Love the plugin! A reader of my site has requested a feature for the archive that I thought might be generally useful for all users. Is there any way to implement this?
I would also like to request a button at the end (or the start, since they’re in reverse chronological order) of each month’s archive to hop to the next month. That way, if you’re reading from month to month, you don’t have to go click on the by-month archive and find the month you want; the next month would be right there at the end/start of the current month’s archive you’re reading.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>In months the title shows 2001.
In inc/compact-archives.php Line 110
$dummydate = strtotime( “2001-$month-1″ );
Change 2001 for $year
$dummydate = strtotime( “$year-$month-1″ );
]]>Hi Support Forum members,
I’m hoping you dedicated helpful WP folks can assist with easy-to-understand advice on reinstating the ideal/perfect functionality of the WPBeginner ‘Compact Archives’ plugin?
I’m wanting to revert from ‘ARCHIVE IS EMPTY’ as it is now showing since the plugin update 3 days ago… back to how it previously displayed in screengrab01 available to see at My application has been as a widget [widget id=”wpb-caw-widget-4″] in the right column of this one specific ‘Conversations’ blog page.
OSes, plugins and WP all up-to-date. Same changed display on Windows10 PC/Chrome and iMac/Safari.
Looking forward to hearing from you a.s.a.p. of course!
Running WP 5.3.2 and bbpress 2.6.4, my question is i installed it and used the widget but it shows archives is empty. Please advise. Thanks
We are receiving a php error warning from using this plugin. Is this warning a result of the plugin code? Has anyone else run into this problem?
Here is the error:
is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(~…/wp-content/plugins/compact-archives/languages/ is not within the allowed path(s): (~…com/:/tmp/)
Thank you,
]]>is there a way to fix it so that months will show in the correct language? i know others have asked but i couldn’t find an answer
]]>Is there any way to limit what is returned to just a specific category of posts, instead of all posts?
]]>Hi, I used “Smart Archives Reloaded” in the past, but it hasn’t been updates since years. However there are 2 features I liked a lot about it. Any chance this is achievable with this plugin?
1) is there a possibility to show a list of the posts per selected month below? Like a dynamic adjusted view of posts, according to the selection (year + month).
2) from a design perspective, is there an option to have the year in top row and below the months? … and at the bottom would be point 1), the posts. like shown here:
Thanks a lot
]]>would it be possible to apply it to specific custom post types?
]]>When I upgraded to version 3.0.6, I was no longer able to access my blog or the admin pages. I get the errors posted below. Going back to version 3.0.5 makes everything better again. Could it be a conflict with iThemes Security? Thanks!
Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/nfs/c01/h16/mnt/8840/domains/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/nfs:/tmp:/usr/local:/etc/apache2/gs-bin) in /nfs/c01/h09/mnt/8840/domains/ on line 583
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c01/h09/mnt/8840/domains/ in /nfs/c01/h09/mnt/8840/domains/ on line 1210
]]>Could the developers please consider an option of adding a text block above each year’s entry? I have an extensive blog and it would be helpful to readers to see a brief description of what went on during that year. For example:
Our trips to South America:
2016: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
More fabulous trips to Australia:
2015: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
I realize I can force it by editing raw HTML but thought I’d first suggest it to you guys since no one else does this and I feel it would make your plugin that much more useful.
]]>I just installed this plugin on a German site and noticed that the language support seems to be broken. Somewhere I read, that the plugin should show month acording to the WP_LANG settings. But it does not work for me.
Any ideas?
]]>Just updated the plug-in and got this warning:
Warning: is_readable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vinta14/public_html/wp-content/plugins/compact-archives/languages/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/vinta14:/usr/lib/php:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/vinta14/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 476
Don’t know how to resolve
I would like category sub-items to be indented in the ‘By Categories’ list, something like:
Right now the sub items come after the main category item, but they aren’t indented.
]]>Using the plugin, see
This is coming up more like a site map. I want to only show this part:
By Date
2015: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2014: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Vintage Racecar Archives
Vintage Roadcar Archives
So, essentially everything from “Company” below I don’t want. How do I take that out?
Might be good if the archive content could be found by type, i.e. “Profiles”, “Columns” , “Photo Galleries” etc. and after clicking one of those, you get a listing of say all the editor’s columns, or legends columns in the archives. Is that doable?
]]>Hi, great plugin ??
I have two questions;
is there any posssibility to add after month the number of week
such as: 2013 – January – Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 3 – Februarary – Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4,etc
ANy possibility to do this as dropdown menu ? eg.
2013 2012 2011 2010
January February March . . etc
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Thank you so much
]]>Hi support
I am using Compact Archives here and want to display the years with {font-weight:normal;}. If you send me the correct CSS statement, that would be great.
Beste regards Jean
Any chance of a similar Plugin but for categories?
]]>I would like to have all archives categorized just by year, not by each month. Is it possible? Thanks.
But in my config file, I have:
define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
Could you help?
This was working fine until now. It has begun displaying itself above the header as well as on the Archives page within the content.
I get this dual display only on archives page.
What has changed?
I just installed your plugin and included the shortcode on my archives page. I would like the compact plugin to be below the first heading, but it pops to the top no matter where I put it. This is how I would like it to look:
<h2>By Date:</h2>
<code>[compact_archive style="block"]</code>
When I refresh my website, it looks like I’ve written it like this (even though that’s not the case when I go back to the page editor):
<code>[compact_archive style="block"]</code>
<h2>By Date:</h2>
Hope that makes any sort of sense. What can I do to get the compact archive to show up in the right place when I’m using it as a shortcode on a page?
]]>It would be great to have another parameter which I could pass to compact_archive() which would set the order by of the years.
For example ‘order_by’= ‘ASC’ the archives would come out as
2004: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Neither will load, had to downgrade to version 2 manually…
thanks for having added the widget from my plugin Compact Archives Widget, that’s a good thing.
The bad thing is that there’s a conflict name in functions: my plugin and yours have the same function names. Please rename them as soon as possible or the users will have their sites down! ??
Also, something must be revised in code. I will come back to you shortly with a patch.
]]>To get this up to date with HTML5 <time>
tags, apply these changes:
line 117:
$result .= $before.'<a href="'.get_year_link($year).'"><time>'.$year.'</time></a> <span>:</span>';
line 137:
$result .= '<a href="'.get_month_link($year,$month).'">'.$time_tag.'</a> ';
line 139:
$result .= $time_tag.' ';
after all that, add this below line 135:
$time_tag = '<time datetime="'.$year.'-'.sprintf("%02d",$month).'">'.$month_abbrev.'</time>';
Optionally, add rel="archives"
to the all above lines that have <a>