Wondering if this plugin has been abandoned. Using it on one of my sites now that was running WP 5.6.10 on PHP 7.4 but am currently upgrading to WP 6 and PHP 8 and running into various problems. That guzzle fatal error fix posted here seems helpful, wondering if there people out there still using this?
]]>[30-Jul-2021 13:07:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to GuzzleHttp\Client::send() must implement interface Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, instance of GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response given, called in /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/constantcontact/constantcontact/src/Ctct/Services/AccountService.php on line 83 and defined in /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php:101
Stack trace:
#0 /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/constantcontact/constantcontact/src/Ctct/Services/AccountService.php(83): GuzzleHttp\Client->send(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
#1 /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/includes/class-api.php(124): Ctct\Services\AccountService->getAccountInfo(’02bbf862-4995-4…’)
#2 /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/includes/class-api.php(981 in /home/omuhra/public_html/strategicaxis.ae/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php on line 101
Even after granting authorization, it still shows on dashboard that it requires authorization to use constant contact.. so none of my newsletter signups are showing on my site.
Any plans to address this PHP warning, now that PHP 7.3 is out?
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/redacted/public_html/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlFactory.php on line 67
Here’s the fix: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1973#issuecomment-396278571
]]>Trying to add a Constant Contact sign-up form to my home page (at the bottom).
The plugin freezes my wordpress editor.
Any ideas?
]]>I’ve just installed the Constant Contact for WordPress plugin. I’m at the add new form page, looking at “add subscribers to” selection. I can see all my CC folders listed there, but I can’t see any of my event campaigns.
I have created forms to register for events here > in CC go to Campaigns > see Campaign Type choose Events. However the event registration forms in CC are not responsive. I tried embedding the form in an iframe. Would be very inconvenient for visitor to fill out, requires scrollbars.
This plugin looks like I could create a form and display it on some page at my website. However I need to form results to be stored for an Event, not an email folder. The documentation says I can “gather new event registrants” but I’m just not seeing it.
Any suggestions? Pointing me to the right documentation page would be help enough.
I installed the constant contact plugin and my whole website is not giving this error. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ConstantContactWidget in /home/content/04/6628904/html/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/includes/widgets/contact-form-select.php on line 202
]]>Recently realized that contacts signing up with the Katz Constant Contact plugin were not reaching Constant Contact. Is there a log somewhere in the backend where these signups can be retrieved? Thank you!
]]>The last question in the contact form is:
Where did you hear about Carolina Pride? with checkboxes to choose from.
I would like to add a pulldown menu next to the “Advertisement in trade publication” that lists the different publications we advertise in. When I try to add the code for the dropdown menu within a checkbox list, it doesn’t work. The existing code (without the dropdown menu code added) is:
<label>Where did you hear about Carolina Pride? </label>
[checkbox checkbox-740
“Trade show”
“Advertisement in trade publication”
“Internet search”
“Word of mouth”
“I saw CP equipment at a car wash”]
How do I add dropdown menu code within this checkbox list?
I use Constant Contact Forms for WordPress for our newsletter sign up. I receive many blank emails a day. I want to make sure I am not missing emails. I do also receive completed forms.
Has anyone seen this? I was told it might just be spam bots, but the forms are completely blank, no name or email address.
]]>Good Day,
I saw others posted many months ago about this, but I’m bringing it up again. Errors (pasted at bottom) are kicked with both THIS plugin as well as your Gravity Forms Constant Contact add-on.
Someone stated it was an unused function but even so, this should be cleaned up. I provide maintenance to my clients and when they see these errors in the reports I provide they question MY competency.
Would it be possible to address this in the next update of both plugins? I will also post in the other support forum. Thank you!
FILE: /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscontact.php
127 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
FILE: /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscontactlist.php
45 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
FILE: /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscampaign.php
48 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
When trying to add a person to constant contact via the opt in checkbox on register..I get this, and yes there is a list selected…thoughts
WP_Error Object
[errors] => Array
[nolists] => Array
[0] => A contact cannot be added without lists.
[error_data] => Array
Edit Log time Watch Delete
]]>The latest version of this plugin doesn’t work. When I go to the plugin’s main page in the dashboard, I get the following 500 error after enabling WordPress debug mode:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getBody() on a non-object in \wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\constant-contact-api\vendor\constantcontact\constantcontact\src\Ctct\Services\BaseService.php on line 105
For now, I downgraded to the last version that works for me (3.1.12).
The plugin is installed on a Microsoft server with PHP 5.5 and WordPress 4.8.
]]>Hey, in constant-contact-api.php can I just comment out the following line to remove form designer?
include_once CTCT_DIR_PATH . 'lib/form-designer/form-designer.php';
Also, if I want to give an editor access to the plugin, how would I do that? Currently only Admin can use it.
]]>Hi, love your pluggin, 10x’s better than anyone else!
I have 2 minor problems which i’ve manage to work around but hoping you have a fix (or at least a future fix).
In Form Designer, under Signup Lists there is an option for “Checked by default”. When unchecked and used with Checkbox List, the Form Preview shows the multiple checkboxes unchecked, but when i save the form, the checkboxes are still checked.
The work around i found was to edit the /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/class.kwscontactlist.php on line 192 and remove %%checked%%. Is there a better way to do this?
Second problem in Form Designer is when i save the form, all the different form fields get mixed around. Each time i have to edit the form i have to reorganize the fields. First name will appear at the bottom, submit will be in the 3rd spot, etc. Quite annoying when you have a lot of fields. Is there a possible future fix for this?
Thank you.
php v5.6.29
wordpress v4.8
plugin v4.1.1
]]>Thanks for your help.
]]>After having used the plugin for a couple months, today we started receiving this erro. It started with a 500 error but when refreshing the page showed the Mashery quota limit error.
I see that WordPress has a limit on its Mashery API but I didn’t think I had signed up for Mashery for this.
Any thoughts?
I’m currently using the plugin as a general signup form for newsletter signup.
But I’d like to also add this to my registration page with just the checkbox and a text Signup to our newsletter….
So that when they register to my site, this will be synced to CC.
Is this possible to have the two options available?
Thank you!
]]>I can’t find anything in the documentation describing how to do redirect.
]]>I am getting the following errors when running a PHP 7 compatibility check:
FILE: /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscampaign.php
48 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
FILE: /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscontact.php
127 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
FILE: /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/classes/class.kwscontactlist.php
45 | ERROR | ‘clone’ is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function (T_CLONE)
FILE: /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/functions.php
485 | WARNING | Function name “__next_coroutine” is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
There are more than 1,600 log entries that have been generated by this plugin – how can I clean up? I tried disabling the logging but they are still there.
]]>Is there a shortcode for the Event widget that will output a link to an event registration with customizable text?
]]>Is it possible to alter the date portion of the EventSpot shortcode? Would that be what the filter would allow? Rather than displaying the entire date, ie March 22nd, 2017 at 2:00pm ( .cc_event_startdate_dd ) as a full date, would it be possible to specify only the Month and Day? Start: March 22, 2017 End March 23, 2017
]]>I’ve been trying to add the Constant Contact Form to our WordPress site, but keep getting fatal errors when trying to activate the plugin.
]]>I just added this short code into our Constant Contact Form (API #s removed):
[ctct ctct-666 label:Sign+Up type:single ‘Web Signups::#XXXXXX’]
It shows up as a checkbox in the form. To make sure it was working as expected, I started by submitting a form without checking the box and then logged into Constant Contact to make sure nothing had changed. Unfortunately, I found that the contact had been submitted and was showing up in the ‘Web Signups’ list even though the opt-in box had not been checked.
Is this a bug? Is there any way we can guarantee this does not happen? We can’t sign up individuals who have not opted in – thanks!
]]>I have a contact form page here…
If the user fill out the information and enters this email address as and AOL.com email, we never receive the email. Which goes to support@themorganreport.com.
After extensive testing, it seems this only fail when the user enter and aol email address.
So the form works fine unless the user filling out the form uses and AOL email address. Then the email is not sent to us.
]]>After giving up on Constant Contact’s forms, based on feedback trying this version.
First impression is it is more for events than lists.
Number 1 – the simple form DOES add to Constant Contact! Excellent start.
Admin side – none of the logging/reporting does as advertised, and does not retain settins checked ?? Why have admin options if they won’t save?
Without admin options and logging working, how to know how well this plugin works?
]]>Does the Constant Contact plugin integrate with any other WordPress form plugins that would enable us to add the Constant Contact opt-in to other forms (beyond the comment form, which the plugin already allows)?
Hi Team,
We are using “Constant Contact” plugin in our website. Suddenly the website is not working properly. We found that the issue was because of “Constant Contact” Plugin, so we deactivated the plugin and checked the website. Now the website works fine Can you please guide as on fixing the issue.
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
Hi – When someone signs up for the mailing list, a confirmation email is sent letting me know they have signed up. Is there a way to change the default email address being used? I’d like the confirmation emails to go to a specific email address.
– Will