When editing the form, the javascript function freezes the browser because the function looking for the form field names takes a long time. I was able to fix and speed up the loading time of this function by changing the file /admin/js/cf7-gr-ext-admin.js on line 43
The change consists in pulling out the [ character as mandatory in the first place, thanks to which the execAll function in my case loads 0.1ms instead of 44s
I replaced:var res = /[[a-z*]+\s([a-z0-9*-_]+)+(?:.*])/g.execAll(str);
on:var res = /[[]{1}[a-z*]+\s([a-z0-9*-_]+)+(?:.*])/g.execAll(str);
home/wp-content/plugins/cf7-getresponse/lib/tools.php on line 116
This plugin doesn’t work with custom fields.
When custom field assigned is optional and user will not fill this field (because he can leave it empty) this subscriber will not show at all in GR. If all fields are required or filled it works well.
How to fix it? I need to have custom optional fields and let user not fill them and I still get the rest of send form data on my GR (because the form was sent successfully).
I am using GR extension plugin and I have a problem with autoresponder. Messages are sent back to subsribers not immediately, but it depends on something – I don’t really now on what.
How to set this plugin to set autoresponder day cycle always is 0? Now in GR it looks like that subscribers have random day cycle like 2 or 3, so they receive autoresponder email in like 2 or 3 days, but it should be sent to them immediately after they send form.
i create a form with CF7 with “firstname” and “lastname” fields.
The plugin has only the “name” field and i cannot send to Getresponse both field.
How can i solve this problem?
I tried to create a custom field with surname but Getresponse don’t see it in the search field when i search “surname”.
I must have both field in the CF7 form (first name and surname), not 1 field, i and i need to send both fields to Getresponse so Getresponse can create the Name field with both fields, first and last name
Does the plugin only create a new contact or does it update an existing contact on the list if the user uses the same email in another form on the site?
]]>The connection is not working and I can’t get the leads in my list in get response
I suggest adding a filter in the “subscribe” function for add contact parameters so if needed to add extra filed like “ipAddress” it can be added outside the plugin as shown here https://drive.google.com/file/d/16xwREtMDHyRZ6FrfQ4Odj0XFDlUUTksC/view?usp=sharing
Thanks in advance.
]]>Good evening. Although the APY key is correct, although the emails arrive once I submit the contact form, the integration with getresponse does not work because it does not update the contact list linked to the form. I noticed that sometimes it works by entering the contact on the list and sometimes it doesn’t work. I can’t understand what the problem is
]]>Does it matter what version of GetResponse API is being used? We are just getting this website set up so there is nothing to see. It’s more a matter of looking ahead to know if something might break in the future.
We are using MemberPress which is not keeping up with GetResponse. To use an API with them the API was switched back to version 2. There was no difficulty hooking up your plugin with a second API. We are confirming whether this API is version 2 or 3.
Please advise.
]]>Hey there,
I get Javascript Prompt showing “Changes might not be saved if I leave the tab” even after saving the change on getresponse settings tab on WordPress 4.9.9. But the records are been sent to getresponse list correctly. Might be it’s a plugin’s bug or maybe not.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Afert 8 hours of possible configuration i can’t find the solution.
I send the imail . I receve the mail , but in the list of get response i dont find the new contact.
In my get reponse i also setup the double opt-in so i have to recive from getresponse a mail to confirm the subscription but i don’t recive the mail
]]>we haven’t made it work. We have it configured in this form https://psptravel.com/ofertas/fin-de-ano-a-marruecos-desde-690-euros/ but when it sends the form does not give of discharge to the user in the list. Nor do we see that returns any error
]]>Hi, I’ve got this wp database error message: [Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction] DELETE FROM wp_options
WHERE option_name
= ‘vcgr_show_notice’
In the end of this file: cf7-getresponse\cf7-extension.php are the two code lines:
delete_option('vcgr_show_notice', 0);
update_site_option('vcgr_show_notice', 1);
This code will be executed when the file will be included while loading the plugin (and the other plugins)
I changed the code and put the two lines in a function. Now the code will called through the action hook ‘plugins_loaded’ and this seems to work – no deadlock error anymore:
function vcgr_update_show_notice(){
delete_option('vcgr_show_notice', 0);
update_site_option('vcgr_show_notice', 1);
add_action ('plugins_loaded', 'vcgr_update_show_notice');
The fields are incorrect. The available fields are:
Below is the form:
<div id=”responsive-form” class=”clearfix”>
Thank you for your interest in Bintelli! We would be pleased to provide you a quote for the vehicle(s) you desire, we just first need a little information from you. Please complete and submit the form below and we promise to contact you back shortly! If you prefer to be contacted by email or by phone primarily, please note that in the comments box. At times, email replies may go to a junk mail or spam folder, so if you do not see a reply from us within 24 hours, please check these folders in your email account. We look forward to hearing from you and can not wait to add you to the Bintelli family!
<div class=”form-row”>
<div class=”column-half”><label>Your Name</label>[text* your-name placeholder “”]</div>
<div class=”column-half”><label>Email Address</label>[email* your-mail placeholder “”]</div>
<div class=”form-row”>
<div class=”column-half”><label>Phone Number</label>[tel* tel-272 placeholder “”]</div>
<div class=”column-half”><label>Zip code</label>[text* text-841 placeholder “”]</div>
<div class=”form-row”>
<div class=”column-quote-full”>
<label>Have a specific color in mind? When would you like delivery by? Simply let us know what features or accessories you would love to have and we will gladly assist you in building your dream vehicle!</label>[textarea your-message placeholder “”] </p>
<p>[submit “Send”]</p>
textarea.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-textarea {
max-height: 150px;
.column-half {
text-align: center;
.column-quote-full {
text-align: center;
div#responsive-form {
text-align: center;
Im using this with CF7, latest version. When anyone submits their email into the form, they get “There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.”
Here are my get response setting: https://take.ms/pCREP
Here is my form code for CF7: https://take.ms/oAmRi
The only field I want people to enter is their email address. What am i doing wrong?
if i set the Formular with the code:
<p style="padding-left: 10px;">Bei Deiner Anmeldung bekommst Du sofort unsere <span style="color:#c2a43b"><b>10 wertvollsten Gesundheitstipps</b></span> als Gratis E-Book & wir schalten Dir <span style="color:#c2a43b"><b>ein Top-Interview</b></span> frei.</p>
<div class="clearfix">
<div id="left">
[text* name-gr placeholder"Dein Name *"]
<div id="right">
[email* e-mail-gr placeholder"Deine E-Mail Adresse *"]
<p style="padding-left: 10px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> Felder mit (*) sind Pflichtfelder</span>
<p style="padding-left: 10px;">[acceptance Datenschutzbestimmungen class:acceptance]<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> <b>Einwilligungserkl?rung zum Datenschutz.</b> Weitere Informationen entnimmst Du unserer <a title="Datenschutzerkl?rung" href="/datenschutz/">Datenschutzerkl?rung</a>.</span></p>
[submit "jetzt anmelden"]
[honeypot honeypot-868]
…the Backend makes problems (he hangs in a loop).
If a set the formular with shortener code, looks like this:
<div class="clearfix">
<div id="left">
[text* name-gr placeholder"Dein Name *"]
<div id="right">
[email* e-mail-gr placeholder"Deine E-Mail Adresse *"]
<p style="padding-left: 10px;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> Felder mit (*) sind Pflichtfelder</span>
<p style="padding-left: 10px;">[acceptance Datenschutzbestimmungen class:acceptance]<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> <b>Einwilligungserkl?rung zum Datenschutz.</b> Weitere Informationen entnimmst Du unserer <a title="Datenschutzerkl?rung" href="/datenschutz/">Datenschutzerkl?rung</a>.</span></p>
[submit "jetzt anmelden"]
[honeypot honeypot-868]
it′s all ok.
If i deactivate the plugin…all fine.
can you tell me if that really is the case?
Oi, gostaria de saber sobre este erro. Aparece somente quando ativo o plugin. E para o site voltar ao normal tenho que excluir os arquivos por FTP.
Alguém já teve o mesmo erro ou algo parecido?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class GetResponse in /var/sites/florus.com.br/html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-getresponse-extension/vendor/getresponse/getresponse/src/GetResponseAPI3.class.php on line 13
]]>The plugin isn′t working reliable, because most of the time leads are not sending to get response or they are sended after delay of 5-10 min.
Are there known errors?
Thanks for help – need it very urgend for a client
]]>Hi WEN
In few of my CF7 forms – the Plugin Settings tab inside form doesn’t show the form fields.
Here is form code:
<p style="margin-right:20px;" >[text* your-name class:MYtxt placeholder "?? ????"] [email* your-email class:MYtxt placeholder "??? ????? ?? ?? ??????" ] </p>
<p>[submit class:MYbtn "???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????!" ]</p>
Here is the ‘fields’ I can choose form…:
Please help…
I’m using the plugin Contact Form 7 and Contact Form 7 GetResponse Extension. I would like to know how can I get a customer IP adress after fill a specific form and after that have this information available in getresponse.
]]>Hi! After the last update of 4 days ago I can not receive the contacts in the GetResponse autoresponder. I also updated the api code and the fields of each form with those on GetResponse but still i get nothing.
Can you help me? Thank you.
Thanks for a great plugin
After the new update I have noticed that contacts doesn’t being added to autoresponder ‘day 0’ as they were before.
Meaning I now stuck after updated without an option to add my contacts to day 0 of the autoresponders.
Please help! ??
I could help with the solution of the following error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/78/8496178/html/siigo/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-getresponse-extension/sphinX/sphinx.php on line 193
]]>I don’t know how to solve this issue, basically when i put a standard form like this one:
[text* your-firstname placeholder "Nome"]
[text* your-lastname placeholder "Cognome"]
[text* your-telephone placeholder "Telefono con +39"]
[email* your-email placeholder "Email"]
[acceptance accept-this] Seleziona questa casella per confermare la tua presenza all'evento.
[submit class:btn class:btn-accent class:btn-block "Registrati"]
all work great.
But when i try to change the style of the form and i put this:
<p class="wpcf7-inline-field">[text* your-firstname placeholder class:form-fluid "Nome*"]</p>
<p class="wpcf7-inline-field">[text* your-lastname placeholder class:form-fluid "Cognome*"]</p>
<p class="wpcf7-inline-field">[text* your-telephone placeholder class:form-fluid "Telefono con +39*"] </p>
<p class="wpcf7-inline-field">[email* your-email placeholder class:form-fluid "Email*"] </p>
[acceptance accept-this] Seleziona questa casella per confermare la tua presenza all'evento.
[submit class:btn class:btn-accent class:btn-block "Registrati"]
the plugin stop to work!!!!!
So a webmaster need to choose:
1) use your plugin with a shitty style
2) use another plugin with a great style…
There is something we can do to change this? How can i modify the style without compromise the work of the plugin?
]]>I’ve already get everything in place. EXCEPT the ‘your-email’ didn’t show up in the list. Why is that?
this is where my placeholder is
this is where it didn’t show up in the drop down
Pls advice.
]]>I have added api and fields but it wont work.please check, what is wrong?
( no idea what “Required Acceptance Field” so I just guessed.) Please help me.
]]>Hi there, the getresponse form on my site isn’t submitting after the recent update.
I’ve made sure the API is correct.
The settings in Contact Forms > getresponse settings > the only option for each dropdown is “style=”
Click here to see a screenshot of the settings page
Any ideas why the forms might not be submitting?
I have added API key and also adjusted Getresponse settings as needed but subscribers are not getting added in Getresponse list??
]]>I’m trying to add the mysterious opt in check box, and I worked out that I needed to add an acceptance field.
When I went to the getresponse tab on my contact 7 form, the field list only had the previously added fields, with my new field listed as “style=” so don’t know what’s going on.
Also the same thing happened when i added a custom field.
doesn’t look like I can add a screen shot, or else I would.