How do i send points to author without manually writing his name.
I want to havr a button on every post which automaticle sends points to author.
]]>I was wondering if this plugin is still active? I left a comment yesterday, but found it missing today…not sure what happened…
]]>%points% ..and how to paste this shortcode on custom account page? where is shortcode like [shortcode] ?
]]>This plugin has not been tested with 3 major releases of WordPress. Please update it. Thanks.
]]>I wanna use affiliatewp n some addons to grow downline builder website. Do u integrate with affiliate wp?
]]>Hi hello , i try to find how its work the shortcode for youtube module Cubepoints
i can not find any were.
Tank you in advance
Нello! Help! I can not understand what a short code for a paid content module. I’m new. Help me please! Thank you!
]]>I believe this was the greatest point plugin. With donations i hope someone can continue developing it
]]>Help me to view user rank and point for all user. They will be place on bottom user name in worpdress comment list. like this picture :
I need php code and place for use it. I really need help here. Sorry my english realy bad.
]]>can a user request deposit his money if he have money in his wallet
]]>Can you develop Integration with Woocommerce ?
Thanks for a great plugin, here is a few features i really could use
The possibility of the point system in 0.00000001 so it can be “Bitcoin satoshis” instead of points.
Hi, I want to create a page and have the rank shown to users, so they can check on their position and of their friends.
I’ve searched everywhere I can find, but didn’t see this option. How do I activate it?
]]>what would be cool is to have points when sponsoring a friend
Thanks ??
++ nicolas
]]>Does it works with the latest version ?
]]>I have set the points for creating new group forum topics to a negative value. Is there a way to disallow new topics if the user does not have enough points?
]]>Hey guys,
Great work on the plugin so far! It may turn out to be exactly what I’m looking for. The only thing I would like to change is to customize the Point Settings. I don’t necessarily care if someone makes a comment in general, but it would be very helpful to reward people for specific kinds of comments. For example, to earn points for writing a review on someone else profile.
Also would it be possible for this plugin to communicate with another one I have installed (BadgeOS)? I would like users’ points to increase as they earn badges through BadgeOS.
]]>Can you release an updated version compatible with WP-4.1 ?
]]>Is it possible to integrate a transfer fee module?
transfer 10 points to user xxx + 10 points or percent fees
Hi. It is great plugin. I use him with theme SweetDate, you can see:, but:
On the profile pages is small box, where is showing number of points for each user. Issue is background of this box. Background of this box is different in each browser. Chrome, Opera are good, there are dark blue background and white letters, but Firefox displays yellow background and letters are not visible.
Is it possible fix it?
Have you guys considered making a payment gateway for applications similar to online stores? Where user can pay using points? How about that? And maybe a full package with carts an all other components. That would be cool plus that’s what we all want.
If I remember correctly, you guys used to have Buddypress and bbPress integration? If not, I think you should consider it. Also, something that I came across when adding a payment gateway – they said that they required that points rewards expire, and that the lifetime of the points shouldn’t exceed 1 year. Could an expiration feature per user be applied? Thanks!
Is there any cubepoints module to give points to birthdays?
]]>I apologize – I translate the message by Google.
When you work with the plugin was necessary additional award-winning author. But giving away all consecutive Points – do not want. And then the best factor is the popularity of the post. Extremely begs function accrual of additional points for views. For example, if the author of the fasting month Viewed 10,000 times, the author will get a bonus.
More would be nice except for the text represent points in the plugin to be able to add a picture of the points.
Well, of course, begs the functional likes paying for social networks.
]]>with wordpress 4.0, CubePoints trigger this Notice:
Notice: wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks.
this patch should fix it:
— notice.php.orig 2014-10-14 15:26:06.165718687 +0800
+++ notice.php 2014-10-14 15:21:07.041688878 +0800
@@ -30,22 +30,24 @@
* Enqueuing Scripts
– wp_register_script(
– ‘jQuery_notice’,
– WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__)). ‘jquery.notice.js’,
– array(‘jquery’),
– ‘1.0.1’
– );
– wp_register_style(
– ‘jQuery_notice’,
– WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__)). ‘jquery.notice.css’
– );
– function cp_notify_script(){
+ function cp_notify_script(){
+ wp_register_script(
+ ‘jQuery_notice’,
+ WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__)). ‘jquery.notice.js’,
+ array(‘jquery’),
+ ‘1.0.1’
+ );
function cp_notify_style(){
+ wp_register_style(
+ ‘jQuery_notice’,
+ WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__)). ‘jquery.notice.css’
+ );
@@ -126,4 +128,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
I was about to do a donation to this awesome plugin, but when I went active modules, no modules! Why the modules not show up in the menu? Even the defaults (like notify).
I saw others topics, no oficial answers? Where are the support team?
]]>Is there any Module For cubepoints which users should register to see hidden objects ?
I would like the ability spend cube points on other sites.
]]>Is this plugin dead? Is anyone still supporting this plugin? It is an awesome plugin! I hope someone keeps it going…
I am using this plugin pro version
When using the link below to make a booking
The page redirects to a shopping card where the user confirms the details, how ever the booking never gets placed and the “Cart Page” states You have not booked any events yet. Your cart is empty.
I have Disabled all plugins except the events plugin and yours, i have also set it to the default WP 2011 theme, i have also contacted the WP Events plugin developer and have confirmed the p;ugin works when your plugin is disabled
Please can you advise / investigate
If you need access to my testing site them please let me know