Hi, I can’t find the settings for this plugin to allow me to create my own shortcode. I can’t find it in the documentation either. Please help
]]>No support, author doesn’t reply to question in support forum, and shortcode doesn’t work. In short: AUPI (another useless plug-in)
]]>I’ve set up one custom post type, and need to set up a second one that will simultaneously work with the first.
]]>I am also having trouble with the short code not working. I input devotional under “Enter your short code” and then [devotional limit=”-1″] on my page but nothing shows up on the page.
]]>I really like the clean simple way this all works, and, I was unable to make your shortcode work, in a sidebar page of my theme in which I’ve been using other shortcodes on other pages for a while… Maybe I don’t understand how your shortcode works, and it would be nice to know that it does… ??
In the meantime I have found an elegant workaround using the Custom Content Shortcode plugin, which does just fine presenting the custom posts your plugin creates so well, using sp_cpt for the custom post type …
Rather than telling you all the different things I did to try and get your shortcode to work, using the example you give, maybe you could just give me here the actual shortcode that should work, if I give you what I entered for the shortcode on your settings page…? And then I could just copy and paste it in… And report back to you here how it went…
What I entered on your settings page for the shortcode is “EVENTS” without the quotes…
Kind regards…
For some reason when my posts are listed, there are two links that lead to the full post. One is “continue reading”, the other is “Read More”.
Do you know how I can remove one of these? Thank you.
My issue is once you click on a test post, it doesn’t go to that full post page?
The main blog page where I put my shortcode looks awesome, just how I want it to look. But once you click on one of the posts, It goes to an error page?
Not sure what I’m doing wrong?