Developer says he is no longer supporting it; does not work with WP 3.9.
]]>What if I want to change the size of the images (or add more options)?
]]>I like your widget except that it vertically centers the image and crops off the top and bottom, which for certain items, such as clothing, it crops off the model’s head and feet, making the image undesirable.
I have attmpted, through the CSS in my theme to adjust the image, but to no avail. It still remains cropped.
Is there a way to have the plugin leave the image full height?
]]>I really need to set the link at the bottom of the widget to open in a blank window. Please let me know where and how to do this
]]>I installed this plug-in and it worked fine, but the next day I notice that I was getting “No items to display” where the listing images should appear.
I check the Widget and notice that it gives the error “You have exceeded your quota of: 20000 requests per 86400 second(s) for public requests.” under the “Show items…” option. I registered for a new developer API key to see if that would help, and it worked again… until the next day when I got the same error again.
Any ideas why this would happen? I have it set to update every 24 hours, so it should barely be hitting Etsy at all.
]]>I just ran the plugin-check plugin on my site and it reported the following problem.
WARNING: Found PHP short tags in file customizable-etsy-widget/CustomizableEtsyWidget.php.
Line 263: <?
Line 417: <?
There was also a warning about the way you’ve implemented the localisation code but I’d not worry about that too much.
]]>can’t select shop sections. Grid only displays the first line no matter how many rows you enter.
]]>I was having an issue getting the grid to align to the left. With a bit of experimentation I ended up by adding the following to my theme stylesheet. Because the table.etsyItemTable is more specific than just .etsyItemTable it will override the styling added by the widget.
table.etsyItemTable {
margin: 0 5px;
It might be nice if the styling was added as a .css file rather than inline so that it could be cached on the client and work with minifiy etc.
]]>Hi Sneddo,
Thanks for the great plugin!
A suggestion:
I had the widget not being saved in the sidebar, so after “define(‘WP_DEBUG’,true)” in wp-config.php, found my dev system had not extension=php_curl.dll enabled in php.ini. I’d suggest you add some error handling like this in CustomizableEtsyWidget.php ~ li 278
////[alx359] check curl installed or plugin doesn't work
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { // check curl
echo __('<b>curl() is needed! Enable in php.ini</b>','CustomizableEtsyWidget');
$ch = curl_init($url);
]]>Installed this (and another plugin that had the same issue, I’m notifying both) on my site (I run a network) for my users to use on their sites within the network. I have logged in under a user’s account, and though I am able to activate it, the widget never shows up for use on the Appearance -> Widgets screen.
I tried one click installs, installing manually via FTP (the folder as well as just the .php file from the folder), as well as network activating. Nothing seems to make a difference.
I really need one of these two plugins to work! Please help if you are the plugin author, or have dealt with this issue before!
]]>It made the admin bar disappear, and really messed with most of my themes. I didn’t have that problem using it with the previous version of WP together with it tho (worked like a champ then). I don’t know why, but the only thing that made it work right again, was disabling the plugin. I had tried everything else including making sure that the code was there in the header and footer, that was in several of the other issues regarding admin bars disappearing, I finally went through and started removing all the plug ins, one at a time, and then suddenly it worked again.