By default the .cchk-widget has padding and a grey border – I want to remove the border and the padding, but the nested div doesn’t have a class. Could you tell me how to remove this border please? I’ve tried using #cchk-widget:nth-child with no luck.
Thanks in advance
Update: Found the correct selector – #cchk-widget div {
I’m finding that it’s not possible to display a widget (in my case the Company Rating widget) more than once on a page. The first instance displays ok (with the Coursecheck logo, number of rating etc), but the second and subsequent ones just show a simple ‘View reviews’ hyperlink.
Is that intentional behaviour? Is there any way to show the widget more than once?
Latest version of plugin, WP v6.1.1, various browsers and devices.
Hello. The plugin looks great. Any chance you can include the Schema Markup to give this some real value in terms of SEO?