I can’t connect to openfire XMPP server
Plugin configuration:
Bosh Server:
Register Placeholder:
Default Domain:
Registration Domain:
When I click login button, messages
Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/services/httpd/vhosts/www.my.domain.com/wp-content/plugins/conversejs/conversejs.php on line 139″
in logs appears.
My enviroment is as follow:
PHP: 7.4
WordPress: 5.7
I activated the plugin and configure but nothing is displayed …
In my console i have:
bootstrap-native.js:572 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property 'isAnimating' on boolean 'false'
at new j (bootstrap-native.js:572)
at P (bootstrap-native.js:1452)
at a.initCallback (bootstrap-native.js:1458)
at Object.o (bootstrap-native.js:1463)
at Object.<anonymous> (bootstrap-native.js:5)
at Object.<anonymous> (bootstrap-native.js:5)
at n (bootstrap:19)
at Module.<anonymous> (converse-message-view.js:292)
at n (bootstrap:19)
at bootstrap:83
j @ bootstrap-native.js:572
P @ bootstrap-native.js:1452
a.initCallback @ bootstrap-native.js:1458
o @ bootstrap-native.js:1463
(anonymous) @ bootstrap-native.js:5
(anonymous) @ bootstrap-native.js:5
n @ bootstrap:19
(anonymous) @ converse-message-view.js:292
n @ bootstrap:19
(anonymous) @ bootstrap:83
(anonymous) @ bootstrap:83
pluggable.js:173 Could not find dependency "converse-roster" for the plugin "converse-chatboxes". If it's needed, make sure it's loaded by require.js
pluggable.js:173 Could not find dependency "converse-controlbox" for the plugin "converse-muc". If it's needed, make sure it's loaded by require.js
I use the Virtue theme
Can you help me?
Thank you
I’ve installed the plugin and on wp-admin got error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_add_privacy_policy_content() in myserver/wp-content/plugins/conversejs/conversejs.php on line 89
I have wordpress 4.9.7
]]>Hi Camaran,
I’ve installed your plugin version 4.1.0,
configured all needed parameters on backend, expecially for BOSH server,
but trying to access I just get wheel without being able to access.
Some hours ago I was installed Converse.js from git and all was working right. Now, after installing the plugin I can’t even log in from the git version.
It could be a firewall problem ..
Eventually where I could look into converse logs?
Many thanks!
your site “https://chatme.im/” seems abandoned!
]]>I am still testing with version
The session does not remain active.
I have tried with and without the custom variable = keepalive:true,
Reading the docs, it suggests to use keepalive:true, (which is the default, so not really needed??) along with authentication:’prebind’,
However, when you use both keepalive and authentication, you also need to specify jid.
jid would be the user ID. is there a way of passing that in the custom variable?
]]>I just noticed that the session ends when you view a new page. This is the same issue that was reported in an earlier support thread. I did use the “keepalive:true,” (no quotes) in the custom variable field, but it does not seem to work.
Also, can you tell me what the phone icon is for in the chat window? It seems to do nothing.
]]>ConverseJS causes the Add Media to stop working. Any fix?
]]>Please update the translations from the converse.js source. I’ve checked the github site and the translations are up to date there. I think the 4.02 update merged them, or not? If not, maybe in 4.03? I’m translating the hungarian language files.
Thank you!
I want to use auto_join_rooms
, but I don’t want to use WP display name as nickname.
Even if join_rooms_nick: ''
is set in custom variable box, it is too late for auto_join_rooms
I want to set join_rooms_nick
Hi author,
I tried to make a plugin named conversejs-wp a few years ago, but I gave it up now. So I would like you to add a feature to your plugin.
It is intended to display the ConverseJS panel on the administration screen.
I made a patch, so please refer. Since space and tabs were mixed in your source code, I fixed it together.
Thank you.
]]>Hello! I’ve enabled “Hide Offline Users”, and it worked fine.
But someone complained about it, so I reversed the setting to off.
Saved the settings. Setting stored. But offline contacts remained hidden. I’ve logged out and in again.
Possible bug?
I’ve played around with the Priority setting in the configuration.
There are 3 options, but only two are permanently saved. The High setting goes back to Low after save.
BTW. which one you recommend? I’ve issues: non delivered messages sometimes.
Maybe because I enabled Message Carbons AND Forward Messages. Now I disabled the later one.
I’m using Conversations or Pidgin sometimes. Conversations is getting the chat messages always, but Converse.js doesn’t.
Hello. I want to customize the plugin with the custom variable box. But I can’t find a description which works. If I input something like: view_mode: mobile nothing happens and the chat box is disappearing from the site.
The documentation here: Link isn’t help me either. I think this is valid only for php code.
Please write some example how to use the Custom Variable box.
My main goal is to activate mobile view first.
Is it possible for you to add controls to display only if is_user_logged_in() or to specify which pages to display on?
Great plugin. Thank you
]]>Hey there everyone,
i’ve installed Converse.js on my WordPress network. Currently i’ve the problem that no one is able to connect to my Openfire server with the Converse.js client. I’ve tested the connection with Candy Chat, which can establish connections to my Openfire server without any problems.
I’m using the following software versions:
Openfire Server 4.1.0
Converse.js 2.7.0
The connections to my server are encryped over TLS with Let’s Encrypt certificates.
Converse.js connects to the server but seems to fail at some point. After entering the account details for the specific user, the client shows “Connecting…” and than for less than a second “Disconnected” is showing. My Openfire Error logs shows this messages, everytime i try to connect with Converse:
2016.12.27 14:50:11 org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SASLAuthentication – An unexpected exception occurred during SASL negotiation. Affected session: org.jivesoftware.openfire.http.HttpSession@52ad4d77 status: 1 address: agoshan.com/3ro8cn7lm4 id: 3ro8cn7lm4 presence:
<presence type=”unavailable”/>
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.sasl.ExternalClientSaslServer.evaluateResponse(ExternalClientSaslServer.java:60)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SASLAuthentication.handle(SASLAuthentication.java:324)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.SessionPacketRouter.route(SessionPacketRouter.java:64)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.http.HttpSession.sendPendingPackets(HttpSession.java:639)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.http.HttpSession$HttpPacketSender.run(HttpSession.java:1271)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Maybe i’ve some faulty configuration on my server, maybe someone has an idea how to solve this problem. Could it be possible that Converse has some problems with my SSL certificates?
Thank you and have a nice day,
]]>Hello everyone, I’m using converseJS and it’s working perfectly, but the language pt_br loads only once after loading more. Can anybody help me.
bosh_service_url: ‘https://localhost:7070/http-bind/’,
keepalive: true,
message_carbons: true,
roster_groups: true,
show_controlbox_by_default: true,
show_only_online_users: false,
auto_login: true,
jid: ‘marcelo@localhost’,
password: ‘123’,
allow_muc: false,
allow_contact_removal: false,
allow_contact_requests: false,
Was working fine before update now nothing.
The problem is in the Custom Variables box.
consol error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
For some reason its adding a “n”
keepalive: true,\nallow_chat_pending_contacts: true,\nallow_registration: true,\nauto_subscribe: true,\nmuc_nickname_from_jid: true,
]]>Hi, I really Liked your plugin, but I have been pulling my hair out trying to stop a WP JQuery conflict wherein nothing loads anymore on mobile view.
Is there anyway to load your plugin without JQuery or to use the existing wordpress ones?
Or is there anyway to disable loading of this plugin on mobile view?
I think this is my problem: https://conversejs.org/docs/html/troubleshooting.html#conflicts-with-other-javascript-libraries
Many Thanks for your work
I’m trying to put an xmpp chat in my website and I’m dealing with ConverseJS and Chatme Mini but I don’t know how to configure or use it.
Did installed plugin and tried to configure at Settings section but now what? Do I need to write some shortcode in a page or text widget?
How can I made to show the chat?
Best regards!
First of all, thanks for your job and excuses for my English.
I just want to know how using the custom variable?
I want to keep the connection activated during the navigation on my WordPress website.
I mean:
i’m chatting with Conversejs – ok
i change page to read an article – i have to log in again to continue chatting.
How to change that?
Thanks for your answer.
is it possible to send photos/documents? Nicest way is to show pictures inline in the chat box
Plugin changes the sign ‘ and ” so it’s not possible to use custom variable (e.g. I wan’t to use websocket but I can’t put URL).
]]>Users have to have some account already with an XMPP/Jabber service in order to chat? I’m not clear on that. If so, it’s very restrictive.
]]>Is it possible to link with users who logged in and have set there jid on their profile
]]>so i installed this plugin, but it does not show in the widgets section
]]>Hi there,
Thanks for making this plugin, it helped to quickly setup and test our xmpp server on our webpages.
Just a small bug I found while testing
In conversejs.php you’ve the following lines:
$call = (get_option('call')) ?: false;
$carbons = (get_option('carbons')) ?: false;
$foward = (get_option('foward')) ?: false;
which should be:
$call = (get_option('call')) ?: 'false';
$carbons = (get_option('carbons')) ?: 'false';
$foward = (get_option('foward')) ?: 'false';
as false casted to string yields an empty string, thus the javascript generated below contains errors.