Hi There,
I stumbled upon your plugin as I was searching for the constant value to declare in WordPress post and pages.
But I’m not a programmer and knows nothing about PHP. My question is, after installing this plugin, how do I call/use them in page or post.??
What I want to achieve is, I have set up the study course and course ID changes regularly throughout the year and I have to go and change those course ID on every pages and posts that displays it. 10 or so pages, I don’t mind it but its getting bigger and can see that its not the best way to do.
So I need to set up in such a away that changes can be done in one place and all the course ID will be effected.
I’ve looked at your screenshot but didn’t see how to use it in post or page.
Can you tell me or show me the actual code on how to call those constant in WordPress post or page??
Thanks in advance.