We’re getting a warning on WP Remote that this plugin is vulnerable to attacks: https://app.screencast.com/uq4PdI5EfoJqW
Are there plans to patch this issue?
]]>Weird. Installed the plugin. Can’t seem to find any sign of it after activation. Form Styles??
Uninstalled ??
]]>Anyone out there have insight on how to build an email contact form using Contact 7 Form with Contact 7 Form Designer such that when you configure two fields per row for desktop version, those two horizontal fields will then display stacked vertically (in order) on mobile devices? I’ve built both the traditional version using DIV tags and another version done as a table. Neither seems to want to display all the contact fields in stacked vertical order (with reasonable margins on each side) using mobile devices. Any code information welcome.
]]>Anyone have any idea what is the appropriate CSS class to use when configuring the first character of placeholder to be a different color? I’m using the placeholder option and wanted to make sure the asterisk symbol is color in red. I tried adding :first-letter and .wpcf7-form::first-letter as entries in my theme’s custom CSS file. Neither worked. Feedback welcome!
How do I get the plug in to allow the asterisk in one color and the text field label (placeholder) and user’s input text to be displayed in another color. If I attempt to use standard CSS practices, the form will not properly render. Any feedback is appreciated.
::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: #fff !important; font-weight: 400 !important;}
:-moz-placeholder {color: #fff !important; font-weight: 400 !important;}
::-moz-placeholder {color: #fff !important; font-weight: 400 !important;}
:-ms-input-placeholder {color: #fff !important font-weight: 400 !important;}
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text* your-name placeholder “*NAME”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text* your-name placeholder “*EMAIL”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text* your-name placeholder “#TITLE”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text your-name placeholder "OFFICE PHONE"]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text your-name placeholder "COMPANY"]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[text* your-name placeholder “MOBILE PHONE”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_have fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[textarea additional-information placeholder “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-third one_third fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes fusion-column-last”>[submit “LET’S CONNECT”]</div>’
Isolated the problem to Contact Form 7 Designer v.1.1 plugin. Error 500.
]]>Installed – no indication of where to edit or apply styles – help?
]]>I get the following error when trying to activate the plugin..
Fatal error: Class ‘Redux_Helpers’ not found in /home/woodend/web/woodend.ubisan.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-designer/cf7-styles-config.php on line 18
any ideas?
]]>Hi, I have installed your plugin to test it before buying the pro version but i cannot find it to use it….
I am using the latest version of both Contact form 7 and WordPress
]]>Guys not sure – but i have both the contact 7 and designer installed no idea where to go from now?!
Your install instructions item #4 reads “Navigate to Form Styles and start adding your designs”. I looked everywhere in WP Admin for “form Styles” – where is this please?
I already have Contact Form 7 installed, and created a simple contact form I’m happy with except one thing – I need to switch out the “send button” for my own design.
I haven’t a clue how to do this, and I guessed I could use the “Designer” or “Designer Pro” version to do this. But after installing “Designer” I see no way to access or use it in WP Admin.
Thanks for the help.