Just had a notice about this vulnerability: https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/5cafbba6-478f-4f5d-a2d4-60c6a22f2f1e/
It doesn’t actually affect us too much because we don’t allow users to post on our site, so it would only be if one of our editors went rogue, just just FYI for others.
I’m aware this plug in isn’t being updated any more, so I’m guessing it won’t be addressed?
]]>Just to let you know…
I used do_short('[preview_template]');
in a (php) page template to preview content to non-logged in users with an url like example.com/preview/?id=1234. The shortcode outputs te code below.
[pass global=query fields=id]
[if pass='{ID}' empty=false]
[loop status=any id='{ID}']
[switch type]
[when post][load dir=child file=content-single.php][/when]
[when page][load dir=child file=content-page.php][/when]
[when fotoalbum][load dir=child file=content-fotoalbum.php][/when]
[when sponsor][load dir=child file=content-sponsor.php][/when]
[when mededeling][load dir=child file=content-mededeling.php][/when]
[when ai1ec_event]<p>Activiteiten previewen is helaas niet mogelijk...</p>[/when]
[when default]
[load dir=child file=content-single.php]
[else]<p>Er is hier niets...</p>
[is login]<p><a href="[url site]/wp-admin/post.php?post={ID}&action=edit">Bewerken</a></p>[/is]
When the content of the post contains a YouTube URL to embed a video, the video will show up. Also the [gallery]-shortcode and [gravityform]-shortcode do not work as it has to be.
I resolve this with using echo do_shortcode('[preview_template]');
instead of do_short('[preview_template]');
Firstly, Eliot, thanks for all you have done with the creation and maintenance of Custom Content Shortcode over the eight years you have looked after it. I completely understand the need to move to something new and with you well with your new plugin, Loops and Logic, from Tangible (interesting that Tangible actually built two of our sites – Infocube.com.au and ExploringTM1.com).
Obviously we now need to remove CCS and probably move to Loops. A couple of questions:
Thanks again for your help,
]]>I understand this plugin is no longer in active development but can you clarify – for existing users – whether you intend to fix vulnerabilities?
]]>Line breaks are not appearing in my text, I am kind of new to this but have tried everything I can think of. I have tried <br>, separate <p>s, I saw on those threads that format=true should help but I am unsure if that is something to be done in PHP.
]]>I loved this plugin. Please bring it back!
]]>Hello there,
I’m using ACF for a comparison website. On the end of each text I would like to put a text with shortcodes which pull and print values.
E.g.: The Mercedes-Benz models on this page cost between [field price] (highest price) and [field price] (lowest price) Euro.
Is there a possibility to output the highest and lowest price via the shortcodes? What do I have to add for this?
Kind regards!
Is it possible to add numeration to posts title as it is here:
As you see before each post there is a counting number as 000,0001,…
I like to add something like this, whenever a new post added, a +1 bigger number will add before the post title.
]]>I’ve noticed that if you’re using a custom image field (eg: via ACF) and you use a shortcode in a post you’re unable to output the image from that post if it’s outside of a loop, but it does work if you include a loop that references the current post.
For example, this does not work:
[field image=custom_image_field]
But this does:
[loop id=this]
[field image=custom_image_field]
Is there any fix for this?
]]>Hi, sorry for disturbing you again.
I’d just like to understand, why this part of code doesn’t work, and how to do instead..
[-pass field=adminsitrators]
[users include='{FIELD}']
Admin: [user]
Contact: [user email]
Really need to mind this gap, I’ve almost 50 pages to create after that with this kind of dynamic content
I have a specific need, I don’t understand how to ?
I’d like to display single content and lists of custom post, by I need to filter this content by value passed in custom field..
To explain, I need to manages Tennis Clubs in my Back Office, but I would like to filter by my ‘adminsitrators’ acf == current_user to display on front page.
I’m lost can you help my on this one.
Thanks by advance..
Regards from France
]]><meta name="citation_title" content="[field title escape=true]">
This does not work for me, the shortcode appears as just the shortcode, and not the post title. I’ve tried without the escape attribute, without quotes, and other variations.
I’m using the GeneratePress theme builder to add the snippet into the <head> area, and the following both work:
[field title escape=true]
<a href="[field title escape=true]">
Any suggestions, otherwise I may have to try Tangibble’s Loops & Logic plugin, or use PHP.
]]>Would be nice to be able to dismiss the message:
]]>Thank you for using Custom Content Shortcodes. Please see a message from the author about plugin retirement.
I hope anyone can help me. I tried to use Custom Content Shorcode to find a solution to my problem, that is I just want a list of all possible post tags that are in my website. I was able to make a loop of posts an display there tags, but thats not what I would like to do. I made a loop to see all possible types, but tags is a taxonomy. So can you use that too?
So, can i use this plugin, or is there a better way? (not using php code)
Thanks, Peter van Dijck
How can I see if the plugin is actually used on a website? It’s active, but the original website developer made a mess of the site (and doesn’t respond) and the client doesn’t know anything about this plugin. So we have to figure out if the plugin is used and needs to be migrated or if it can be removed.
Is there a list of all possible shortcodes, so I can search the post table in the database or any other method to figure this out?
After update to 4.0.1, Custom content shortcode not working. I am using the following shortcode. My WordPress version is 5.9
[loop type=movie tag=HispanicActresses20s orderby=field key=kodex_post_likes_count order=DESC]
<li>[field title-link]
[field thumbnail]
[field image-title]
[field excerpt]
<b><i>If any name is missed, please add to the list by uploading the celeb's name and photo in the section below</i></b>
One of my shortcodes that was created to show user profile on the page, breaks if it is placed there by editors. I don’t know why shortcode will not work. Only admins can succefully paste generated shortcode and it will work. Any idea why? This started after latest update.
]]>The Changelog mentions “Enable certain shortcodes only within posts authored by an admin user”.
Which shortcodes? I need to be able to check.
At RightSupply.net and .info we have based all our complext sustainability reports of organizations in shortcodes of this plugin. We have done a very hard and complext job during two years thanks to this plugin.
For us, change to another pluging will be like a dissaster and would be also a greate inconvenience.
Now, with the last update... our image shortcodes doesn't work.
Please may at least fix this issue....
Thank you in advance,
I see this plugin is blocked, does anyone have some insight? Its so good. It should be a feature in WordPress.
]]>Dear Eliot,
let me say a few grateful words to you: Your plugin has been the entry point for many web developers who are afraid to delve into the shallows of PHP and yet can accomplish great functions with it, just using pure logic. This has made wonderful applications possible.
It’s good to know that you’re giving this valuable plugin a defined end. It deserves that and so do you. Thank you so much for your years of sacrificial work for the community.
]]>I have a category, and I can only call its value with the following shortcode [taxonomy _mark].
My current structure:
– Model
I would like to show the value of each field.
]]>I had the [field excerpt] shortcode placed within a text area type ACF field named “cas_question” and until recently it worked just fine – when rendered in the front-end (again with shortcode) the ACF field [acf field=”cas_question”] would show the contents of the post excerpt.
Recently, after the latest ACF plugin updates this setup stopped working. I believe this is due to ACF versions 5.11.1 and 5.11.2 after which calling the ACF shortcode on non-ACF options or post, user or term meta will return null, whereas before it might have returned the value. Explained in more details in their post here https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-field-functions/
Please, any suggestions to fix this?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, working with WPML, the shorcodes works fine in default language pages, but not in the pages generated by the WPML plugin (other languages).
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hey Eliot, we just update our site’s Beaver Builder Version to 2.5.1, and one of the post modules where we had added the [field excerpt words=25] shortcode caused an error. Here is a screen of the log
Would you mind checking the CCS compatibility?
Thank you.
]]>How do I use the plugin?
Do I have to input the code on a text editor or do I have to create the shortcode in the shortcode menu?
Do you have a video tutorial?
Im getting to grips with your plugin and it’s AWESOME.
I have a little request that’s over my technical ability.
I have Cloudflare Geolocation which allows me to capture the country code for the user’s IP with this:
$country_code = $_SERVER[“HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY”];
Is it possible to take this and create an ‘if’ statement that would compare the user IP with an ACF field for country codes e.g
[If $country_code and field=country_codes keyword=GB]
//this text//
Looking to centralize some code, where the code can be called from a variety of different places, and output different variable names. Is there anyway to dynamically generate a variable name like this?
(Types = front, side, back)
[set type]side[/set]
[pass vars]
[set {TYPE}]value[/set]
[get side]
]]>Hi Eliot,
I’m very pleased with your plugin, however I noticed some deprecated php while debugging. https://prnt.sc/239sdu8
Do you have any plans for a new release in the near future?
Kind Regards!
First, this is an amazing plugin.
I’m using it to show related posts (ACF) like this: [related dogs]
I’d like to order the output and I’ve tried [related dogs orderby=title] and [related dogs orderby=name] but the order is not changed.
Is this possible or am I missing something?
Thanks, Richard