It looks like there is some deprecated code in the plugin. You’ll see this notice possibly:
The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /srv/path/wp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457asdf
Easy fix. Change custom-post-type-list-widget.php line 18 from:
parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = 'Custom Post Type List Widget');
parent::__construct(false, $name = 'Custom Post Type List Widget');
]]>Not a huge deal, but I was getting some notices in my local environment due to undefined array keys. I depressed them by adding some conditionals. I’m not sure if this it the best way to fix the issue, but it seemed to work:
line 130-136
$title = array_key_exists('title', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['title']) : false;
$post_type = array_key_exists('post_type', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['post_type']) : false;
$orderby = array_key_exists('orderby', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['orderby']) : false;
$maxlines = array_key_exists('maxlines', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['maxlines']) : false;
$pformat = array_key_exists('pformat', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['pformat']) : false;
$desc = array_key_exists('desc', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['desc']) : false;
$trunc = array_key_exists('trunc', $instance) ? esc_attr($instance['trunc']) : false;
The notices were:
Notice: Undefined index: desc in /srv/www/standarddistributing/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-type-list-widget/custom-post-type-list-widget.php on line 135
Notice: Undefined index: trunc in /srv/www/standarddistributing/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-type-list-widget/custom-post-type-list-widget.php on line 136
Just thought I’d throw the fix out there. Everything else seems to work great!
Thanks for the plugin!
]]>Hi, this works for me, thanks. Just to offer some feedback though, it would be great to make the default select option something generic, like ‘Please select’ rather than ‘Select Post’ as it currently is.
As this works with custom post types, which can be used for basically anything from vacancies to products, something like ‘Please select’ would work better – the end-user doesn’t know the data type is a post, so it would look confusing when having say a list of products, for the default to be ‘Select Post’. Even better would be to allow the admin to edit the value from the widget config screen so they can set e.g. ‘Select Product’ or ‘Select Vacancy’ etc.
I had to edit the plugin to change this, which I never like to do, but apart from that niggle it works great, thanks again.
]]>Just curious since it appears to work in 3.6.1 but there hasn’t been an update in a long time and has it tagged:
This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
]]>Hi, how can I change the language of the months displayed on the sidebar?
As you can see in the section called “post it” the dates are in English and I need them in Italian.
Thanks a lot
]]>I am using Custom Post Type List Widget to list the latest posts of a certain post-type. This is a great widget, thanks for your work. …however I am using the ‘shorten long titles’ option to fit into my theme and find that this is also shortening the title elements in the A tag. It would help my SEO if the title elements had the full title. Is there a work-around or is this something which might be fixed in a future version?
Great plugin! Is it possible to get custom post types by category also? This would be perfect if I’ll find a way to add category filtering.
Not a major problem, but I was getting warnings for undefined indexes.
I added the following lines
if(empty($instance)) $instance = array('title' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'maxlines' => '', 'pformat' => '', 'desc' => '', 'trunc' => '');
if(!isset($instance['desc'])) $instance['desc'] = 'false';
if(!isset($instance['trunc'])) $instance['trunc'] = 'false';
on line 28 and 128, which stops the error messages.
]]>Installed and activated the plugin, yet the widget does not appear under widgets.
I really like your plugin. It works very well. However, I wonder if there is a way to display the post date in front of each post list like “Apr 12 | Post Title”. If I could hack this function in your php, may you advise what code should I add? Sorry I am a newbie to php. Your help will be appreciated. Thank you!
I really like your plugin. It works very well. However, I wonder if there is a way to display the post date in front of each post list like “Apr 12 | Post Title”. If I could hack this function in your php, may you advise what code should I add? Sorry I am a newbie to php. Your help will be appreciated. Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I have the latest two posts showing in the sidebar using this widget.
How do I also add the image thumbnail and excerpt for this widget?
If you can let me know what code to put in the php for this plugin then that should sort it out.
Thank you,
]]>Really excited about this plugin, but I’m looking for a way to use the shortcode options to narrow down the list even further. My custom content type is meetings, so I’d like to only show meetings posts for a specific year, therefore the count = last n days function doesn’t work for me. If this isn’t possible, could I limit the posts by a category? Thanks.
]]>This is strange:
Your plugin is working fine in my sidebar, but when I try to use the shortcode, it doesn’t register all the parameters.
“Orderby” and “pformat” work fine, for instance, but “count” does not—it always displays all the posts of the selected type, no matter the value. Since I’m querying a CPT with 3,000+ posts, displaying all of them is out of the question.
Thanks, by the way. This plugin was just what I was looking for.
]]>I’ve spent the last day trying to figure out how to do it, but no luck at all.
All I want is to mark the current selected item on sidebar, so the user could easily figure out where he is.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time creating this widget.
I was wondering if I could get it to be manual positioned in a template (one that isn’t widget aware) and then call it with an echo call.