I’d like to do some modifications to this plugin. I’d prefer to continue your version than start a new repository. The changes I would make are this:
– Custom folder, so that the storage of CSS is theme independent
– Add support for global CSS files with this plugin, so it’s the only one you need
– Possibly add support for JS files as well, again so this is the only plugin you need
Would you be interested in giving me access to the SVN to continue your work? My username is jamesdlow You can see a list of what I’ve worked on in the past here:
But I understand if you’d rather keep you as the only author.
I had to search for this plugin a few times even though I knew exactly what I was looking for.
It might help to tweak the title a bit, which would also reflect the total plugin.
I was thinking something like “Custom Css and Custom Css File Selector”. Or something like “Custom Css and Multiple Css File Selector”
I know when I search the repository I just type “custom css”. The title now really doesn’t help for a basic term search like that.
Just a thought. I tweaked the plugin a little bit including to look for just a specific directory instead of all the css files related to my theme. Seeing the unrelated css files or system css files for a theme can make it more a learning curve for other end users.
]]>Does the plugin handle them?
This is great plugin.
I like the approach and interface of how to include multiple stylesheets to any page or post.
I have one problem though as I could really test this.
I’m using a child theme and Css File Selector picks up all the stylesheets of my parent theme, which is a framework and none of my actual theme, the child.
Thoughts on this?
I would like if we could add a filter or setting that forces Css File Selector to just look for css in one directory. Many or even all of the stlysheets we would apply for frontend tweaks are in one place or can be included in one place to manage theme efficiently. If it picks up every stylesheet of the theme like it does for picking up my framework parent are unneeded.
Example: editor-style.css which is for the tinymce editor or a rtl stylesheet. Those would never be frontend and so don’t need to be listed as an option from Css File Selector.