Last December, Patchstack disclosed a vulnerability in CommentLuv.
Do you have a timeframe of when this will be patched and secured? Or should we find another solution?
]]>I had the premium, developer version before the site went down, will I still have this?
]]>Are comments recorded to the backend of WordPress?
]]>We have CommentLuv set up for the posts on this blog but it has stopped showing the option for anyone commenting to be able to choose from one of 10 posts. The settings in the plugin are correctly set to ‘everyone’. Can you advise please?
]]>Hi we keep getting a weird message when commenting on the site can you tell me how to fix it? Here is the code:
cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: a%20healing%20spirit
fsockopen error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
fsockopen error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
fsockopen error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
fsockopen error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Hover your mouse here to see the data that CommentLuv got back from your site..
If you see a warning or other error message then that might help you locate the problem (maybe another plugin is spitting out an error?)
Hi everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Sean, the new developer behind CommentLuv and, in conjunction with my partner, Andrew Palmer, we shall be revitalising CommentLuv over the next few weeks and taking over maintenance of the free and premium versions of the plugin.
I have been working with WordPress almost exclusively for around 15 years in both the free and premium plugin markets. More recently specialising in page builders (specifically Divi and soon Elementor) but now Gutenberg has been released as mainstream that’s the next focus.
Andrew Palmer is the genius behind the Divi Marketplace at and has been around the block for many many years working as SEO, Marketing, strategy and all around nice guy.
Between us we shall be making sure the free version stays free, looks better, works with WP5+ and is supported. We shall also be working on the premium version of the plugin and getting the wheels spinning on that.
We have the full support of Andy Bailey on this and are in regular contact. We shall do the plugin and it’s community justice. If you’d like to ask any questions or get any feature requests in please comment below or email me at sean.barton[at]
Hi there!
CommentLuv appears to be loading the CSS and JS files over HTTP regardless of scheme used to load the site – so when we switched the site URL to https, the browser throws a “site insecure” error and blocks loading of the CommentLuv CSS and JS files since they are only HTTP.
Is there a fix coming to support SSL sites, or a quick workaround for this?
Also are there other SSL incompatibilities? I just happened to see these 2 http files because they were causing the site to show and SSL browser error.
Here are the 2 lines of code from commentluv.php:
/** init
* This function registers styles and scripts
function init(){
wp_register_style( ‘commentluv_style’,$this->plugin_url.’css/commentluv.css’ , $this->version);
wp_register_script( ‘commentluv_script’, $this->plugin_url.’js/commentluv.js’,array(‘jquery’),$this->version );
]]>I am brand new to Commentluv but I do have a commentluv blog. How do I create a hyperlink in a comment on someone else’s blog?
Do I need HTML? Do HTML links work in commentluv? Something like this?
I know my last blog post will appear but I want to know how to make a link in the body of the text.
]]>Semangat Pagi Semua
Salam Kenal Dan Salam Sukses Selalu
Mohon masukan teman-teman dan Para Master,
Bagaimana Cara mendapatkan Income dari web/Blog WordPress yang kita buat ?
Mohon kunjungi web/Blog saya ya
Terima Kasih
Syaifulloh Aziz
Phone/WA No. +6285233333140
i installed the plugin, but if someone tries to comment on a post they get a comment luv error. not sure if its because of a setting in All in One WP Security or something else.
]]>I’ve been a fan and supporter of CommentLuv for years, yet find myself become a bit worried about continuing to use it. It hasn’t been updated in 10 months, the support desk URL is dead, the official website URL now redirects to some design website that has nothing to with CommentLuv and posts are being left here without any replies from support.
All this is pointing to CommentLuv being abandoned. I hope this isn’t the case but this is what it looks like.
It would be nice to at least have some information so that we can give up on it and move on if necessary. And if Andy and Aaron can’t (or don’t want to) continue supporting the plugin, couldn’t they consider passing the torch onto an active developer who would be interested in continuing to develop and maintain this much-loved and much-used plugin?
]]>If commentluv is no longer supported, the developer should release the premium version for free. I’ve paid for the developer version but can no longer use it as it can’t be activated.
]]>I was using CommentLuv and everything seemed to be working well. I then began to receive concern from readers that they were not receiving email notice when I replied to their comments. Is there a way that I can fix this?
]]>Hello guys,
I would like to know exactly what this plugin does. A blog owner enters a post from my blog, makes a comment and leaves a URL for your blog. Then the CommentLuv plugin collects this URL, accesses the website of that other blog and puts in the comments of that other blog, a link to my blog. It is?
Another thing too … I was wondering if the plugin of yours has how to search for websites / blogs that allow dofollow link in your comments?
I noticed that the plugin was not tested with the current versions of WP. Will not it be updated?
I thank you,
I’ve just re-installed the premium version of the plugin, but can’t enter my login details in the settings as the site appears to be down. Have I wasted my money, because I can’t use the plugin now? ??
]]>My Comment Luv has stopped working entirely – all previous links have vanished from old comments, no-one can now leave a link and if I try to test it, I have the same problem.
The only change (apart from standard updates) is that I’ve switched the site to https: is this an issue with the SSL certificate? Is there a fix or a plan to make the plugin work for this?
Or is there another issue you can suggest might be causing it?
]]>Why is commentluv showing up on only 4 of my 12 blog posts?
]]>Just wondering if this plugin’s been silently abandoned since your official .com site (where the “Upgrade to CommentLuv Pro” link leads to) has been returning 404 Not Found errors for nearly a month now.
From what I’ve heard, it’s hard to fight the spam this plugin tends to attract without the tools in the pro version, so if it’s been abandoned I’ll spare myself the make work project.
Cheers, hope you’re well and happy 2017.
]]>This is happening to me at the moment, on several different sites:
I submit a comment and get the option to submit my link, but CommentLuv doesn’t list links to my POSTs – instead I get a list of links to recent comments on our blog (
See screen capture:
Could this be related to the fact that I recently uninstalled the free version of CommentLuv on our blog? A problem with an unclean uninstall? Or is this a general bug?
]]>Hi, Guys.
Commentluv is not working. If i comment on comment Luv enables WordPress site. It is not showing my recent post.
Website: thinkdigi
Please check whether I have any problem on my site.
]]>When I deactivate CommentLuv, there is no problem with the comments. When CommentLuv is activated, then there is. When people want to leave a comment on my blogpost and they fill in their ‘website’ and then submit, then it downloads wp-comments-post.php and doesn’t leave a comment. When they don’t fill in website, this problem doesn’t occurs. How can this be solved?
]]>I cannot get my latest post to come up when I try to comment on other blogs. I can’t figure out how to fix this problem!
Please help1
]]>please use the support ticket system for help
this forum is not efficient for answering the same questions again and again.
please search the support ticket system, chances are that the problem you’re having has already been experienced and solved before.
you can find links to the support site on the plugin page, the settings page, the commentluv site, the readme file and this forum.
]]>Commentluv isn’t working. When people leave their e-mailadress on commentluv on my website they see this:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to [url] port 80: Connection refused
I’ve got no idea, what’s going wrong. Do I need to change something in the settings?
Best regards,
]]>Running CommentLuv Version 2.94.1.
Have noticed a number of the luv comments contain broken links. I go to the post and it gives me the “Remove Luv” option, but the button does nothing. It’s like the button isn’t even there – nothing happens. Have tried it on multiple computers, multiple browsers. Is this a bug in the system, or is it an error in my settings. For what it’s worth, this function used to work for me.
]]>Hey Commentluv team,
So I run a multi-author site and was thinking of going with Commentluv, but I notice that the recent posts it calls up to display are based on the posts that come from the site itself and are NOT tracked by author. Is there a way to enable this somehow? Like if there are 3 authors on the site, A, B & C, I would only want A’s posts to show up when A comments, B’s when B comments, C’s when C comments.
Is this a feature and I’m just missing a checkbox somewhere, or was it not designed for this?
]]>Developer Hello,
I’ve been using the CommentLuv on a WordPress blog a problem. I had to go to German law “standard to” deselect, but then appears in front of an error of commentluv.php line 241st
It is undifined variable DEFAULT_ON.
This line is the following content.
‘Info Panel’ => $ info panel, ‘DEFAULT_ON’ => $ DEFAULT_ON, ‘default_on_admin’ => $ default_on_admin,
How can it be that I have a blog on just this issue.? On other blogs, it seems to work. I use on the blog WordPress 4.2.3 German version and have on the server PHP 5.6 and the last version of MySQL.
I do not know if you can help me here. Thank you in advance.
]]>For roughly 4 weeks we keep noticing this weird behaviour of CommentLuv:
NONE of the comments submitted by our regular commenters have a CommentLuv link below (although most are experienced bloggers with established sites, and certainly know your plugin from other sites)!
Yet all comments we find in our SPAM folder have CommentLuv links below!
Since we’re travelling off the beaten track in South America I have very little online access (right now not even enough to post to our blog) – I can’t go through hours of problem solving…
Screen capture:
To repeat: none of the pending comments show CommentLuv links!
]]>If the CommentLuv checkbox is checked when the user begins filling out the comment form, ‘Website’ becomes a required field. Unchecking the CommentLuv option does not resolve the issue.
If the CommentLuv checkbox is deselected BEFORE the user begins filling out the comment form, ‘Website’ is not required.
]]>I’m running comment luv comments on my site with no issues and can comment on some comment luv sites with my latest post linking correctly. However on several sites running comment luv it no longer finds my post links and returns an error that my site is offline of there is an error with the API. I know my site is online and I don’t understand what the API error means when some sites do work OK with mine. Can you please provide any further assistance on how to troubleshoot and fix this?