Throwing an error because of not having a sidebar.php. Something that is allowed by Theme Review Guidelines.
As the plugin isn’t being updated, we (WPTRT) would like to suggest stop recommending using this plugin.
Read more about it:
When I try to check my theme with Debogger, I’m getting weird error like :
”’WP_DEBUG et al.:”’
— Debug: Undefined variable: src2 on line 76 of /wp-content/themes/themename/header.php
=> Error: get_theme_data is deprecated since version 3.4! Use wp_get_theme() instead.
But the problem is I never used get_theme_data in my theme files. I tried to find it somewhere in other files with find & replace, but, even on other files, I couldn’t find any get_theme_data value.
Is it something like bug ?
Thanks for great plugin,
]]>Debogger is great… but it finds an error in itself! As soon as it is activated, it starts throwing this error all over the place:
Warning: Missing argument 5 for myErrorHandler() in /my/web/root/wp-content/plugins/randomplugin/randomfile.php on line x
However, it’s quite simple to fix. Edit wp-content/plugins/debogger/debog.php and change line 31 from this:
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) {
to this:
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext='') {
This change makes errcontext an optional variable that defaults to null, thus preventing the error spam!
]]>Could you explain the difference between Activate Debog, Bypassing, and Suppress Errors options? Cheers.