Just a suggestion – it would be awesome if there was a color picker field option.
]]>Let me explain with a simple example first :
I have created Custom Post Type named “events”
In that I have create a Meta Box named “moredetails”
And in that meta box, I have added 2 custom fields
1. event-type (radio buttons with value as “Upcoming Events” and “Past Events” )
2. event-picture (single file upload)
Now what would like to do is, I want to create archive page(listing page) where all events will be listed under 2 sections left-right side.
Left side : Upcoming Events (here all events having event-type = “Upcoming Events” value will be listed)
Right side : Past Events (here all events having event-type = “Past Events” value will be listed)
I would like to know how to Query these meta keys and compare the values?
Below is what I have done so far, but I that is not working :
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 100,
'post_type' => 'events',
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'DESC',
'meta_key' => 'event-type',
'meta_value' => 'Upcoming Event'
On any page where I have added custom fields whenever I try to update the page all of it’s content from the editor it’s deleted. It’s title stays but all the content from the visual editor it’s gone. This happens both on my localhost and on the remote hosting where the public website sits.
]]>How can I attach the custom meta box I created to the custom post type I have so it will display on every post using a specific template?
It appears this functionality is limited to only work with a “Page”, but I need my custom meta box to be associated with a “Product” custom post type I created.
I expected that when I used the drop down to select the appropriate template from the admin for CFC, the pages using that template would then display it, it still will not display the custom meta box on my “product” custom post-type pages.
I am happy to add the meta box via the custom template, but I have no idea where the code this plugin creates goes to be able to utilize it, so I figured I would ask before I end up skipping this widget and just hand-coding the addition of custom meta box and fields.
If you think you can help, message me at andrew(dot)t(dot)rowland(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get you access to the site so you can take a look.
]]>I′m around this for days, here’s the thing:
I want to show in one page all the categories and their posts, but I want the categories to show, at left, a thumbnail image as well for each category.
I’m using this code to show all categories and posts:
'orderby' => 'none',
'order' => 'DESC'
foreach($categories as $category){
'showposts' => -1,
'orderby' => 'none',
'order' => 'DESC',
'category__in' => array($category->term_id),
echo '<div id="categorias">';
echo '<div class="lista-produtos">';
if ($posts) {
echo '<div class="titulo-categorias"> ' . $category->name . ' </div> ';
foreach($posts as $post) {
setup_postdata($post); ?>
<li><a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
} // foreach($posts
echo '</div>';
} // if ($posts
echo '</div>';
} // foreach($categories
But I want to mixe it with WCK plugin… I′m trying to use this code to get the image:
<?php $categorias = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'categorias', true );
foreach($categorias as $categorias) {
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($categorias['imagem'], 'medium');
echo '<div id="imagem-cat"><img class="img-tamanho" src="'. $attachment_image[0].'"/></div>';
Who can each category item have a left image (different for all itens) with wck?
Please help!
]]>Would it be possible to use for making anonymous posts in BuddyPress on the activity feed and in group posts?
I have created custom fields and also i am able show data added with the help of custom fields creator. Now what i want is to format the data each time while creating the posts… I mean how I can give users functionality to apply formatting on custom fields as per their choice like we do in WYSIWYG editors. I can format with the help of CSS but its fixed. I want to apply formating (font color, font style, size etc.) as per user choice… Plz do reply…
]]>I added a upload custom field to a post that returns a list of PDF files related the the post.
The code I am using, which is working fine, is like this:
<!-- Custom Links for Events Page -->
<div class="event-file-downloads">
$pdfdownloadlink = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'pdfdownloadlink', true);
foreach($pdfdownloadlink as $pdfdownloadlink) {
$file_attributes = wp_get_attachment_url( $pdfdownloadlink['file-upload'] );
echo '<strong>File Downloads: </strong>';
echo '<a href="' . $file_attributes . '" >';
echo '[ ';
echo $pdfdownloadlink['file-link-name'];
echo ' ] ';
echo '</a>';
<!-- End Custom Links for Events Page -->
What I need to do is call this outside the loop. Most of what I have seen uses something like this to call custom fields outside the loop:
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
echo get_post_meta($postid, 'customField', true);
I tried adding global $wp_query; to the original code, that didn’t work. I am just not sure how to modify it to get it to work. Any help anyone could offer would be appreciated.
]]>I am having some trouble (probably something I am doing wrong) with showing a link to a PDF that I am adding to a custom post type with the upload field. I am getting a link to show that looks right but the URL itself is not correct.
$pdfdownloadlink = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'pdfdownloadlink', true);
foreach($pdfdownloadlink as $pdfdownloadlink) {
$file_attributes = wp_get_attachment_url( $pdfdownloadlink['file-upload'] );
echo '<a href="' . $file_attributes[0] . '" >';
echo $pdfdownloadlink['file-link-name'];
pdfdownloadlink = Meta Box Argument
file-upload = The Upload Field
file-link-name = A Text Field for the text that shows the link
The temp URL for an example of this is: https://buffalomedia.net/hosted-sites/nyafp/event/htst/
In this example the URL that is supposed to be showing under “File Download” would be: https://buffalomedia.net/hosted-sites/nyafp/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/HTST.pdf
The URL it is showing is: https://buffalomedia.net/hosted-sites/nyafp/event/htst/h
It is probably something that I am missing, any help anyone can offer would be great! Thanks.
Thank you so much for such a nice plug-in… I liked it very much…
I am having one question:
while displaying images on page it displays in 150x150px size.
I have tried to change in wordpress-creation-kit.css but it won’t affect. I also tried to change it from style.css but it still displaying 150×150 size. I have changed property while uploading to full size nd different sizes but still won’t work.
If anyone solved this Please let me know… -TK
]]>I was wondering if it is possible to add values to repeater fields with a function similar to add_post_meta.
I looked at the WCK API but couldn’t find a solution.
Is there a nice way to do this?
]]>Hi there, i’v made a custom post type, when a editor logs in to post in it, he has the custom post type options bellow, i know they can be hidden from the screen options, but is there a way to hide it from everyone, so I don’t have to login to each account and disable it ?
]]>Hi, is it possible to insert two Custom fiels in the same page?
I’ve created 2 custom meta boxes an pointed them to the same page template, it doesn’t seens to work, but if I repeat the code twice, it repeats twice the meta box. Its hard to explane…
Something like this:
This Works:
$actividades = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'actividades', true );
echo '<ul class="content-act">';
foreach( $actividades as $actividade){
echo '<li>';
echo '<h2>' . $actividade['titulo'] . '</h2>';
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($actividade['imagem'], 'full');
echo '<img src="'. $attachment_image[0].'" width="<'. $attachment_image[1] .'" height="'. $attachment_image[2] .'"/>';
echo '<p>' . $actividade['descricao'] . '</p>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
$actividades = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'actividades', true );
echo '<ul class="content-act">';
foreach( $actividades as $actividade){
echo '<li>';
echo '<h2>' . $actividade['titulo'] . '</h2>';
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($actividade['imagem'], 'full');
echo '<img src="'. $attachment_image[0].'" width="<'. $attachment_image[1] .'" height="'. $attachment_image[2] .'"/>';
echo '<p>' . $actividade['descricao'] . '</p>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
This doesn’t Work:
$actividades = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'actividades', true );
echo '<ul class="content-act">';
foreach( $actividades as $actividade){
echo '<li>';
echo '<h2>' . $actividade['titulo'] . '</h2>';
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($actividade['imagem'], 'full');
echo '<img src="'. $attachment_image[0].'" width="<'. $attachment_image[1] .'" height="'. $attachment_image[2] .'"/>';
echo '<p>' . $actividade['descricao'] . '</p>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
$services = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'services', true );
echo '<ul class="content-act">';
foreach( $services as $service){
echo '<li>';
echo '<h2>' . $service['titulo'] . '</h2>';
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($service['imagem'], 'full');
echo '<img src="'. $attachment_image[0].'" width="<'. $attachment_image[1] .'" height="'. $attachment_image[2] .'"/>';
echo '<p>' . $service['descricao'] . '</p>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
Firstly, I’m a complete novice to forgive me if the solution to this seems obvious.
I have Custom Fields Creator 1.0.3 installed and recently updated WordPress to version 3.5. Since updating WordPress, PDF documents no longer attach to their link when uploaded in a post. See the link
“It only takes one butt” on this page to see what I mean https://kab.org.au/media-centre/. The PDF has been uploaded to this link but no results when the link is clicked. Those that originally built the website say that it is an issue with CFC not being compatible with WordPress 3.5.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’ve got a 3.5 WP install and have tried installing but the WCK menu doesn’t show up. It says it’s active and everything looks right, there’s just no menu.
I’ve tried deactivating all other plugins and deleting and re-installing to no avail. Also tried a manual upload.
I’m not sure if it’s the theme I’m using (WPStarter – https://nik-com.co.rs/wpstarter/) not allowing it or if it’s not ready for 3.5.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Because for non english interfaces Field title and slug is not the same. Disabling automatic generating slug from fields title and creating new textbox “slug” will be fixg this problem. Thank you!
I cannot open a field that has a value for editing. It just sits on the spinner forever. Is this a problem with WordPress 3.5? I don’t remember seeing this previously. Is there a fix in the works?
]]>Hey, I’m trying to get a conditional statement with
<?php $info= get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘info’); if ( isset($info[‘test’]) ) { ?>
but its always a false. Any ideas?
]]>How do you create a custom field in this plugin? I can’t see where you add it.
]]>I’ve been trying so many different custom field solutions for repeating data. I was close to giving up because I didn’t manage to group repeating values. With your plugin it didn’t even take me 5 minutes to set it up perfectly.
Thanks alot!
]]>Whenever i try to save the custom box it resets the name, making it not save successfully (i’m guessing, because it’s not showing up).
Running latest version.
What a fantastic plugin!
I’m using it to display testimonials on a customers site. Some of the texts are quite long and when I had them as html text just in a page, I was using the jQuery Collapse-O-Matic plugin to make the divs collapsible using the [expand][/expand] shortcodes in the div itself.
Is there a way to use this when the text is included in a textarea?
]]>Hi, first off, great job with WCK, they make adding custom post types and custom fields really easy!
I have created a custom field box for specials. For each special you have: type of special, name of special, price, and day of the week.
What I need to do is check to see if there is a special of a certain type (Drink) and if there is echo the other info for the special. But I can’t seem to figure out how to access the next dimensional array to check each key value pair. I am not great at dealing with multidimensional arrays apparently.
Here is what I have so far:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'business',
'meta_key' => 'specials'
$loop = new WP_Query( $args );
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
$specials = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'specials');
foreach( $specials as $special){
if ($special ['type-of-special'] == 'Drink' ) {
echo $special ['name-of-special'];
I created the custom post type of business and added the custom fields to that post type. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Let me know if you need any other information from me. Thanks!
]]>Hey how do I get this working with qTransalte? This is the big Question, this plug in is sweet!
]]>Hi there, first, i’d like to thank you for this plugin. Just making a test drive for a project and it looks really good!
I’d like to know if it is possible to choose a Parent ID, of pages where the meta box should appear, rather than the Post ID or the Template, which in my case i don’t use much, i rather lock things in place and let clients add new pages and cpt’s, ready with just the content to fill.
Other thing, is the Sortable option, which is available in edit rather than when you are creating a new Meta box.
]]>I have several custom post types, however none of them are visible in the select dropdown, only post and page are visible.
Congratulation for this great plugin.
I just want to signale some notices when I activate the plugin with WP 3.4.1.
wck-cfc.php:603 – get_themes is deprecated since version 3.4! Use wp_get_themes() instead.
wck-cfc.php:604 – get_current_theme is deprecated since version 3.4! Use wp_get_theme() instead.
wck-cfc.php:49 – Undefined index: post_type
wck-cfc.php:49 – Undefined index: post
Notice: Undefined index: required in /plugins/custom-fields-creator/wordpress-creation-kit-api/wordpress-creation-kit.php on line 212
]]>I need to create a form for a certain category and a different form for another. I then need the results of each to display in posts. Other categories won’t have a form. I’m not sure if hide if empty will simply solve it but I also need the custom fields to not appear in the posts of the categories that don’t correspond to them when the user is writing the post. So, for meeting minutes, I need the user to select the category “minutes” then use the form to enter the info and have the fields and data display on the front end. If the user selects the category “ideas”, then it would be a different form. How can I accomplish this?
]]>i using below code at single.php
[ Mod note: for code, please use the code button or backticks instead of blockquote. Much easier to read that way. ]
<?php $Information = get_post_meta($post->ID, "Information", true);
if( !empty($Information) )
foreach($Information as $Information) {echo $Information ['Platform'];} ?>
foreach($Information as $Information) {echo $Information ['License'];} ?>
but the custom field still not show
thanks for this great plugin!
is there a way to display textareas with a wysiwyg editor?
thank you