari 1024×768
after the last update maybe of the wordpress theme or core to 6.2.2, you no longer see the containers with the text on the pins.
From the backend the pins and the text are there, from the frontend the text no longer appears completely, how can we solve it?
Good morning. I realized that by inserting a video and then clicking on the option to view it full screen, the video closes immediately. Can you tell me how to fix this or zoom in on the primary view? Thank you
We have a display problem for our schemas on some formats, especially on iphone and some tablets.
The schema is not visible and is displayed correctly when clicked on.
Can you please help us fix the problem?
Thank you!
]]>Some of our pages will display correctly, while others display the pin content as “always on” with the pin images displayed off the image and the hotspot content arrayed all over the page.
The pin locations appear inside our navigation banner and not on the image.
It just looks like one giant mess.
i need to put only text in photos instead of pins. Possible? Thank you
Hi there,
I can’t get the plugin to add a point after selecting the Pins Image, Center Position, and Animation.
It keeps throwing the error “Try again!” with a “Close” button.
I tried working on the plugin in two different browsers – Brave and Safari.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Is it possible to set a specific account as author of items on the list of image hotspots (like with posts)? It would allow for limited users to edit it without granting access to the whole list.
Even a “dirty fix” or instructions how to add such custom variables would be great.
]]>I’m getting dinged for accessibility because the main image and the pin images don’t have alt tags.
Would be great to have that option in the future. Thanks!
]]>I’m referring to this topic which was never answered:
I want to use tooltips on my garden plan and currently I need between 250 and 300 pins on the same image/page. I would appreciate if this plugin author would confirm that there is a limit (or not).
We have updated our website to the latest version of WordPress and our Image Hotspot Map is lo longer loading, yet alone working.
Since it appears that the plugin was last tested as working with WP 5.9 something.
Are we sadly going to have to drop this plugin, as it’s not going to get updated?
iI need to import about 5000 images and hotspots into WordPress.
I have:
1. images
2. custom icon
3. exact coordinates for pins.
Is a bulk import possible?
I tried with WP All Import PRO plugin, but it didn’t work.
I also tried exporting a few existing Hotspot Images and importing the same file, but that was not successful. Has anyone an idea?
Hi, I’ve moved site to new url and now i get this error “Illegal string offset ‘pins_more_option’” and mapped images are not showed. If I change in database with the old url in all posts_meta I solve, but with new url is not working.
How I can solve this problem?
]]>There’s a conflict with the Elementor builder.
Elementor (PRO version) allows creating custom header and footer, however, when a Hotspot shortcode is added to the footer, it doesn’t work properly – specifically tooltips.
This is how it is supposed to be displayed –
And this is how it’s displayed in the footer –
It happens because of using apply_filters(‘the_content’, $point[‘content’]) instead of do_shortcode( $point[‘content’])
Can you please investigate it? Thank you
]]>hello first of all thanks. I wanted to know is it possible to have 2 or 3 images in the same custom post? I would need to replicate the single procedure for 2 or for 3 in order to have image a, image b and image c in a single hotspot, each with its own hotspots. Is it possible to foreach that piece of code or just duplicate? What should i watch out for? If yes, I could make the change even just on the code side
Thanks in advance.
Hovering over a hotspot shows a Virtual Walkthrough.
With the latest update, when I click one of the arrows within the walkthrough, the hotspot closes. This did not happen before recent update.
]]>Can pin content show south only? Although I chose placement is south, it will show in North sometime.