Caught exception: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
MY Shortcode
echo do_shortcode(‘[fb_event_list appid=”xxxxxxxxx26″ appsecret=”xxxxxxxxxxxxxxa0″ pageid=”xxxxxxx6″ limit=15 order=”DESC”]’);
]]>with this code:
[fb_event_list appid=”1518476078452337″ appsecret=”2c0695dfd3462688b727bae92d508114″ pageid=”443012065904775″ limit=10 order=”DESC|ASC”]
It give me this error:
Caught exception: REST API is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher (12)
]]>Caught exception: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
not sure if there’s an alternate workaround as this sounds like it’s creating security risks
]]>Buenas, he instalado este plugin y he rellenado todos los datos de la app de facebook, pero cuando voy a comprobar la sincronización me sale el siguiente error: Caught exception: REST API is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher.
?Hay alguna solución?
Gracias de antemano.
]]>I’ve made some adjustments (I’m no coder…so I apologize in advance) to the events module to suit my needs. Unfortunately, the events are out of order. You can view it here:
And here is the code I’ve modified:
/* Plugin Name: DeMomentSomTres Facebook Event List Shortcode
* Plugin URI:
* Description: A simple shortcode to generate an event list from a Facebook Fan Page.
* Author: marcqueralt
* Version: 1.3.1
* Author URI:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Based on code by Mike Dalisay
* Based on Jon Smith works version 0.4
define('DMS3_FBEVENTS_DOMAIN', 'dms3-fb-events');
load_plugin_textdomain(DMS3_FBEVENTS_DOMAIN, false, basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/languages');
function dms3_format($yyyy_mm_ddT) {
$y = substr($yyyy_mm_ddT, 0, 4);
$m = substr($yyyy_mm_ddT, 5, 2);
$d = substr($yyyy_mm_ddT, 8, 2);
if ('' == $m | '' == $d | '' == $y):
return '';
return $m . '-' . $d . '-' . $y;
function dms3_time_format($yyyy_mm_ddThh_mm) {
$h = substr($yyyy_mm_ddThh_mm, 11, 2);
$m = substr($yyyy_mm_ddThh_mm, 14, 2);
if ('' == $h || '' == $m):
return '';
return '9' . ':' . $m;
// limit of selected elements
$dms3_limit = 15;
// make sure this api file is in your directory, if not get it here
if (!class_exists('Facebook')):
require 'facebook.php';
// [fb_event_list appid="" pageid="" appsecret="" locale=""]
function fb_event_list($atts) {
global $dms3_limit;
$time_offset = get_option('gmt_offset');
try {
'appid' => '',
'pageid' => '',
'appsecret' => '',
'fbLocale' => 'Europe/London',
'limit' => $dms3_limit,
'order' => 'DESC'
), $atts));
$fqlResult = wp_cache_get('fb_event_list_result', 'fb_event_list');
if (false == $fqlResult) {
// Authenticate
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appid,
'secret' => $appsecret,
'cookie' => true, // enable optional cookie support
// query the events
// we will select name, pic, start_time, end_time, location, description this time
// but there are other data that you can get on the event table
// as you've noticed, we have TWO select statement here
// since we can't just do "WHERE creator = your_fan_page_id".
// only eid is indexable in the event table, sow we have to retrieve
// list of events by eids
// and this was achieved by selecting all eid from
// event_member table where the uid is the id of your fanpage.
// *yes, you fanpage automatically becomes an event_member
// once it creates an event
$fql = "SELECT name, pic, start_time, end_time, location, description, eid
FROM event WHERE eid IN ( SELECT eid FROM event_member WHERE uid = " . $pageid . " AND start_time > 0 )
ORDER BY start_time DESC LIMIT 0," . $limit;
$param = array(
'method' => 'fql.query',
'query' => $fql,
'callback' => ''
$fqlResult = $facebook->api($param);
wp_cache_set('fb_event_list_result', $fqlResult, 'fb_event_list', 300);
// table heading
echo '<table class="dms3_fb_events">';
$now = date('c', time() + $time_offset * 60 * 60);
if ($order != "DESC"):
usort($fqlResult, create_function('$a,$b', "return strnatcmp(\$b['start'], \$a['start']);"));
// looping through retrieved data
foreach ($fqlResult as $keys => $values) {
$start = $values['start_time'];
$start_date = dms3_format($start);
$start_time = dms3_time_format($start);
$end = $values['end_time'];
$end_date = dms3_format($end);
$end_time = dms3_time_format($end);
$classes = "";
if ($start < $now)
if ($now < $end) /* ongoing */
$classes = 'dms3-fb-ongoing-event';
$classes = 'dms3-fb-past-event';
$classes = 'dms3-fb-upcoming-event';
if ($classes != "")
$classes = ' class="' . $classes . '" ';
//printing the data
echo '<tr' . $classes . '>';
echo '<td class="dms3_fb_events_content">';
echo "<div class='dms3_fb_events_title'>" . $start_date . ' ' . $values['name'] . ' ' . $start_time . 'pm' . "</div>";
echo "<img src={$values['pic']} class='dms3_fb_events_image' />";
echo "<span class='dms3_fb_events_description'>" . $values['description'] . "</span>";
echo "<span style='float: right;'><a href='{$values['eid']}' target='_blank'>" . __('view facebook event', DMS3_FBEVENTS_DOMAIN) . '</a></span>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo "</table>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
$htmlOutput = ob_get_clean();
return $htmlOutput;
add_shortcode('fb_event_list', 'fb_event_list');
// end fb_event_list shortcode
]]>Can somebody please specify a bit more step-by-step how to obtain the facebook app id in the right way?
I’m administrator of a page with an event section. Getting the page id was the easy part. But then I had to look for de app id and app secret.So I went to the FB developers page and guessed I had to make an app in order to get an app id. I made an app with same name as my page and there it gave my the app id and secret.
But then the plugin gives me the following message: Caught exception: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
So I get the feeling this is not the right way to do it. This app (whatever it is in the stage I created now?!) seems by no means related to the events page of the page I am intending to connect to this plug-in.
I get the feeling i’m lost deep in a developers jungle, whereas it should be something much more simple.
Can anybody send my in the right direction, please?
]]>Hey folks,
Is there a way to sort the events Ascending, and leaving the past once out?
]]>Hey there,
Your demo site has a table, how can I get this on mine?
]]>Hi, I got this massage:
Caught exception: Invalid OAuth access token signature.
my page is
Unfortunately the plugin doesn’t recognize a new paragraph.
The plugin puts the text after another without starting a new paragraph.
Is this gonna be fixed in the near future?
This is what I mean:
]]>I’m seeing this error here:
this is in a twentythirteen child theme
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /…/wp-content/themes/hub/header.php:13) in /…/wp-content/plugins/demomentsomtres-facebook-events-list/facebook.php on line 37
Suggestins? Thanks!
]]>I’m not familiar with PHP enough to change the start date format to this:
July 30, 2015 6:30 pm
Reading through comments in fb_event_list.php but not sure what to change and where.
I really like your plug-in, but I was wondering if it’s possible to change the width of the final result posting Facebook events.
Now it’s just a small square, but since you can use a cover photo in events it’s wider, and that would look better on my website.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Your example website uses a table to display the events – how can we use such a table?