I’m getting this sort of warning on my client’s sites using Defensio:
There are 10 comment(s) that have not been processed by Defensio.
There might be a connectivity issue between you and Defensio. Your comments will automatically processed within the next 10 minutes, or when connectivity is restored.
Sadly they have no forum (other than here) and their blog hasn’t had a post since May, 2011.
]]>As the actions array is built up near line 275 of defensio_quarantine_html.php, the class attributes need to be changed to data-wp-list attributes. This change was made recently in WordPress, and the action links in the Defensio comments manager no longer work. I had previously started an issue, but did not have this information at that time.
]]>I’ve been using defensio for a long time, and after the last WP upgrade to 3.5.1 the delete link no longer works. I’ve got two websites and can confirm that this is the case on both of them. I can still delete by checking the checkbox and using the delete action for all checked checkboxes, but the ajax delete link is my preferred method.
All of my websites using Defensio have been showing this message for about a month:
“There might be a connectivity issue between you and Defensio. Your comments will automatically processed within the next 10 minutes, or when connectivity is restored.”
What is wrong?
]]>I want to be able to empty every sites defensio quarantine. Is this possible?
]]>I have a large site and I’m getting a lot of spam just sat in the data base. I know I can set blogs at an individual level to remove spam after X days but I want to do it sidewide..
Is this possible?
]]>I’ve just noticed that all the links to the stylesheet are made via http instead of https when administering the website via an SSL link.