It is broken in PHP 8.0.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in ./contactic/ContacticPlugin.php:954
Stack trace:
#0 ./contactic/ContacticPlugin.php(954): implode(Array, ', ')
#1 ./contactic/CTC_IntegrationContactForm7.php(58): ContacticPlugin->saveFormData(Object(stdClass))
#22 {main}
thrown in ./contactic/ContacticPlugin.php on line 954
As this plugin seems to be abandoned, it is a good idea to switch to another one with similar functionality.
]]>I am using Contactic (in combination with Contact Form 7/Contact Form CFDB7), which is a plugin that provides the following functionality: Save form submissions to the database from severals contact form plugins and themes. Includes exports, shortcodes, tracking and stats.
Unfortenately, Contactic as a plugin has been terminated and no updates have been provided since 2 years.
Does anybody know/uses Contactic and can advise on an alternative plugin? It seems to be a known problem.
Many thanks,
Hi, a doubt from a small music school at Brazil!
My website was made with Elementor Pro who gives a very easy option to put the webhook which was useful to API-CRM.
But i decided to quit Elementor and let almost pure WordPress. How could I put the webhook at forms (Contact form 7)?
Thank you all!
]]>I have a column that displays an image on the Contactic table. When I export it, it shows as the image URL. How do I keep the image on export instead of it being converted to an URL?
]]>Please at least let us know if there are any updates on the way or if this plugin has been abandoned, which seems to be the case.
Like others have reported, this plugin causes some errors in the WordPress site health screen.
]]>The WordPress Site Health panel returns 3 critical errors for the Contactic plugin. (Confirmed by disabling and re-enabling the plugin).
1) An active PHP session was detected
The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
2) The REST API encountered an error
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10003 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)
3) Your site could not complete a loopback request
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10003 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)
NOTE: Based on the last update and forum response, I am guessing the plugin is no longer receiving support. It has been a great took and I thank you for that.
Since WP 5.5 the website state has following errors
Eine PHP-Sitzung wurde durch einen session_start()-Funktionsaufruf erzeugt. Dies beeintr?chtigt die REST-API- und Loopback-Anfragen. Die Sitzung sollte von session_write_close() geschlossen werden, bevor irgendwelche HTTP-Anfragen erfolgen.
deactivate cfdb+ helps, no errors anymore. activate cfdb+ brings errors back.
Will cfdb+ be updated or have we to gao back to cfdb?
Thanks for help
I have been a long time user CFDB by M Simpson and still used it.
I was happy to find that you fork it.
I installed your plugin and everything did seem to be perfect.
I just find out that I am getting a two(2) WordPress Critical Error:
1) when I try to use the Submenu “Importer”.
WordPress a trouvé une erreur avec l’une de vos extensions, ? Contactic ?.
Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 22 du fichier /home4/moncondo/public_html/online/wp-content/plugins/contactic/view/CTC_ViewImportCsv.php. Message d’erreur : require_once(): Failed opening required ‘ContacticPlugin.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/share/pear’)
2) I also have a Critical erreur when including in the Shortcode “Filter” like:
[cfdb-datatable form=”Preuve d’assurance” filter=”strtotime(Date)>=strtotime(‘today’)” “]
Hi! You have a great plugin here that has so many options and uses for displaying data.
I am having a bit of an issue getting it to display scores correctly in order from greatest to least. Here is my site:
Take notice of Diego who has the highest score is on the bottom.
It seems to be recognizing the number as a “String” rather than an “Int” and so sorting it based on length. I am near 100% certain that the form has a number submission being taken in from contact form 7 submission form. The sort though is treating it as a string.
Is there anything I can do to change this?
Here is my shortcode that I’m using to display this:
[cfdb-datatable form=”High Score Frogger” class=”datatable” show=”User_Login,score,Submitted” filter=”_ctc_status=Done” limit=”20″ orderby=”score DESC” headers=”score=Score,Submitted=Date Submitted,User_Login=Username”]
Thank you!
]]>I have used the shortcode [cfdb-export-link form=”*”] to export my CF7 data with a file attachment. When its exported to excel sheet the file attachment is not fact, the link is as below, which shows “No file error”
]]>Hi, I have used shortcode [cfdb-datatable] to view result in my webpage.
I have a lots records to views, is it possibile filter results (for example 10,20, ect) and insert “prev”-“next” link to bottom page?
Hello, I have created [cfdb-datatable] shortcode to display myform, when page is load the filer visualization is always set to “ALL” how default.
Is it possibile set start this filter to “10”, or “20” rows?.
I have a lots of records and page is very slow to load because there are a lots of row!
The message text area has no line breaks, it has to be pulled horizontally to get an overview of the submitted data.
]]>I would like to be able to push the form submissions to two different Slack Webhook URLs. I would think that if I make another BOT, then I could setup another Webhook related to that BOT. Once BOT sends to one Slack teams webhook, and the other BOT sends to the second Slack teams webhook.
Hi, is there a hook to delete a specific form from DB ?
]]>Hi, how can I get json in php using shortcode without html tags ?
I end up doing it like this :
$shortcode = strip_tags(str_replace(array("var cf7db =","[","];"), array("","",""), do_shortcode( '[cfdb-json form="'.$form.'"]' )));
is there any better solution ?
]]>Possible to add Elementor form submissions support? Thanks!
]]>Hi, have installed this plugin to use with Ninja Forms. Have Ninja Forms set to true in the settings but no submissions are appearing. Any suggestions? Thanks.
]]>Hola, se pueden reemplazar los nombres de usefull, useless, spam? por ejemplo por Listo, pendiente, cancelado
]]>in advance thanks for the amazing pluggin. Please help me how can I activate the editor on contactic pluggin?
]]>When I export to excel I get an error saying that fileformat is not correct or the fileformat doesn’t match the file ending.
]]>hello is it possible show more different fields in single Column?
for example in the single column “TEST” I would like to see “field1 and field2” with Line Break
| TEST |
| field1 |
| field2 |
I have tried to use same filters but but I couldn’t ??
Can you help me, please?
Export all data to the format you want not work
If I choosed 1-2-20 – 5-3-20, I get this area date + more.
Is this plugin still maintained? The code has not been updated in six months, and the support forums haven’t received any recent replies.
when I create a live view on google sheets I receive a false value on one of the fields
Instead of visualize a text value I receive a number value!
If I visualize in the Contacts view of Contactic plugin in wordpress dashboard the data is correct.
The data is filled via a select menu field in the form (Formidable Forms plugin) with only 2 options.
Why this problem?
]]>Recent mobile phones are capable to produce ~10MB size images with default settings, without limiting the filesize in the form-code, the currently used mysql server may reject the sql insert depending on the max_allowed_packet
If we have no power to change the mysql config, there is currently no known workaround, because limiting the size of the upload would simply prevent the average user from adding a photo, and in my case the photo would be a required part of the submission.
A solution could be, to get the actual value from max_allowed_packet, and the file to be stored could be split into smaller blobs that are indexed, to ensure re-assembly.
Other solution would be to store a hash-named file into /wp-content/somesubdir/ and store the hash-to-filename info, along with outher meta data, to enable access control, and avoid direct access to those files
I forgot to note, i used CF7 5.1.4
]]>Please can you correct all spellings of the word: useful. It is just one “l” (not “usefull”).
Thank you,
]]>Hello I was wondering if there is an import feature.
]]>Hi, I copyed the function to copy into google sheets, example:
but then in the spreadsheet I see only some xml code..
example of the first part:
<!--[if IE 8]>
<html xmlns="" class="ie8" lang="it-IT">
<!--[if !(IE 8) ]><!-->
<html xmlns="" lang="it-IT">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Login ‹ Santabago — WordPress</title>
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />
Getting errors after a fresh install:
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘submit_time_idx’ for query ALTER TABLE xxx_contactic_submits
ADD INDEX submit_time_idx
( submit_time
) made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/contactic/contact-form-7-db.php’), CTC_Plugin_init, CTC_PluginLifeCycle->install, ContacticPlugin->installDatabaseTables
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘form_name_idx’ for query ALTER TABLE xxx_contactic_submits
ADD INDEX form_name_idx
( form_name
) made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/contactic/contact-form-7-db.php’), CTC_Plugin_init, CTC_PluginLifeCycle->install, ContacticPlugin->installDatabaseTables
WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘field_name_idx’ for query ALTER TABLE xxx_contactic_submits
ADD INDEX field_name_idx
( field_name
) made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/contactic/contact-form-7-db.php’), CTC_Plugin_init, CTC_PluginLifeCycle->install, ContacticPlugin->installDatabaseTables
And this notice later on:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: host in /wp-content/plugins/contactic/ContacticPlugin.php on line 1822
also mentioned here: