It seems this plugin has a conflict with Revolution Slider.
The slider will disappear and leave just a big open white space where the slider should be.
If I deactivate Cool Image Share, then slider will come back.
Is it possible to exclude revolution slider so it doesn’t get affected by the plugin? I tried using different CSS classes to exclude but that didn’t seem to work.
How can we fix this?
Is there any option (or this plugin is not supposed to work in that way) that when press any sharing variant on the image it shares exactly this image, not just whole page?!
]]>Hi, I really love your plugin.
I Know this is really basic but please could you tell me in layman’s terms how to disable the share feature for a specific image on my blog post?
I mean as if you were talking to a child, (I promise to buy you a coffee)!
Thanks in advance.
I have configured the minimum image size in 300, 500 and even 800 x 800 px but I can’t avoid that share icons appear huge on the post thumbnails related.
This makes category clusters inaccessible for users.
Thank you for your help
This plugin is not working with autoloading next post or we can say it is not working in ajax loaded post. Could you please let me know what can be the issue?
]]>Здравствуйте, Александр!
Плагин замечательный, спасибо Вам за труд!
На моем сайте он работает только в вертикальной ориентации, как только выставляю в настройках горизонтальную – панель не отображается вообще и все изображения aligncenter и alignright позицианируются alignleft.
(подключен плагин ленивой загрузки изображений a3 Lazy Load)
Как исправить, подскажите пожалуйста!
Hi. When I try to share a picture on FB, the whole page appears, but not the selected picture.
You said fb does not support the sharing anymore, but it works with other plugins.
Can you please tell me if you are you g to implement Cool Image?
When I test the share buttons on the images, the post featured image is the default versus the actual image being shared.
Thank you.
]]>Is it possible to share to WhatsApp?
]]>Будут ли добавлены кнопка яндекс коллекции? Картинки отправляются через принтерест не по https.
]]>hi there
your plugin looks great and i’ve implemented it with a meta tag generator. however, although the pinterest and google+ share windows includes the chosen image, they don’t appear when sharing with facebook and twitter.
is this a known problem with the plugin and fb and tw? if so, is there a fix on the way?
many thanks
Sharing doesn’t seem to be working from my iphone to Facebook. I did search the forum & found a message from 6 months ago that talked about FB not recognizing the share option. Is this still the case?
]]>When I try to exclude the share buttons for certain images using the suggest CSS class = “.no-share” the buttons still appear. What am I doing wrong?
social icons on images doesn’t shop up ? still link underline can be seen.
Can you help to solve this ?
Hello, we are very happy with your plugin and we first want to thank you for it!
Our only issue is that the sharing buttons appear on our Spider FAQ which is strange since it is not composed of images (just the – and + buttons png).
Even by modifying the minimum image size inside the settings of your plugin, using the “exclude” option (.spider or .Spider WordPress FAQ plugin), or writing a div class no-share directly in the editing of the FAQ page, all this hasn’t worked.
I’ve read other conversations in the support thread and I saw someone suggesting to add a line code in the cool-image-share.php but I’m ashamed to say I couldn’t find this php in our wordpress.
Thanks in advance for your help, we would be very grateful to you!
На всех последующих иконки висят постоянно в левом верхнем углу.
]]>Minimum image size: You can prevent the icons panel from being displayed on small images.
This doesn’t seem to be working correctly, when I set the minimum size to exclude my affiliate images the image just doesn’t show up at all on my website. Is there a way to not have the share icons on these images but have the image themselves show up?
Hi Flector,
today i met your plugin Cool Image Share. I think I like it!
Could you spend the social links a class? like <a href=… class=”???”
I cannot set classes in shortcodes like .no-share
With a class i can exclude social links in other ways.
Thank you for this plugin!
Best regards from Germany
Добрый день, Flector. Помогите мне, пожалуйста, с моей проблемой. Не могу убрать панель с маленькой картинки в версии для печати.
Что попробовала сделать:
1. Увеличила минимальный размер картинки, когда появляется панель.
2. Добавила класс картинки (.wpurp-recipe-image) в исключения.
Что я делаю не так? Заранее спасибо за ответ ??
]]>On the page in question i use inspect to find out the name of the thumbnail
I think it is .etsy-shop-listing-card
So i place that as follows into the option that says…EXCLUDE
However it’s not working, the share icons do not disappear
Please advise, otherwise this plugin works great but i will need to uninstall if i cannot fix this issue!
]]>Looks like face book Deprecated custom image parameter. Can you please clarify?
As of April 18, 2017, the following parameters are no longer supported by Graph API versions 2.9 and higher. For versions 2.8 and lower, the parameters will continue working until July 17, 2017.
Is *possible* ?
https://zkl.dk/graphics/ if you hover the image and you click share on twitter… It shares https://zkl.dk/graphics/ not https://i2.wp.com/zkl.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Version_FDN.png?resize=724%2C1024&ssl=1 is it possible to share the image URL not the page URL?
Plz, in plugin setting have position:
– Top Left
– Top Right
– Bottom Left
– Bottom Right
– Center
I want modify position of “Cool Image Share” to “Bottom Center”, but i don’t know how do it. If you have anyway to custom this plug in position, please help me.
Thank so much!
]]>Error message ‘ERROR LOADING RESOURCE’ after sharing on Facebook.
This plugin works really well for me, but I do not want it to run on my galleries pages. Is there a way to exclude galleries pages, or certain pages in general?
Thank you for you time.
This plugin is almost perfect for me. I love the options and settings.
I have just one trouble. I need to disable the plugin for galleries. Unfortunately, in Galleries the buttons appear beside the images and they remain.
I’m fine with just disabling the plugin for galleries. I cannot add a CSS class to each image in a gallery because that option is not available for gallery images either.
Any solutions? Any thoughts for workarounds?
Thanks for your time.
]]>The share icons do not appear in the gallery section of https://unhcr.ca/fromhometohome when the feature image is selected (the full size image will load), however, the plug-in works fine on the individual page, seen here: https://www.unhcr.ca/fromhometohome/blog/portfolio/uday-from-iraq/
The author of the theme suggested that the Cool Image Share plug-in may have a compatibility issue because the gallery items are called via Ajax.
Is it possible to define another class like “no-share” where the display is inline? This way the icons can appear at all times on the gallery items but still hidden on all other images throughout the site.
]]>При установке плагина – перестает открываться страница
]]>The share buttons appear on the front page of saucemonsters.com. I reduced the dimensions of when the buttons should appear, but now the buttons are missing from most mobile posts. I would like to block the buttons from the home page. Is there a way to do that?
]]>The widget Cool Image Share has a problem with the pinterest button, this can be seen in the screenshot