Updated to work with 4.9. Thanks @noahj-champion.
Just to let you know.
I created a github version and made some small updates which can be seen
@ https://github.com/NoahjChampion/entuitions-dev-monitor/commits/master
The only main one that this repo should update when you can is..
– Since WordPress 4.5 get_currentuserinfo
should be wp_get_current_user
Im just wondering if this plugin is still being maintained? I notice it hasnt been updated in a long time.
I made an edit so that the admin styles only load on the plugin’s admin page since they are not needed anywhere that I see.
You can view that simple edit for dev-monitor.php in version 1.1.0
@ https://gist.github.com/NoahjChampion/a9e3d23e521c6912657662a54de8fb49/revisions#diff-0ce557a32de13a290218c5d752a3246cL49