as I understand it, it is not possible no add a conditional field based on that a product is not in the cart – only based on what products acually are in the cart? Is this possible in the pro version?
I′m using a custom field on my page where it is set for specific products where I need to provide people with the possibility to provide a name to whom it will be gifted. It all works perfectly, but only for logged in users.
Is there a way to show this field always? Even to anonymous users?
Hi, I need to create a checkout where the customer has a dropdown field.
If user chose A option, some checkout field will be shown. If he chose B, other checkout field will be shown.
Is it possible?
Thank you!
]]>We sell print and download books, most often in bulk quantities. I want a conditional field that will show/hide based on the quantity (not the price) of downloads purchased without regard to the number of print versions in the order. In other words, if the customer purchases 1 download and 10 print versions the field should be hidden. If they purchase 2 or more downloads, regardless of whether or how many print versions they order, I want the field to show. Will the pro version of your plugin accomplish this?
I want to ask a different question to the users based on the product in their cart. If they have product A in cart then the question X will show up but if they have product Y in cart then question Y will show up. Can this conditional login be done on this plugin which is basically based on the item in cart?
Would it be possible to add an optional insurance fee at check out using this plugin? The cost would be a percentage of the total cost.
Thank you
I’m looking for a plugin to achieve what I described in the title (have a field in the homepage to write something and then save that value to a checkout field). For example: “Write your mom’s name” and in checkout have a field with the name filled before.
Thanks a lot!
]]>Hi Scott,
I am using the Pro version. I have contacted you on your site but have not heard anything back.
Is there a better way of contacting you.
I search for a way to achieve this scenario:
Display and connect 2 custom fields in the checkout.
The first field is the doctor’s name of the customer. (let say we have 6 doctors name in the database)
The second field is for apply a specific coupon code
Each doctor is link to a specific coupon code. Both fields must match together to apply a reduction.
As exemple, if a customer enter a doctor’s name correctly, but enter a different coupon code(not the one link to this doctor’s name), the reduction code will failed.
Do you think i can achieve that with your plugin?
Thank you
Is it possible to have the a field that will auto complete with info from a db?
In this instance i am building a fund raising program for multiple schools.
As part of the checkout process the client wants to have a drop down of the schools. Once the school is selected the buyer would start typing in a students name and the field would auto complete based on the db of students for that particular school.
Do you have a demo of the pro-version that I can try and test?
]]>I’m selling Adult and Child memberships to my community pool. We someone selects 2 x adult memberships I would like to Capture their names. Is it possible to get it to capture both names in two different fields?
]]>I am seeing this error (topic title) in the WordPress dashboard but cannot determine where any changes should be made. Thoughts?
Thank you!
]]>I’ve got the Pro-version and it is doing just about everything that I need. Love the plugin & its ease of use. I have a couple of requests:
1) How do I get it to add a conditional logic field? eg. if customer selects Yes radio button, they get presented with fields A & B; while if they select No, they get presented with fields C & D
2) How do I add a bigger space or maybe a line break between each of the repeated field sections? At present, there’s no obvious distinction between where details for #1 ends and #2 starts.
EDIT: Whoops! Just realised this forum is only for the free version. Will submit again on your Contact form.
]]>Hi there,
I got the pro plugin (89$)… it works great except that it shows fields in the main WPML language, but not at all in the second…
that’s a massive problem, and I can’t find where to have them visible, and translated.
I’ve emailed you on the support page, on your page… and now here…
Need a quick answer, remember, we pay 89$ to have some support….
Possible to add an extra fee/message based on a dropdown field selection?
]]>I have just tried to install your plugin but received an error and it refused to install:
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in …./wp-content/plugins/conditional-woo-checkout-field/includes/update-notice.php on line 15
Have you seen this error before?
]]>Hi there,
Just wanting to know if you are currently able to add extra products as fields (conditionally) at checkout?
Example, the person adds an tv to cart, at checkout, the person is then given the option to add an additional product like a dvd player.
I know there are plenty of “extra woocommerce addons”, but none of which will do it at checkout, only on the actual single product page.
Please let me know, thank you.
]]>I created a textarea field. It appears on the checkout form but the class is not being added to the field. I was wanting to adjust the height and width using the class.
]]>Hello – I am using Event Tickets Plus from Modern Tribe with Woo Commerce for my checkout. Woo considers the tickets to be a product. For some tickets, I need to ask additional questions. Have you ever tested your pro version in this combo? Thoughts on if it would work?
Thanks, Laura
Hi, im testing your plugin out, and Im wondering if we are able to create different fields/forms for different products?
Im fixing a website that offers paid registrations for soccer team players and they require collecting different player info for team registrations, player assessments, spring training and more.
Im wondering if your plugin can accommodate this?
]]>Firstly your plugin is amazing and is a key element to our commercial site. Thanks for making such a high quality product.
Issue –
We currently use the wordpress 4.4.2 we have a development server where we test new plugin updates. We are currently using Conditional Woo Checkout Field Pro 3.2.5. on our live site. ITS GREAT.
The problem is we ungraded the plugin to the new version on our development server running WP 4.4.2. This upgraded to version 3.6.2. We tested and had problems with the key feature we wanted out of the upgrade which is the order export function and the ability to add custom fields to the report.
(1) When we ran reports we either had a CSV file produced with the header fields and no data or we on other custom field combos we got a screen of death:-
! File not Found
Firefox can’t find file at https://xxxxxxx/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-conditional-field-pro&cwcfp-tab=export
Very strange. Can you help as we can’t push this to the production server. It is important to note NO OTHER plugins have been updated and no change to the code base of the site.
(2) Also on the test server override checkout field does not work. The settings are saved but the field being changed the header test remains in checkout unaltered and the field does not appear
(3) The conditional fields summary list the sort ordering is not working correctly
Please help as we want to put this previously great plugin into action ??
]]>LOVE this plugin. I am wanting to upgrade. BUT when I go to WP plugins it says
Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin. Before I go to server and copy and replace the plugin directly please can you explain why you have done this. I am concerned about upgrading the plugin and its potential to reck the site.
]]>Hello – I am using the Pro version and have several conditional fields set up – very useful plugin, thank you.
I have checked the box to append the field quantity to title for replicated fields, but on the order pages the multiple fields show up all with the same title, no quantity appended to them. This is making my data export not work, as it is only exporting the first input with each title. Any suggestions?
Thanks –
]]>Is it possible for the condition to be based on a product variation id as opposed to a product id?
]]>Amazingly useful plugin. However, I’m not able to see the fields when I use the CSV export extension from Woocommerce. Is this possible or am I missing something? Thanks!
]]>I love this product. I have no issues in creating conditional fields. they work perfectly on the Woo Checkout page GOOD. But ! When created and saved they are no visible for editing or removal at the backend https://domain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-conditional-field-pro. Its just not their arrrrrrh.
Please advise.
When I use your plugin and custom field is filled I get “: Array” word instead of information provided by buyer.
I disabled all plugins, same results.
in email:
and same in account invoice
any solution for this?
When using Internet Explorer, we do not see the basket added after making the choice. It works with Edge, Firefox and Chrome.
Do you have a solution ?
Website : https://www.dufferinheightsgolf.com/produit/certificat-cadeau/
Excuse my bad english, I’M french!
]]>hi it is brilliant piece or work. thanks for this.
but one more thing i need. we can add fields for particular product. but what if we want to remove some field for particular product. for example i made a product called table booking. but i dont need to know customers post code for booking what i need for other product when order for delivery.
please help