In Chrome date picker calendar icon is always black and I can’t find css class to change it to white.
Can you help with this?
I’ve noticed that in the last days when you pick a date in the calendar, if you press the enter key, the year become duplicated:
I use the format dd/mm/yyyy
instead this, it appears dd/mm/yyyyyyyy
i.e. instead 15/08/2020 I receive 15/08/20202020
can you please help me?
]]>The scheduled site scan found 1 issue when scanning
Contact Form 7 Datepicker <= 2.6.0 – Authenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
They’re running the latest version. How long will it take to fix this issue?
Whenever I try to seledt the date and have to jump to the next month (by clicking the arrow next to the month name for the following month) the form crashes.
It happens in both date picker options, FROM and TO.
Please be so kind and let me know how to resolve this problem.
Quick question – do you have an update on when the plugin will be available?
]]>Can someone tell us why this plugin was removed? Is it a vulnerability? Should I remove it from my sites?
Thank you.
]]>Good morning,the calendar of the Contact Form 7 Datepicker plugin does not align correctly.
I tried to edit all the references in my stylesheet but nothing … Can you help me?
Theme used Fluida Plus, all plugins and wordpress updated.
Thanks in advance.
I want to know how to set Holiday on Contact Form 7 datepicker Calendar.?
?If you know, please teach me.?
This will fix the issue:
Dear reader
Recently my site has been hacked. This is solved (for much money) by my serviceprovider. They installed Wordfence for me so I can do my own checks. How hackers came in is not known but Wordfence warns me now for plugins that have not been updated for a long time. Among them CF7 Modules and CF7 Datepicker.
I am very content with the CF7-functionality but these warnings do worry me.
I have CF7 Datepicker version 2.6.0. installed. I hope this is not a wrong question but can I consider this version as hackerproof?
And, is there any outlook on new versions in the near future?
Rudolph Smits (Netherlands)
– is a site via which my holiday home can be rented.
– my status is non-professional.
Is it possible to block a date range?
]]>A few years ago a friend downloaded some jquery development bundle files in order to use CF7 datepicker and made it work. I am afraid these files are a bit obsolete now. Can somebody help me and specify what I should do to replace the next files?
Current situation:
echo ‘<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=”“></script>’;
// –> jQueryUI datepicker
echo ‘<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript” src=”“></script>’;
Rudolph Smits, NL
If you’re using PHP7.x you may get an error of create_function deprecated
Somewhere around line 196 of datetimepicker.php
create_function('$var', 'return ! empty($var);')
is the problem.
Change that line to
function($var) {return ! empty($var);}
So that section around line 194 reads:
private function options_encode() {
$options = json_encode(array_filter(
function($var) {return ! empty($var);}
return stripslashes($options);
Is it possible to show date selection only and not to show time selection? Can I do it? Thanks
The datepicker doesn’t show up when I click in the field, I used the shortcode below.
Password to site: Thollan
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_half fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes”>[date date-875 date-format:dd/mm/yy first-day:1 change-month placeholder “Arrival”]</div>
<div class=”fusion-one-half one_halft fusion-layout-column fusion-spacing-yes fusion-column-last”>[date date-876 date-format:dd/mm/yy first-day:1 change-month placeholder “Departure”]</div>
]]>Backend error when plugin is activated:
“wpcf7_remove_shortcode è deprecato dalla versione 4.6! Utilizza invece wpcf7_remove_form_tag.” (google traslation: wpcf7_remove_shortcode is deprecated by version 4.6! Use wpcf7_remove_form_tag instead.)
To fix:
plugin development is dead?
]]>I’m using WP 4.9.8 and the lastest plug-in available of contact form 7 date picker. Actually the piece of software works fine, unless I want to call the datepicker for the first time. I have to load the browser again every time. It doesn’t matter which platform or browser I use. As soon as I reload the browsers, the DCF7 Datepicker works as expected
Does anyone of you have any idea how I can get rid of this behavior and get the date picker appear the first time I load the contact page right away?
Thanks, Dan
]]>As the most recent update to this plugin was over two years ago as of the time of this post, it stands to reason that it may not really be supported and/or reliable anymore. This is a major bummer, as the plugin is awesome and I use it frequently.
I hope that this plugin’s author will resume the support and updating; if not hopefully there is something else out there that will take its place.
Is there a possibility to have a visual on the calendar on the date that was to be booked?
So my title, visualization on an external calendar?
Well to you
I have Installed Plugin: Contact Form 7 Datepicker and enabled the change year function.
The problem I have is that when I click to change the year dropdown, it shows only last 10 years. Always showing 10 years. Need to display all years at a time.
The expected behavior is to display all years and scroll through the years.
I have installed CF7 Datepicker and when looking at the form on the front end, I can see the datepicker shortcode and not the UI for picking a date. I can also see the shortcode for the default “Date” field that comes with CF7.
Any ideas on how to fix this bug?
Is it possible to select multiple dates for e.g. a pick-up with contact form 7? Right now I’m using the datepicker [datetime], and it only let’s the customer pick one date.
My site uses User Meta Pro for registrations and my form includes a date field. When activated, Contact Form 7 Datepicker breaks the date field in User Meta Pro forms. Any chance there is a fix/workaround for this?
my datepicker shows only the days of this month, not the month and you cannot switch months. I want the datepicker to show this month and the possibility that the client can for example choose a date in december.
Field of the form: (Instap)datum*
Code of the form: [date* aanmelddatum date-format:mm/dd/yy first-day:1]
I tried to setup the date format like this:
l, F j, Y
Friday, September 24, 2004
But the calender stoppted working when I tired the diffrent format…
Is it possible to display the date like this?
What are the settings to have it show something like DD/MM/YYYY as placeholder and then when i enter the field it shows a calendar style UI for me to select the dates?
Can it even do this?
]]>Have set the code for the Date Picker field for Contact Form for the following:
[date* appt-date date-format:mm/dd/yy first-day:0 placeholder “Select your Date”]
My understanding is this should present the calendar with the week starting on Sunday, also the Sunday and Saturday are abbreviated differently than the Theme template chosen so Sat and Sun show as simply ‘S’.
I would actually like to make Sunday a day that cannot be selected at all but apparently I can only exclude the whole weekend and not specific days.
I have searched through the forums for solutions to both issues but nothing presents itself. So I my two problems:
1. Start the week on Sunday
2. Exclude specific days (Sunday) from calendar selection
I cant seem to find out why my datetime shows only calendar field and no time.
It seems that it has something to do with my theme (Bridge) but they dont know how to handle it.
Anyhow i’ve managed to get datepicker to show up in first place with this code:
#ui-datepicker-div {
z-index: 9999 !important;
but it is not showing time.
]]>when i open the date picker box some days get cut out. how can i resize the date picker window? it is in footer
I see there is a setting in the plugin to disable Weekends ‘no-weekends’.
Is there a way to disable only certain days, for example disable the selection of Sunday indefinitely?
I found the following code else where for the datetimepicker, however this doesn’t work with the plugin.
Many thanks.