Hi There,
I have used this plugin to display three business locations on this page:
However, the opening hours are only showing for the third location – Muscleworks (Bethnal Green). I have entered the hours for the other two locations but they are not showing up when you click them…
Can you advise please?
Many thanks
]]>How can i translate the week days into spanish.
]]>Hi there,
Great plugin, just wanted to draw attention to this error in the dashboard. The offending line is 207 in custom-business-locations.php,
if ( !$_GET['page'] == 'custom_business_locations')
change this to:
if ( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'custom_business_locations')
and you’re sweet.
]]>Not sure if this is by design but I hope not. You can only click on the map icons to select a location on the left. If you try to click on a location in the left content (area), it doesn’t select and open that content. That’s the first thing someone thinks to do is click on the location header, not the icon. This is especially handy if some icons are not in the view of the map. Can this be added?
I updated this morning and it seemed to break the plugin as I had it set up. Page with the shortcode displayed a red box saying there were no locations, settings page didn’t seem to remember the Google Maps API key I had inputted. Also seems the plugin update changed from using a custom “Locations” post type, which I really liked, to using a settings page to add locations. I reverted back to the previous version and will probably keep it as such.
]]>Setting up a demo site for a client, trying to add their locations using your plugin. I got them all set up and then when adding the 4th location I got a “Fatal PHP Error, Cannot use string offset as an array in”.
A link (with error) is available here.
I tried:
Deleting and reapplying.
Deleting the options within phpmyadmin
A combination of the above
Nothing fixed it, same exact error every time.
]]>Nice looking plugin, with the custom post types and all. But unfortunately when I activate it, the MySiteMyWay theme I am using (Persuasion) no longer loads its images on the homepage–they get stuck with a spinning ajax loader. Probably the plugin javascript is conflicting somehow, so would be nice if it was only called on pages that actually show the map.
If it were working for me, I would also like the option to add more than 1 phone number (e.g. for a cell and fax line), and to be able to hide the business hours when they are not relevant.
]]>Hi there
Very nice plugin – but one problem. Is there a limit on the number of locations? I have added 20, but only about 10 will show on the map at once? Any ideas how i can have all of them?