This plugin doesn’t seem to be working any more. I went to (where they are modeling the plugin’s services), and it’s not pulling up any information about representatives. Can the developers confirm that this is no longer working? Thanks!
]]>This is a suggestion to help myself and others who don’t want to get on a billing plan with Google just to use maps.
Here is a list of alternative APIs:
Mapbox is nice because it doesn’t require billing info and is really affordable after the free calls.
]]>Approximately 2 years ago, you mentioned in a support ticket that you were working on an enhancement that would allow you to display only Federal lawmakers (see
Has this functionality been added?
]]>So I tried to get this working again. Still stumped.
Best I can tell Maps is the issue, as it can’t find any address I enter. Here’s the page where I’m testing if that helps:
Your docs said, “5. IMPORTANT: Make sure you agree to their billing agreement or your key will not work.”
I can’t find anything about a billing agreement anywhere in Google’s interface. Can you provide further guidance?
I’ve enabled civics, and have both keys inserted in your interface.
]]>Thanks for this quite promising plug-in, quite relevant to my site.
Regrettably, the Google API interface is so obscure, arcane and poorly designed that it’s just not worth the trouble of setting this up. Maybe I’ll try again someday, but for now will probably just link to a site that already has the information available.
Thanks for trying, not your fault, best of luck.
]]>Hey, great plugin used this quite a bit last year during the legislative session. I am attempting to get it going again for this session, but the plugin wont return the representatives or senators information. It looks like it adds a break bar after the first button push, but after that it just spins for a second and nothing happens. I have ensured both API keys are in working order and have it set up just like last year, but it wont work.
]]>Looking forward to using this excellent tool in lieu of petitions – for a more direct approach..
Unfortunately, after installing, we’re also receiving the “Address or zip code not found. Please try again..” message that several others have experienced in the past.
We’re using one (unrestricted) API key for both Maps and Civic. The Google Maps section is working fine. However, none of the Civic data seems to be loading.
There doesn’t appear to be any errors loading in Console, and we can verify that calls are being made to the API service on the backend.
Also, we started out using two different API keys – both were receiving calls on the backend but we switched to using just one API after reading this support forum.
Any ideas?
Much appreciation for this plugin, as it’s exactly what we’re looking for.
]]>Have dutifully gone through troubleshooting, but no joy. I keep getting an “address or Zipcode not found” message for any address I try, Confirmed billing is setup. When I go to the Google Console for the Civics key I see “can not parse” errors.
Any help appreciated
]]>Thanks for a very promising and useful plug-in!
I just got it installed on my site, got the two Google API’s input (they are the same — hope that is OK), and the map appears normally, except that whatever address I input, I always get the error: Address or zip code not found. Please try again
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?
The page linked above is set as password-protected; you can get in by using this temp password: zzerhefhds
]]>I’ve been trying to get CongressLookup to work on various pages. APIs are for sure working fine, but every time I try to use it, I put in the address, hit “Find”, and then the page refreshes, defaults back to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and shows no results.
Here’s what the console is showing me:
Uncaught ReferenceError: getCongressFromAddress is not defined
at HTMLFormElement.onsubmit (VM693:346)
onsubmit @ VM693:346
Clicking on VM693:346 shows me:
return getCongressFromAddress(this, 0, 5555874);
I’m also getting this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: getCongressData is not defined
at ?showon=all&congress_address=&submit=Find:394
at geocoder.js:4
at geocoder.js:2
at cR (geocoder.js:2)
at Wn.d [as m] (geocoder.js:2)
at Object.c [as _qghrzc] (common.js:77)
at GeocodeService.Search?5m2&1d38.898030695437946&2d-77.02987910629884&7sUS&9sen-US&callback=_xdc_._qghrzc&key=AIzaSyDmbj_iMDIG_3smbY5MfDeX8qQxG1BDiyo&token=67346:1
(anonymous) @ ?showon=all&congress_address=&submit=Find:394
(anonymous) @ geocoder.js:4
(anonymous) @ geocoder.js:2
cR @ geocoder.js:2
d @ geocoder.js:2
c @ common.js:77
(anonymous) @ GeocodeService.Search?5m2&1d38.898030695437946&2d-77.02987910629884&7sUS&9sen-US&callback=_xdc_._qghrzc&key=AIzaSyDmbj_iMDIG_3smbY5MfDeX8qQxG1BDiyo&token=67346:1
I really, really want this to work, so any help would be super appreciated.
]]>I have created an API key and enabled the civics API and Google Maps API. I was initially getting “Address or zip code not found. Please try again..” message and a JS console log that indicated I was out of requests, so I created a billing account and set up a sensible request limit. Now I am still getting the message “Address or zip code not found. Please try again..” But I’m not getting any errors logged to the console. Any ideas?
]]>Hello, I am trying to use the Congress Lookup plugin. I have created two separate API keys with Google. One has the javascript for maps enabled and the other has the google civic API information enabled. I have pasted the keys into the proper place on the Congress Lookup settings page within WordPress but every time I try to use the plugin on the site it doesn’t display any information no matter what I type in. What am I doing wrong?
]]>I believe that I have the APIs set up correctly and have verified through google that I own the site I’m trying to use this plugin on.
When I run the plugin, the default address is pulled up on the google map; however, entering any other address returns the following message:
“Address or zip code not found. Please try again..”
]]>We’re using this lookup (love it, btw!) for a piece of Federal legislation, and I fear people will waste their time contacting their state senators/reps if they see them on the page. Is there any way to limit it to just federal? Thanks!
]]>Hi, I saw in one of the reviews that it’s possible to return state legislators – could you provide instructions for that?
Thanks for your valuable work!
]]>This is a great plugin, and when I was using it within a post, it functioned perfectly.
I am trying to place it into a sidebar widget instead, and here it isn’t working right. The map does not appear, and when I try to enter an address and click “find,” the page reloads and the widget looks exactly the same as it did before.
Any advice or assistance would be most welcome.
]]>Do both API keys have to be in the same project?
I already had a Maps key from another plugin, so I used that, then created a separate project for the Civics API. However, the map didn’t load. So, I enabled the Maps API in the same project as the Civics API, and now the map loads, but the plugin returns “Can’t find the address.”
]]>My plugin has been working fine for months, but is no longer working. I did the new google API and enabled the Civic API, but I’m now getting a Javascript error in my website. Where I used to see Google Maps, I’m now seeing:
Oops! Something went wrong.
This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.
You have a great plugin that I have been using for a few months with no problem.
However, after I updated to version 3.0.0 your plugin no longer works.
I set up the Google Maps and Google Civics API as you instructed and it still doesn’t work. Now, no results are found when I enter an address.
Please assist.
Thank you
]]>Is it possible to add emails to the the list of representative’s information shown.. I am trying by adding this to the admin dashboard and calling it inside the code..
]]>Is it possible to specify a different starting map address other than the default in Washington DC?
]]>I updated all plugins but I am still seeing this at the top of all pages in wp-admin:
Warning: fopen(× failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Has this resource moved?
The page loads fine initially but then it gives an “oops something is wrong” and the map stops showing.
on a search (I tried street address with zip code, and just zipcode) the little progress graphic runs but no result.
I am on hostgator and saw that mentioned in a similar issue. Are you saying that’s an issue?
Am being told not to offer a way to get into the site – hoping you can check this out some other way(?). If you can help troubleshoot I’d appreciate it.
I’m interested in modifying the output of the plugin to add some custom content I have about my representatives. Would you consider creating hooks to facilitate this?
]]>Hi! Love the plugin, because of the work I do I would love to donate for its development too, my only concern is I will need to customize the hyperlinks, preferably so they wrap better for mobile. Is there a CSS edit we can make so all congressional hyperlinks wrap?
]]>Please advise on how we can use the returned data to populate a form?
]]>The plugin appears to be working fine on our site, but we can’t finish configuring it because we cannot seem to get an API key from
Could someone please provide an API key so we can start using this awesome plugin.
]]>I was able to configure the plgin. In Preview I saw the search option but it shows only the option to search by address, and when I entered my Rep’s name nothing came up–nothing. I see no option to provide search options by name. The plugin is visible but the search function doesn’t work.
]]>I was able to configure this plugin but it can’t be seen at all on my site.
]]>Does this plugin allow you to create a pre-written letter to send to the legislators that come up in your zip code search?
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