I’m uploading an image to wordpress and trying to attach it to a post. The code works, the guides I’ve found online:
They say i’m doing it correctly. Whats weird is the post request to update the post returns 200. however in the content returned featured_media is 0 instead of the value I set. Even though the payload that is sent is supposed to update the featured_media to the id i’m setting. This is the correct media id because im uploading the image first getting the id and then passing in the id to the post to update the featured image.
here is the code getting the featured_media id form the content dictionary I pass in and making the post to the post id.
endpoint = f'{WORDPRESS_SITE}/wp-json/wp/v2/news/{article_id}'
I know this endpoint is correct because I’m also updating the title, the content of this post above where I try to update the image. Originally I put them together but that wasn’t working so I tried just the media as a separate post. That didn’t work either.
if content.get('featured_media'):
data = {
"featured_media": content.get('featured_media')
response = requests.post(endpoint, json=data, headers=headers)
if response.ok:
logger.logger.info(f"featured image post was successful. {response.status_code}, {content.get('featured_media')}, endpoint: {endpoint}")
According to the docs this is the way you do it.
Really not sure what i’m doing wrong here. I see featured image is blank in the metadata in the returned content but no status or message as to why the image didn’t get set.
Hello there,
I have built a wordpress website on Xstore theme. The website is having a lot of issue since it's gone live. It goes down again and again. The traffic is very minimal in 100's. Few errors in the console when it goes down are:
"Mixed Content: The page at 'https://skinroute.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'https://cdn.jsinit.directfwd.com/sk-jspark_init.php'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
'Get 'https://skinroute.com/ 500 (Internal Server Error)'
"Failed to load resoure: HTTP2_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM"
'Get 'https://skinroute.com/ 409 (Conflict)'
When contacted to the hosting server they say we need to optimize the website. The google pagespeed insight is also low, for mobile it's in between 20 to 30 and for desktop it's between 40 to 50. The server is hitting it's threshold the host says.
I optimized images, enabled lazyloading. Minifying css, js and html is breaking the website. I can't understand what's the issue. I have tried everthing.
The host says to:
1) Please optimize the scripts, plugins and images of the domain
2) Remove unwanted codes which are causing high CPU utilization.
3) Improve load time
4) Block suspicious IP addresses
5) Optimize all DB & websites for better performance.
6) Keep all plugins up to date.
You will need to work on improvement of parameters like
Optimize Images
Avoid large layout shifts
Avoid multiple page redirects
Avoid an excessive DOM size
Avoid chaining critical requests
Avoid long main-thread tasks
Defer Parsing JavaScript
Leverage browser cache
Minimize CSS Minimize Redirects
When I use plugins to delay js, defer js and minify css, js and html. The website breaks, some components do not display. Please help me out, this feels like a never ending process with the client. Link to the website: https://skinroute.com/
Does anyone know a typical time for a new WP plugin to be reviewed?
We added ours back on July 28, 2023 (10 months ago), and it still says the current wait time is 29 days.
]]>I created a block that makes it possible to apply an offset backdrop to an image. Then, I wanted to achieve what I expected to be a simple goal
I encountered multiple issues, the last of them is, in my view, a bug.
Firstly, a custom colour is handled differently from a preset theme colour. In the case of a preset theme colour, a slug is applied to the class name: “has-red-background”. In the case of a custom colour, a background colour is directly specified using the “style” attribute and a hex colour code.
In the editor, this problem is simply overcome by specifying: “style={useBlockprops().style}” on the child one wants to apply the styles on. Then, an rgb colour code is always used.
However, when doing the same in the save()-method, the block crashes. Apparently, it is not possible to utilise “useBlockProps()” in the save()-method.
I created a workaround like this:
export default function save({ attributes }) { const { backgroundColor } = attributes; const style = useBlockProps.save().style; const colorClass = backgroundColor && !(style?.backgroundColor)?
: ""; return ( <div {...useBlockProps.save()}> <div class={backdrop ${colorClass}
} style={style}></div> <InnerBlocks.Content /> </div> ) }
However, when I do this and specify a custom color, the validation fails when I reload the editor:
Block validation: Block validation failed for
({name: 'test/overlap-image', icon: {��}, keywords: Array(0), attributes: {��}, providesContext: {��},?��}). Content generated bysave
function: <div class="wp-block-test-overlap-image overlap-image has-grey-background-color has-background" style="background-color:#5d577f"><div class="backdrop " style="background-color:#5d577f"></div></div> Content retrieved from post body: <div class="wp-block-test-overlap-image overlap-image has-background" style="background-color:#5d577f"><div class="backdrop " style="background-color:#5d577f"></div></div>
“grey” is the default colour I specified in the block.json file. It magically appears in validation.
Will I simply have to revert to defining a ColorPicker myself (where the colour is always saved as a valid hex code) or is there some way to avoid this?
Any help or confirmation that this is a bug is greatly appreciated.
The code can be downloaded here:
]]>For some reason, as soon as I add any class name (other than has-x-background to my custom block, the layout is applied to the child of the div I used the {…useBlockProps} statement on.
The block.json file looks as follows:
"$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json",
"apiVersion": 3,
"name": "test/section-card",
"version": "0.1.0",
"title": "Section Card",
"description": "A card containing text.",
"icon": "admin-comments",
"category": "layout",
"attributes": {
"backgroundColor": {
"type": "string",
"textColor": {
"type": "string"
"cardWidth": {
"type": "string",
"example": {},
"supports": {
"html": false,
"color": {
"text": true,
"background": true
"layout": {
"default": {"type": "flex", "orientation": "vertical", "verticalAlignment": "center"},
"allowVerticalAlignment": true,
"allowJustification": true,
"allowOrientation": false
"textdomain": "section-arrow",
"editorScript": "file:./index.js",
"editorStyle": "file:./index.css",
"style": "file:./style-index.css",
If I use the following .save-method, the code works as expected:
save({ attributes }) { const { backgroundColor, cardWidth } = attributes; const colorClass = backgroundColor.includes('#') ? "" :
; return ( <div {...useBlockProps.save()} style={{background:"none !important"}}> <div className={colorClass} style={{ width:cardWidth, backgroundColor:(backgroundColor.includes('#') ? backgroundColor :'') }}> <InnerBlocks.Content /> </div> </div> ) }
If I include any other class name such as the letter “a”, the layout is suddenly applied to the child element:
className={colorClass+" a"}
The output without the letter “a” looks like expected. As soon as any class is added (even when the has-background class is removed), the output is wrong:
View post on imgur.com
This bug is incredibly weird. I have no idea what sort of strange bug is triggering this behaviour, but it is definitely not expected. I also want to note, that the block is located inside a core/column block. Any help is greatly appreciated. For now, I will simply restrict the class name to the colour slug.
The block code can be dowloaded here:
]]>I am trying to get WordPress categories using the XML-RPC method and it’s working fine on my local as well as sandbox environment but not on production. I am using c# for the same and here is the code.
public JsonArray GetCateg(string username, string password){
IgetCatList categories = (IgetCatList)XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(typeof(IgetCatList));
XmlRpcClientProtocol clientProtocol = (XmlRpcClientProtocol)categories;
//clientProtocol.Url = "https://samplewebsite12399.wordpress.com" + "/xmlrpc.php";
clientProtocol.Url = url + "/xmlrpc.php";
if (hasServiceUnavailable)
clientProtocol.UserAgent = "WordPress XML-RPC Client/1.1";
clientProtocol.KeepAlive = true;
clientProtocol.Timeout = 42000;
Category[] wpCategories = categories.GetCategories(1, username, password);
return wpCategories;
catch(Exception ex){
public interface IgetCatList
Category[] GetCategories(int blog_id, string username, string password);
I am getting this error
{“message”:”Conflict”,”stacktrace”:” at xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.ReadResponse(XmlRpcRequest req, WebResponse webResp, Stream respStm)\r\n at xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(Object clientObj, MethodInfo mi, Object[] parameters)\r\n at xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(MethodInfo mi, Object[] Parameters)\r\n at XmlRpcProxy9144647b-28c2-4d11-9ab9-35cd3f53ba20.GetCategories(Int32 blog_id, String username, String password)}?
]]>Hi, In WordPress, I have added a form using the GET Method and When I submit the form then I get this type of URL https://topstockadvisory.com/compare-stocks-brokers/?name1=5paisa&name2=zerodha but I want this type URL https://topstockadvisory.com/compare-stocks-brokers/5paisa-vs-zerodha how can I get this type of URL in WordPress?
]]>Hey there,
I am learning to develop a WordPress theme and would like to add an update function to my theme. To do this, I have written the following code:
* Notify WordPress of theme software updates
function sw1_add_theme_updater(string $update_info_url, WP_Theme $theme):void {
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_themes', function($transient) use ($update_info_url, $theme) {
if ( ($transient instanceof stdClass) && property_exists( $transient, 'no_update' ) ) {
$stylesheet = $theme->get_stylesheet();
$version = $theme->get( 'Version' );
$cache_key = 'sw1-update-'.$stylesheet.'-'.$version;
// Try to get update information from cache
$cached_data = get_transient( $cache_key );
if ( $cached_data !== false ) {
$data = $cached_data;
} else {
// connect to the remote server where the update information is stored
$remote = wp_remote_get(
'timeout' => 10
if( is_wp_error( $remote ) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $remote ) || empty( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $remote ) ) ) {
return $transient; // return on error
$remote = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $remote ) );
if( ! $remote ) {
return $transient; // who knows, maybe JSON is not valid
$data = array(
'theme' => $stylesheet,
'url' => $remote->details_url,
'requires' => $remote->requires,
'requires_php' => $remote->requires_php,
'new_version' => $remote->latest_version,
'package' => $remote->package_url,
// Cache the update information
set_transient( $cache_key, $data, 60 );
// check all the versions now
&& version_compare( $version, $data['new_version'], '<' )
&& version_compare( $data['requires'], get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '<' )
&& version_compare( $data['requires_php'], PHP_VERSION, '<' )
) {
$transient->response[ $stylesheet ] = $data;
} else {
$transient->no_update[ $stylesheet ] = $data;
return $transient;
This actually informs WordPress about the latest version of my theme. If I then install the new version via the dashboard, however, the problem occurs that the theme folder is automatically renamed (it gets a randomly generated suffix). This then leads to a conflict.
Is this a known problem, or does anyone have an idea what the problem is?
]]>I am developing a plugin for Minicart for Woocommerce. From my Minicart, I am using nonce validation from JS Ajax. The nonce is created like this:
‘get_refreshed_mini_cart’ => wp_create_nonce(‘ic_get_refreshed_mini_cart),
Ajax is used like this:
data: {
action: ‘ic_get_refreshed_mini_cart’,
nonce: nonces.get_refreshed_mini_cart
And on PHP side is validated like this:
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET[‘nonce’], ‘ic_get_refreshed_mini_cart’)) {
die (‘Wrong nonce!’);
This all works great when I am logged in, but when I am not, I am getting a ‘Wrong nonce!’ message on the backend.
Any thoughts on why is this happening?
I try to connect to an external server using the function: ftp_connect() but it does not work.
I have the following error message:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ftp_connect() in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/themes/elenature/scripts/gtl/push_orders.php:340
this function works in wordpress ??
]]>I am working on something that requires the price of products to match the market price of gold per gram and cannot find anything on the subject. If possible I would like to make it so the site reads the price tracker for the cost per g and updates the product accordingly.
I noticed that if I have some colors added in the palette via my theme.json the add_theme_support(“editor-color-palette”); doesn’t work.
Is it a normal behavior or bug?
Best regards
]]>Hi Everyone, I’m not really sure if I’m asking in the right place. I’m working on creating some patterns for a site a run to make it easier for the user to create pages and posts. I’ve managed to get the basics of a plugin working with one pattern. However, when I added a second one to the same patterns file it only seems to display one. I’m not sure if its something to do with the category I created or not. Here is my code some help would be great. Thanks.
function southern_europe_block_patterns() {
array( 'label' => __( 'Scouts', 'southern-europe-block-patterns' ) )
'title' => __( '70/30 Sidebar Layout', 'southern-europe-block-patterns' ),
'description' => _x( 'This is a 70/30 sidebar layout.', 'southern-europe-block-patterns' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:columns -->\r\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns\"><!-- wp:column {\"width\":\"66.66%\"} -->\r\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\" style=\"flex-basis:66.66%\"><!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2 id=\"temp-heading-1\">Temp Heading</h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>There are many more blocks that will help with the quicker building of a page or post, all of these can be found under the pattern tab of the blue/black plus button.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:column -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:column {\"width\":\"33.33%\"} -->\r\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\" style=\"flex-basis:33.33%\"><!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":20} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:20px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:group {\"backgroundColor\":\"scout-blue\",\"textColor\":\"white\"} -->\r\n<div class=\"wp-block-group has-white-color has-scout-blue-background-color has-text-color has-background\"><!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":15} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:15px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:heading {\"level\":4} -->\r\n<h4 id=\"temp-heading\">Temp Heading</h4>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>This is a basic block for the side bar, to insert one just like this go to '+' button, patterns and select 'Sidebar Block'</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":10} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:10px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:group --></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:column --></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:columns -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
'categories' => array( 'Scouts' ),
'title' => __( 'Sidebar Block', 'southern-europe-block-patterns' ),
'description' => _x( 'This is a block for the side bar, of the 70/30 layout.', 'southern-europe-block-patterns' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:group {\"backgroundColor\":\"scout-blue\",\"textColor\":\"white\"} -->\r\n<div class=\"wp-block-group has-white-color has-scout-blue-background-color has-text-color has-background\"><!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":15} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:15px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:heading {\"level\":4} -->\r\n<h4 id=\"temp-heading\">Temp Heading</h4>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>This is a basic block for the side bar, to insert one just like this go to '+' button, patterns and select 'Sidebar Block'. You Can change the colours for text and background under the 'block' option on the left.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":10} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:10px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:group -->\r\n\r\n<!-- wp:spacer {\"height\":30} -->\r\n<div style=\"height:30px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\r\n<!-- /wp:spacer -->",
'categories' => array( 'Scouts' ),
add_action( 'init', 'southern_europe_block_patterns' );
function hide_editor_page(){
global $_wp_post_type_features;
$post_type= “page”;
$feature = “editor”;
function test1(){
global $template;
global $_wp_post_type_features;
$post_type= “page”;
$feature = “editor”;
if(basename($template) == “contact.php”):
Can anyone suggest The hide_editor_page is working fine but when try to remove the same using test1 the basename($template) condition it’s not working. Without the basename($template) condition remove_action is working.
]]>Recently I updated my WordPress site. Then after a few days, I noticed an issue on all pages. When the cache is completely cleared and one page is loaded(except home page) a script is loaded in the page on the first load instead of the real page content. If I refresh the page then the page is loaded correctly(no script is loaded).
I thought some plugin may be causing this issue and I tried disabling all plugins. But still, the issue exists. After some research, I found that the script that is being printed on the pages comes from a js file named wp-polyfill-fetch.min.js which is in the core files of WordPress. So I renamed this file and all other polyfill-related js and see that issue resolved. But as this is not a permanent fix I need you to help me out.
On further investigation, I found a script in the admin dashboard that uses the polyfil js which was like this:
<script id='wp-polyfill-js-after'>
( 'fetch' in window ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-fetch.min.js?ver=3.0.0"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( document.contains ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-node-contains.min.js?ver=3.42.0"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( window.DOMRect ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-dom-rect.min.js?ver=3.42.0"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( window.URL && window.URL.prototype && window.URLSearchParams ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-url.min.js?ver=3.6.4"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( window.FormData && window.FormData.prototype.keys ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-formdata.min.js?ver=3.0.12"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( Element.prototype.matches && Element.prototype.closest ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-element-closest.min.js?ver=2.0.2"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( 'objectFit' in document.documentElement.style ) || document.write( '<script src="https://muhdo.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-object-fit.min.js?ver=2.3.4"></scr' + 'ipt>' );
Does this have relevance in this issue? Please help me
I try to make a plugin and in it I neeed to access to the Woo cart total.
Before I create a plugin I have made my code works within the theme customizer.
The target of this plugin is to create a free shipping banner with a ttarget amount and then calculate with the actual cart amount the rest amount to get free shipping.
In short, WC()->cart->cart_contents_total work in the theme customizer but return null if I try to access to it in my plugin.
How can I access to this value in my plugin please ?
]]>I am using wp_insert_post to take in form data of name and brief review on the front end. And that works no problem. Both of those data show up in the post. But I also have 5 stars that can be highlighted as part of the review. The stars highlight when clicked but when the post is published the highlighted stars do not show up. The stars show up but they are in the unchecked state and thus are not in the yellow state that I want. So the question is how do I save the state of the highlighted stars? Do I save the checked state of the input? do I save the values in a custom field? If so how do I do that? I do not want to use a 5 star plugin. As I am so close to doing it the way that I want. At this point only the first star highlights but it only highlights to the last post. Any help will be appreciated. Even a point in the right direction will be much obliged. The website is on my localhost so do not have a link yet to show.
]]>I want to add all product vendors on one page. But I couldn’t find the option in WordPress.At the same time, I want to edit the specific vendor page.
]]>We are trying to integrate our existing WordPress site with the API from https://mall.elady.com/
Anyone integrated with ELady.com?
Trying to figure out what we need from the API + how we configure everything on our end:
entire purchase process
I was trying to do Oauth but got error {“error”:”invalid_client”,”error_description”:”The required \”client_id\” parameter is missing.”}.
I am giving the same client id which I got while registering on creating app on WordPress developer account.
I am hitting post request and here is my code
def redirect1(request):
url = 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/authorize?redirect_uri=' \
return redirect(url)
def redirect(request):
code = request.GET['code']
url = 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/token'
payload = {
"client_id": "68733",
"redirect_uri": "",
"client_secret": "pasted which I got from my app",
"code": code,
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
response = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=header)
return JsonResponse(response.json())
I also tried following-
1. giving client_id as integer
2. header = {“Content-Type”: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”}
I am following this link
]]>Hi all,
www.remarpro.com hosts my plugin:
The icon for my plugin is generic and I’d like to upload my logo as I’ve seen others do. Can you tell me where to upload that? Thanks so much.
]]>Hi Guys, sorry if is too simple but:
I am in the version 1.1.3, but the plugin page shows on 1.0, and I do not receive the update version on the installation.
What I am doing wrong?
I have developed a plugin named Pepipost which has been upgraded and published three weeks ago i.e. 25th Jan 2019. So want to know how much time will it take to activate the latest version of my plugin. Please revert asap.
Hey @automatic, authors & maintainers of this plugin: is this a disco plugin? Any chance to get it updated for WP version compatibility?
]]>After a fresh install of wordpress 4.6 (local) and using default theme, I get errors on every single plugin install. I don’t even get any message with detail, just error !. Is this even working with the new update from wordpress. Please help.
Whenever I enable the Debug Bar the line numbers partially covers text in the PODS code editor.
Any ideas to fix this?
]]>Hello, I’m teaching myself how to create a custom WordPress theme and was pointed to the Developer plugin to help with debugging. Upon getting my localhost set up and the plugin installed, I’m immediately hit with 3 warnings which appear on the Dashboard and the home page:
WARNING: wp-admin/admin-header.php:9 - Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /Users/powellr2/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/debug-bar/debug-bar.php:20)
require_once('wp-admin/admin-header.php'), header
WARNING: wp-includes/option.php:820 - Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /Users/powellr2/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/debug-bar/debug-bar.php:20)
require_once('wp-admin/admin-header.php'), wp_user_settings, setcookie
WARNING: wp-includes/option.php:821 - Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /Users/powellr2/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/debug-bar/debug-bar.php:20)
require_once('wp-admin/admin-header.php'), wp_user_settings, setcookie
I see this has not been tested on the current version of WP. Is this something I should be concerned with, and if so, how can I go about resolving it?
On a local installation development with PHP 7.0.1, these messages are displayed for all extensions (except for the first one that it is not activated).
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Debug_Bar has a deprecated constructor in …\wp-content\plugins\debug-bar\debug-bar.php on line 20
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Deprecated_Log has a deprecated constructor in …\wp-content\plugins\log-deprecated-notices\log-deprecated-notices.php on line 25
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Debug_Bar_Panel has a deprecated constructor in …\wp-content\plugins\debug-bar\panels\class-debug-bar-panel.php on line 3
]]>Here i noted the error i am getting
Warning: require_once(.//admin/class-log-viewer-admin.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bobmarri/public_html/PRO/2/wp-content/plugins/log-viewer/includes/class-debugbar-integration.php on line 11
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘.//admin/class-log-viewer-admin.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/php52/lib/php’) in /home/bobmarri/public_html/PRO/2/wp-content/plugins/log-viewer/includes/class-debugbar-integration.php on line 11