After making a ton of code and CSS changes to get this plugin to work for me, I’ve hit a brick wall. The height of the left container (where the description goes) is set at 250px, and I can’t change it. The following is the HTML code:
<div id=”left_container” style=”height: 250px;”>
I scoured the plugin’s files for where that 250px style is being set, but I could not find it there anywhere. So, where is it coming from?
After all the time and effort I’ve spent on tweaking this plugin, I hate to give up on it, but if I can’t get rid of that height setting, it won’t work for me. I just wish there was an alternative, but a long search found no other plugin like this one.
]]>I couldn’t figure out why the description wouldn’t show more than 10 words no matter what I did or how many slides I had, so I went searching through the code and found the following lines in content-slider-custom-shortcodes.php for div class=”cgs-content”:
$trimmed_content = wp_trim_words( $content, 10);
$trimmed_content2 = wp_trim_words( $content, 20);
The first one trims the content down to 10 words, meaning that, no matter how much room you have, no more than 10 words will display. Now, my knowledge of PHP is extremely limited, but I can’t figure out why there is any word limit set at all, much less one that small.
]]>Hi there,
I had issue with 404 pages created due to adding slides in “Content Grid Slider”. My question is – “Is it necessary to create a new post through wordpress Add new post feature and redirect set target page url to this post url in “Content Grid Slider”? “. Or how i can overcome/avoid these 404 pages.
]]>Good day! Great plugin with original style.
I suddenly had problems with overlapping descriptions on my grid slide.
I think this happened because I updated wordpress. The thing is that, when I look at its preview everything works fine, the issues like overlapping description and slider being not able to slide on its own is only seen in the actual page..Any fix on this?
Is it possible to make the grid boxes link to page content, instead of having to use the read more button in the description box?
]]>Is it possible to change the number of horizontal grid cells displayed? We’d like to change it from 4 to 3 in a row.
]]>Hi, love this plugin! Would it be possible to set it up so that I could use it to display thumbs, title and excerpt on slides to lead to regular posts? Or even whole categories? That would be awesome! Let me know, keep up the good work.
]]>Ok, I love this, I actually used it as a main menu of sorts on my site.
I want it to only show on the homepage though and not every page, how can I do that?
]]>Hi there
Thanks a lot for this great plugin. ??
I have some problems with adding icons as images.
Can you explain me how do I have to go on? Where can I insert these icons?
Thanks a lot for your feedback and regards
Hi Support,
Is this plugin mobile responsive ??
]]>Hi Support,
Hope you are doing well..
I have a question about the Plug In,
I am not sure, but my images as thumbnails in in the content area are showing the images blurred please see screenshot:
Hope you can help me with this issue, btw I had uploaded the plug in to an other site and was working there properly, so what might be the cause. I have even deleted the plug in and reinstalled it..?
Thanks for helping,
]]>Love the plugin. Is there anyway to make the featured images bigger? or the Grid in General?
I have set the featured images but they appear very very small when I look at the slider.
]]>After adding a custom link and hitting publish, plugin doesn’t save/cache the URL address. Any edit and you have to input the URL again.
]]>First i would like to thank you for an original slider. It is going in a very good direction and finally it is the new approach of presenting the posts. Great job guys!
What i noticed is that there is no easy way to translate or replace ‘Read more’ link for international pages. That is the problem in case of having multisite page when for other languages the link must be in the site language. I will investigate the plugin code to find a solution for that but it may be the idea to have internationalization out-of-the box ??
]]>Hi, I’ve installed your plugin (v1.5) but for some reason the text in the content area gets cut off after few words. Also it seems i can’t add any images as well as format the text.
Below is the link to the website I’ve installed it on.
Any ideas why it’s behaving this way? Do i have the wrong version as there was a previous “Topic” on here with a similar issues. It states this should have been resolved.
Thanks for your time.
]]>How do I increase the description area ? it shows only 2 rows . also how do i changer the slider main heading it shows default heading ” content grid slider”
can you enable ‘light box/fancy box” feature for images inside the description area”
how to give group select option from same page
I would say your plugin is awesome..I mean its really awesome^^
And I am actually thinking of a way to somehow increase the cgs-icon size (particularly in the description area) but it seems like I am far from success..I tried doing it in style.css but the image becomes pixelated.. maybe because the default size is 82×54…
So now.. i would like to know if there’s a way to change the default icon size..(i tried tracing it but i failed ) thnx
]]>Hi, testing the plugin i got a problem, in my case, i create a group and fill up 4 items, each with its text and its featured image, and another group with only 1 item, then when i show the grid, on the box on the left the content look like an excerpt, only the first 10 words.
some research, it seems the problem is when inserting the shortcode in the page where I’ll show a grid, basically the problem is that if I put the editor in visual mode and insert the shortcode, the grid just show the first 10 words of item′s content, but if I put the tab mode and insert the text shortcode , when the grid is displayed, the text shown on the left completely, but appear all mixed elements of all groups and the title of the grid appears as “Content Slider Grid ” instead of the group name
if the shortcode is inserted into visual mode sample: [content -slider groups = 284 orderby = name ] , once it is saved to the database and edit , when you switch to text mode shows the following:
<div style=”display: id=”cgs_code” block;”> <span id=”cgs_code_begin” class=”sc_html”> [content -slider < / span > <span id=”cgs_code_end” class=”sc_html”> groups = 284 orderby = name ] < / span > < / div >
so correctly display the text to the left , but all groups mixed together in my page shows a grid with five elements of two different groups, when should only show the 4 group 284
browsing the code , apparently, the content-slider-custom-shortcodes.php , the page that calls it content-grid-slider.php is not able to correctly interpret the shortcode in that case , because if I insert the shortcode in text mode [content -slider groups = 284 orderby = name ] , the grid with 4 elements are displayed correctly , but the text on the left is truncated
could check please create two groups and inserting the shortcode in visual and text and revising the grid shown?
for the rest, excellent plugins, something long looking a plugin like this
]]>Hello, the plugin look fantastic, i was testing it and i want to suggest 2 things:
1.- related to label “Read More”: evaluate the possibility to permit change this text, and also and better to associate to groups.
maybe there is a group of websites and the correct label would be “visit site”, other group at same wordpress named products, in this case, the label would be “Read More” or “More Information here”, etc
the thing is that permit change the label also would be exccellent to translate front to another language without complications
2.- maybe evaluate the posibility to set the amount of columns at right, look like the default are 4 columns, would be interesting to set 2 columns at same percent of space as 4 columns occuped in order the images not to be resized to very small size
thanks a lot, best regards
First of all, thanks for your plugin. It’s seems really great.
How can I “Set feature image for post thumbnail” in a new slide ?
I don’t see any metabox (or else) to do it.
Can you please explain how to proceed ?