Our third sidebar using the “Content Aware Sidebars” plugin will not display. On the Sidebars list page, it says in red, “Target not found,” but we are using similar settings as the other two, which are working.
Is there a limit of 2 sidebars for the free version? If so, it should say that!
We have it set to show on a certain page, just like the others, but it will not show.
Please advise.
How to delete all data, conditions, and settings for the Content Aware Sidebars plugin? From which tables and how do I delete this data completely?
There was a conflict with the Reign theme. After I set the conditions for replacing the left panel, a failure occurred, the panel entries shifted (the contents of one panel are now displayed in another), and the left panel of the theme is not displayed. And even after deleting the panels and conditions of the Content Aware Sidebars plugin, and the plugin itself, the work did not recover.
On a clean site, the Reign theme works correctly.
Created several sidebars on a staging site on Flywheel hosting and all work great. Pushed the staging site to production via Flywheel’s control panel. All the sidebars/widgets showed up fine on production in the WP Admin, but nothing on the front end shows up. All the same pages are assigned, and the sidebar even shows up on the page edit itself (on the right sidebar under “Sidebars – Quick Select”). Everything in the Admin appears to be the same.
I tried resubmitting permalinks (just in case), republishing the page, republishing the sidebar, and even slightly editing the widget to resave. None of that worked. But if I delete the sidebar, then recreate the exact same sidebar and add the same blocks to the widget, it works.
I’m hoping there’s a way to get the production site to recognize the pre-existing sidebars and work, rather than delete them all and start from scratch.
Any ideas?
Happy to get you access to both the staging and production sites if needed. I’ll hold off on recreating things till either I hear back from you or the client insists I fix their site.
I would like to remove the sidebar from the lp-profile page, but keep it on the other pages. For this I installed content-aware-sidebars and created a sidebar without anything. However, the sidebar shows a blank space and still occupies space on the page rather than that the lp-profile can use the full screen. I use twenty seventeen as theme. Which should work as I read here: https://dev.institute/blog/remove-hide-sidebar-wordpress-page/
What do I need to do to make it work like explained there?
Can I add something to the php? I copied the file sidebar.php as child theme to /domains/website/private_html/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/content-aware-sidebars. What could I add here or to another php or somewhere a CSS code?
Thanks for your help.
]]>I am trying to figure out why all the widget sidebars I’ve made with your plugin get deleted after I clean the database tables on my website – I don’t want to keep making the same mistake.
I’ve gone through https://dev.institute/docs/content-aware-sidebars/ and https://dev.institute/wordpress-sidebars/features/custom-markup-css-styles/.
Is there any documentation that I’m missing on the menus Action and Design that allows non-developers to make this work?
I’m not able to control how the widgets display on the widget areas/sidebars that I’m working with. For example, I have two widgets on a given area and they either show misaligned on the page (desktop) or stacked. After too many hours trying to make this work, I’m disabling the plugin for now until I hear back.
]]>Although “edit theme options” capability is not granted for Editor role, they still see “Content Aware” in dashboard menu and “Sidebars – Quick Select” meta box when editing the post.
I would like to display a special sidebar on the Homepage.
But I can’t select the Homepage. For the Homepage, I must have the default.
So, how to have it on the Homepage ?
Since the plugin Custom Sidebars is not supported anymore and has really slowed down my wordpress dashboard, I came here but noticed that the plugin has not been updated since 6 months and a few questions from the support forum have not been answered.
I just wanted to know if the plugin author is still active or are they just focusing on their paid version?
Warm regards,
]]>Hey! Just a minor heads-up. When testing Content Aware Sidebars, with PHP 8.3 and WP 6.5 RC2, and WP_DEBUG enabled, this single deprecation warning is thrown:
Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in /.../oldrup.net/wp-content/plugins/content-aware-sidebars/lib/wp-content-aware-engine/module/date.php on line 29
No stress! Content Aware Sidebars still does its thing, and does it great, and PHP 8.2 is supported until December 2025.
Unrelated; Content Aware Sidebars is working wonders with classic or hybrid themes, where Full Site Editing is not a thing.
Thank you ?
]]>Hi, I was using the 3.17.2 version of content aware sidebars on my wordpress multisite. My site uses miniOrange SSO using SAML 2.0 for implementing OKTA SSO. This plugin requires wordpress_logged_in cookie to set on SAML authentication. Due to some reason ,when content aware sidebar plugin is active, the cookie is not being set. I updated the content aware sidebars to the latest version and it fixed the issue. But coud you look into why was this preventing the cookie from being set?
PHP Version: PHP 7.4.14.
WordPress version: 6.0
My site has a fixed right sidebar.
Will your plugin let me add a LEFT sidebar to my site, site-wide?
]]>Dear, I have been using this plugin for quite a long time and I am extremely satisfied with it. However, for some time now, I’ve been experiencing certain issues, and I’m not sure from which update they originated.
Namely, I had set up sidebars for specific product categories, and in some cases, even for individual products. But suddenly, when I enter the admin panel under “Content Aware/Sidebar,” it says that I don’t have a single sidebar – they have all disappeared. This has caused chaos on all my pages because all the content controlled by the plugin has merged together and is now being displayed on all pages that have a sidebar.
I can’t even remove it from the display; deactivating the plugin doesn’t solve the issue.
I kindly ask for your assistance and thank you in advance.
]]>My theme (MyListing) originally doesn’t support sidebar so I install Content Aware Sidebars plugin but it’s still doesn’t work for all my blog posts.
Please assist me to resolve the issue.
Can I create a sidebar for just one page? The link provided uses an embedded podcast episode list, and I need a sidebar for just that page. Other single pages need a dedicated sidebar as well. Is this possible?
]]>I’ve created a custom sidebar that I’d like to display on all individual posts, but I do not want it to display on the main posts page. My site is configured to use a static home page with a separate page specified as the Posts Page, but I’m unable to configure the plugin to ignore that Posts Page and only display the custom sidebar on the actual posts. I’ve tried by setting a unique author for the Posts Page and added an exception condition for that author, but that doesn’t seem to work.
There are basically two conditions for Where to Display:
Posts – All Posts/Blog Page
Authors – (specific author)
Is there guidance for configuring exceptions that might make this work, another way to separate the Posts Page from Post Entries, or are there any filters available where I could trap for the Posts Page and ignore the custom sidebar there?
Wanted to ask why when I use your plugin, the widget boxes have different style than my normal sidebar widget boxes?
In my normal side bar, the widget boxes has no border or background color.
But when I use the custom sidebar, it suddenly has a background color and borders.
Why is that and how can I fix it?
I am using the BuddyBoss theme, latest version, and the latest version of WordPress.
I have a few standard pages with a category on which I show a sidebar with a menu.
The sidebar sometimes appears and sometimes it does not, and I don’t have a clue to why is that.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi, so I am trying to use your plugin to add a list of recent items and archives to my blog. Everything works fine except on the archive pages where the condition All posts/blog page fails to trigger and neither of these appears.
]]>I am trying to use this plugin so that sidebars appear in learndash pages but it doesn’t seem to be working – any advice on why this might be? Thanks
]]>I’m trying to hide the Primary Sidebar on my product pages. I followed the instructions here but only the widgets are hidden, the sidebar is still visible. My website is down for maintenance, but you can see what I’m talking about here.
]]>Created a rule for displaying the sidebar on the catalog page. But it doesn’t work. Neither replaces nor adds
]]>When our site updated to WordPress 6, this plugin caused the site to stop loading. We’ve disabled it for now so the site runs, but none of our sidebars are displaying except for one. When will this plugin be updated to be WordPress 6 compatible? In the meantime we will see if we can roll back WordPress so the sidebars display. Thanks for your help.
]]>hello team,
I cannot see on the edit mode from the frontpage, the options for the sidebars.
I have created a sidebar for the frontpage.
Can you give me a hint, why this is not working.
can you create a sidebar based on what country they are visiting from?
]]>The latest version v3.17.2 Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius – Still being flagged by iThemes
]]>My Security Plugin just detected the following vulnerability with Lightweight Widget Area Content Aware Sidebars Plugin
Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius.
Please advise when the fix will be available.
Thank you for an amazing plugin.
Is it possible for me to make a rule for the sidebar to appear on the archive page of a particular category and all its sub-categories?
For example, I choose the category A archive page, I want the sidebar to also appear on the archive pages of A1, A2 and A3 since they are all subcategories of A.
Thank you for your help.
I make another sidebar and I put some widgets in each sidebar. all the widgets work, only filter by price is not showing. I use Blocksy Theme. Any suggestion are welcome.
Hi, with twenty as you know. The “sidebars” are enabled in the footer but I’m looking to enable a right sidebar by the contents. So I’m wondering if this can do that?