Has support been dropped for this plugin?
Currently running Menu Rules, I know context-manager has taken over from this plugin, but I don’t see any updates for four years.
Is it worth upgrading from menu rules to context-manager?
When I set something to emulate as a menu item child it will not work if that menu item is a category archive, only if it is a page…
]]>Would it be possible to use this plugin to have different menus appear on different pages. So for example a shop sells red, blue and green things. The URL is https://www.shop.com/red, https://www.shop.com/blue or https://www.shop.com/green. Can I have it so that each of these URLs and all their children can display completely different menus?
]]>Your plugin seems to cause some JS interferences in the Admin section. Also your settings page looked strange. For example I had to use my mouse scroll wheel to change settings… Didn’t have a chance to actually try out the plugin. Is this project actively maintained?
]]>In plugin details arent options to work with this plugin