I have Exported the settings. Made an importer by clicking the file the exporter generated. Message: Import Complete, 4 Importers
But when i click the tab Importers i see “loading” and nothing happens.
I’m using version 0.6.1 of the plugin and I’m trying to import data into a Custom Post Type created using WP-Types and WP-Toolset. When I try to import the data, I get the following message:
Imported 0 posts and 0 comments in 0.00 seconds.
The columns in my CSV are: csv_post_type, csv_post_title, csv_post_post, csv_post_excerpt, db-product-code, db-pack-size, db-uom, csv_post_categories and db-group. There’s about 50 rows of data and everything seems good. So why isn’t it importing?
]]>Getting the following error.
Post 2000 to update does not exist.
Post 2001 to update does not exist.
Post 2002 to update does not exist.
Post 2003 to update does not exist.
Post 2004 to update does not exist.
Skipped 5 posts (most likely due to empty title, body and excerpt).
For some reason it’s not creating posts based on the ID. The old CSV Importer would. All important fields are populated in the csv file. Am I missing something?
Thanks for any help.
]]>Hi Jason
I am trying to import the featured images with the post(custom posts) but not able top figure out what should be the column name and value.
I have uploaded the image in the upload folder using media and wants to pass the url of that image.
]]>Importing custom post type posts with a custom taxonomy is importing taxonomy the terms with a hierarchy instead of flat (all terms should be top-level)
I’m probably formatting something improperly in my csv file, but not sure what I should do to correct it. Is there an email address I can send my file to for help?
]]>Hello There,
I have been using this plugin for quite some time and really love it. However, of the late, the plugin seems to be importing all the posts in csv file multiple times and never stops. Just goes on importing the same post over and again.
I have tried creating the same csv file in ms-dos & mac format.
I don’t know what’s wrong and where (if its the csv that is causing this or if its the plugin).
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
I want to register a custom taxonomy to put additional tags in the plugin field (highlighted in red). Can you provide me exact csv_ctax_???? and what function do i have to add in function.php
can you also tell me how to set featured images (placed in media library) using their URLs
]]>When I try to import my CSV, it simply brings me to /tools.php?page=csv-importer-improved%2Fcsv_importer.php and it’s just a blank screen. Nothing happens, and the posts are not created.
I’m using the sample insurance portfolio from this site: https://support.spatialkey.com/spatialkey-sample-csv-data/
Smth goes wrong!
Instead replacing existing values it creates duplicates of fields with new values from csv-file!
How it s possible?!
I had only 110 posts (custom tax)! In 1 post for 1 custom field was 1 value! As the result for 110 feilds were 110 values in 110 posts
after importing somne posts for several times with same id, I have 328 values for 110 posts!
how replace it now?!
How to import thumnails for my custom tax?
I can t import values of csv_post_thumbnail column
what s the reason?
I’m now getting this message, “Skipped 30 posts (most likely due to empty title, body and excerpt)” – even on previously successful csv files. All titles/headers have remained the same.
]]>I am hoping that someone is still looking at this forum, it seems like there hasn’t been much activity.
The import is choking on the following characters: é and ?.
I have saved as .csv with UTF-8 encoding, but it continues to fail with the following error: “Skipped 1 posts (most likely due to empty title, body and excerpt).”
If I remove those characters, the record is imported without any problems.
Any ideas?
]]>I am importing two different custom taxonomies and have noticed that if the value is already present in the taxonomy, it doesn’t get selected on the imported record. However, if I specify a new value that isn’t already present, then the value is imported and selected as expected.
Have you seen this behavior?
]]>I am using an old version of Excel. I downloaded one of the example files and was able to import it using your plugin. However, as soon as I saved the file in Excel (still as a .csv) it would no longer import. I tested this using Apple’s Numbers app (saving as .csv and then importing) and it worked fine. Thought you might like to know.
I just tried to import our dealer database and everything looks good. However when I go to the dealer ‘posts’ nothing has been imported.
Can anyone help?
]]>Hello, I have a concern with the plugin after importing my csv I seem to have an error.
That’s what gets me:
Getting rid of byte order mark …
Imported 0 posts and 0 comments in 0.05 seconds.
On my csv I have only one line.
thanks in advance
I am wondering if one can use this plugin to import custom file fields? Maybe you could pass in a url and the file would be saved?
I’ve been struggling to load Product images for WooCommerce.
In the support forum for CSV Importer I found this post: , a user called dracula385 got something right.
Please consider improving the plugin even more by using this modification.
In the CSV file I used a column header for the image called “_wp_attached_file”.
In the CSV file use ONLY the name of the image file, not the URL.
CSV with (utf-8)chinese and english is saved as utf-8 without BOM by notepad++.
It is found that chinsese could not be the first character in either
post excerpt or title field. e.g.
abc(chinese)(chinese)(chinese) works, but
(chinese)(chinese)(chinese)abc will become only ‘abc’
the csv at
the content is shown at
the result is shown here
Best Regards,
Since updating this plugin the posts have started to all import as drafts, despite not selecting the “import posts as drafts” option when importing.
We’re running the latest version of WordPress, the TagDiv Newspaper Theme, and I’m importing into a custom post type which has been created with WP Toolset. (We’re using the latest version of all plugins and the theme as well).
If there’s anything that can be done about this, we would be hugely grateful; we import a large amount of content each week – we use it to power the listings page here: https://www.londoninstereo.com/listings/ – so manually marking each post as ‘published’, even in bulk, is quite a time-consuming task.
Many thanks
]]>After I upgraded to the latest version, all posts imported since upgrade are in draft status? WHy this happen? Thanks.
]]>Thank you, thank you, thank you for updating the prior developer’s work on this CSV importer.
The only thing I really wish it could do that it doesn’t is to append content at the beginning of a post (without replacing the post content) or just replacing the post content.
Why it matters? I don’t want to lose the comments associated with the post, some of which have many comments. I’m using my WordPress as a tracking system for collections. The comments are the activity history of the collectors. The post content is the contact data, which can change from month to month when a client changes address or billing contact, account status etc. I dump this information from the business database and manually make changes when we already have that account number in our collections system, so we can keep the collection history.
I left a 5 star rating (and I rarely rate plugins, but you have really made my day with this one). Thanks for any suggestions or enhancements to the plugin.
When I import data from csv, I see that one custom field is not imported for a few custom posts whereas others are. To be precise-
I have a list of preschools.Preschool is a custom post I have created. The custom fields consists of address, contact numbers, e-mail ids. For a few posts , address field is not imported. It shows blank. May I know why? Are there any particular rules like quotes, spaces, length of field etc., that are being violated?