Dear sirs,
Can I send Email automatically if customer select payment ‘Cash on Delivery’??
Thank you
Hi there ?? ,
I am using the Custom Email plugin along with your Email Verification plugin.
I would like to send the verification link in the custom email and am following your instructions under “Shortcodes”:
Appends the verification email to some custom email template
In order to use it, it��s necessary to enable the option “Email > Activation email > Fine tune activation email placement”, disable the option “Email > Activation email > Send as a separate email”, and the option “Emails > Activation email > Email template” should be probably set as Plain.
user_email – The User email. Default value: Verified.
echo do_shortcode(‘[alg_wc_ev_email_content_placeholder user_email=”‘.$email.'”]’) – Appends the verification email content to a custom WooCommerce email template.
However, under Email > Activation Email, I can only enable “Fine tune placement”. But here, it refers to “Customer new account email” instead of a custom email template:
Choose precisely where the activation email will be appended to the “Customer new account” email
I have inserted the shortcode into the custom email and made the settings as per the instructions, but the link is not showing in the email.
On the other hand, if I check “Send verification as a separate email”, at least the shortcode appears in the email, but not as an active link. Instead, it shows as plain text, including the square brackets.
Do I need to add any code elsewhere? Or is this a pro feature?
Edit: Or should I rather post this in the support forum for the Email Verification plugin?
What is the “trick” to getting line breaks in paragraph text in the Email content editor? All the text runs together when sending email.
The html editor ignores and removes any inline css I add.
]]>I set up a custom email with the “New Order” as the Enabled Trigger Groups and woocommerce_new_order|New Local Pickup Order as the custom trigger.
The goal is to set up a custom email that is triggered when a user places an order and selects Local Pickup as the shipping option. How would I successfully configure an email triggered by this event?
]]>Hello, we wanted to setup an email to send after a customer order is placed with any product on backorder (no stock).
Is this possible with your plugin?
Thank you.
]]>Hi dear developers,
in the default emails from woocommerce, the description of the product appears in the email, but not in the custom email. How can I display the product description in the custom mail?
I use the shortcode [order_details] in the email content.
is it possible to get a list of the items purchased in the order?
Can this is possible with this plugin free or pro version…??
I want to send all these emails to my vendors and customers...according to the event...please guide me about can I do that..
More Explanation:
These are all different events upon which we want to send email
Required Automations for VENDORS -
1. Sent immediately after vendor sign-up.
2. Prompted when a vendor signs up or logs in for the first time.
3. Sent if the vendor's profile is incomplete for over 3 days.
4. Sent to vendors on the free package for more than 1 month.
5. Sent upon successful renewal of the vendor subscription.
Required Automation for CUSTOMERS -
6. Prompted when a user visits the shopping section or relevant pages
Is there a limit to the number of custom emails that can be configured in the Premium version? I want to route emails to different WP users dependent on e.g product category
thank you for a great plugin. Everything works fine. How can I add customer’s phone number and email to [order_billing_address]?
Thank you.
Is it possible to use the manual assignment of a WooCommerce Membership to a customer as a custom trigger using this plugin? When we assign the membership to the customer we need an email with their details to go out to them.
]]>After updating your plugin and sending an email from WP woocommerce dashboard about a new order there is no possibility to pay for that order. How to solve this? How to get older your plugin version?
]]>Hi, I want to report you, that scheduled emailas are not sent. They are stacked in line and not processed. I need to use schedule for 5 seconds to invoice link create. Can you please help me with this?
]]>Hi, I would love to use your plugin but have two quesions:
]]>Hi, this plugin works for me.
However, I need to get the first name of the customer on the email content.
I’ve checked the available shortcodes seems the customer or billing first name is not available.
I want to say on my email
Hi [customer_first_name],
And show on the email as
Hi Jayson,
How to do that?
If I make an custom e-mail there are no breaks in the e-mail. This makes the e-mails unreadable.
Could you help me with a solution?
]]>Does this plugin allow you to insert custom content based on the product(s) purchased (kind of like adding an product note in the email for each product purchased) and send this customized email as an order confirmation instead of the default WooCommerce order confirmation email?
]]>Just installed the plugin, configured it and did a test order and nothing was sent. I checked my POST SMTP logs and nada. The trigger was set to “new order (processing)” or “new order (completed)”. The order was marked as completed. There was no delay set for the emails either. I received the order confirmation that is default and sent from Woo so I know emails are working. What’s the problem?
Edit: The email sends when I initiate it from the admin, but it did not send when the order was placed.
]]>Hi there,
According to the plugin it’s supposed to be able to send in bulk from the admin overview, but that option doesn’t appear to show for me? Am I missing something?
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Hello !
First we love your plugin, became indispensable for us and our clients. I just have a question, is it possible to fetch the quantity of a specific product from an order ?
Imagine : I have an order with 3 product : A, B and C
I want the quantity of the C product, or even better the total price of this product, if it is 10� and I have 2 in my order, I need to be able to print “20�”.
Is that possible ?
Thank you very much !
Dear support team,
You created really great product.
I have a question regarding hooks. We need to attach to custom email a button for invoice download. And this button is attached to email to hook woocommerce_email_after_order_table.
Is it possible to add to custom email template this hook?
Or is it already there?
Thank you very much.
]]>Hi i have installed this Custom Emails for WooCommerce pro vesion and genertated 40 custom email templates for diffrent products but issue is that there are 40 cron jobs genrated 1 cron job for one email so it making my site very slow some it breaks when these cron jobs runs. i need to stop or deactivate these cron jobs. To do this which file or code i need to change to stop these cron job?
]]>Hello !
I need help to find this functionality : “Require/exclude order?payment gateways?or?shipping methods.”
I have a special payment gateways, and i need to send an email when an order is made from this special payment gateways, but I can’t seem to find where this functionality is.
I have the pro version of the plugin
Thank you !
]]>Hello there;
I am searching for a solution I have never thought that it would be that hard to find.
Hope you can help me out with your plugin!
We have added a plugin for VAT validation. A customer is able to enter his VAT (optional) to his invoice-address.
Now we want to get notice when a customer has entered a VAT.
Here how it looks at admin page (last field VAT number)
Here a screen how this field is named
Do you have any idea if we can solve this with your plugin?
Thanks a lot for response and advise!
Hi, We are using WooCommerce Points & Rewards plugin but it doesn’t notify the customers when they get points.
Does your plugin provides points and rewards notification email functionality?
Hello, this plugin works perfect when sending custom order notification. I am using Woocommerce Subscription with 3 subscription products (variable). I would like to include WordPress user id of that particular customer in custom order notification html email. I couldn’t find a short code for this. Can you please help. Thank you.
We’re seeing this error in PostSMTP with the recent versions of Custom Emails for WooCommerce. The attachment field was empty in the email template.
Code: 400, Message: Bad Request, Body: {“errors”:[{“message”:”Additional property name is not allowed.”,”field”:””,”help”:null},{“message”:”Invalid type. Expected: string, given: boolean.”,”field”:”attachments.0.type”,”help”:””}]}
Reverting to 1.9.0 resolves the issue and the custom email is sent as expected.
]]>Hello. I use your plugin and email customization plugin – YayMail – WooCommerce Email Customizer on the site. When I try to change the status of an order to the one that was added through your plugin, I get the following message . What is the problem? And in which direction should I dig) Thanks in advance
]]>What about the email texts ready in italia nlanguage or others? Is that possible or if I want to use this plugin in a language that is different from the english, I haveeverytime to set the new text by hand?
]]>Hi, I created a custom email for a specific category, when it goes to Completed. Now, the default mail is still being sent in completed order. How do I disable it for that category?