I am using XAMPP to test out a site before I take it online. I installed the footer plugin and have gotten a couple of errors. I have tried putting different values in all of the fields just to see what would happen and I get the same errors.
Warning: Undefined variable $to_display_only_on_mobile_type_yes in E:\xamp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\developress-sticky-footer-bar\public\class-developress_sticky_footer_bar-public.php on line 219
Warning: Undefined variable $select_style_type_one_or_two_check in E:\xamp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\developress-sticky-footer-bar\public\class-developress_sticky_footer_bar-public.php on line 237
Any ideas on what the problem could be?
Can I insert my html element or shortcode instead of one of the 4 links? I need to add a menu button, but assign it not a link, but a class that is triggered when clicked. I also wanted to add a wishlist and shopping cart shortcode. Is it possible to do this? Thanks.