Due to the fact that this field has a max length of 200 characters it would be amazing if it could be a textarea. This will allow the user to see all the data that is being entered.
Like this.
<textarea name="os2" rows="5" cols="40" maxlength="200"></textarea>
[Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]
Thanks so much for your consideration.
]]>When testing the plugin on a page this was the output I received.
“Paypal email unavailable” also the rest of the page failed to load leading me to think there may be a php error somewhere.
]]>It may be helpful to add the short code users should copy and past to display the plugin somewhere on the setup page.
I’m not sure if you were also thinking of adding it as a widget as well. A lot of users would probably find that also very useful as some don’t like to bother with short codes.
]]>Change “cstdnt_organization_name” for item_name to a custom text field set in setup example “Donation Description”
allow setting of PayPal Email Address – This is the address associated with your PayPal account.
Requested fields for setup input
“Default Donation Value”
“Minimum Donation Amount”
“Website Thank You Message”
“Enable Thank You Email”
“Thank You From Name”
“Thank You Email Address”
“Thank You Email Subject”
“Thank You Email Message” – basic html allowed would be helpful
Replacement Codes Email Message Only
{donor} = Donor Name
{amount} = Donation Amount
Please add filters that allow us to set a minimum donation amount. (example no less then $2 USD)
as from experience I have seen people donate 0.01 as a joke and I get hit with a processing fee greater then the 0.01 donated. This stopped once we were able, through the old plugin, to reinforce a minimum donation amount.
also, if you could add a check box to lock the custom donation box the user can enter to only allow hole dollar amounts that would also be much appreciated.
here is a sample code snip if it helps
<p class="donate_amount"><label for="amount">'.__('Your Donation Amount', 'dplus').':</label><br/><input type="number" name="amount" id="amount" min="2" step="1.00" required value="'.$dplus['default_value'].'" /><br/><small>('.__('Currency: ','dplus').$cur.')</small></p>
also heres a code snip of the filling bar based on total donation amounts vs donation total
$donationtarget = $dplus['donate_target']
$donationtotal = do_shortcode("[donatetotal prefix='0' suffix='0' type='0']");
//remove the spaces
$donationtotal = intval($donationtotal);
//Add any fund additions here
if($donationtotal != 0) {
$percent = ($donationtotal / $donationtarget) * 100;
if($percent > 100)
$percent = 100;
$donationfill = round((100 / 100) * $percent);//190/100
} else {
$percent = 0;
$donationfill = 0;
When you install the plugin WP says an update is available but does not process when “update now” is chosen.
“There is a new version of Custom Donations available. View version 0.0 details or update now.”
]]>Very excited to see a plugin that again allows for custom reoccurring donation amounts.
Currently using “Donate Plus” Version: 1.85 by Author: M. Fitzpatrick
but the reoccurring donation part is broken.
Any chance you could add a recognition/donation wall to your plugin and a donation goal/current level bar that fills itself as donations are provided.
Since Donate Plus has been dead for 5 years it would be great to move to an updated more supported plugin.
Hope you are able to and willing to work these requests into future builds.
WSP Webmaster