Hello, we have a site thats need to upgrade to php 8 and your plugin is inside. Do you know why its not working with php 8?
]]>Multiple image adding
Sorry for my English.
Is there a code or something I can do to automatically rotate the images that are uploaded upside down?
Here’s an example
Is it possible to remove the label that appears above the input?
Select an image for your comment (GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG):
How can I disable comment images for comments/reviews on products? I use Woocommerce.
On pages and posts is a box where I can disable comment images, but none so for products.
As stated in title: ever since I’ve installed an SSL certificate on my site, image upload attempts result in a 404 error. Not sure this is a plugin issue but thought I’d ask. If it helps please feel free to test on the page where I’m having the issues: https://flyguys.net/fishing-reports/flyguys-net-ice-off-2017-fishing-reports (please just put “test” in the comment so I can later delete. Thanks for any help in advance! Cheers … KW
]]>You do not need to code your own form to move upload box to proper place: just change comment_form hook to comment_form_after_fields in line 104 at plugin.php.
]]>Hi, I see this is great to allow ALL viewers to attach an image when posting. However, what I am trying to is limit this to selected people only. I would like all people to be able to post, yes.
But………..I need to qualify the people that can and will have permission to include photos?
Does anyone have an idea? I am new to WP. My first thought was to allow this function to only
“contributors”. Or…..my second thought was to use a PAY PAL app and ask for $1 from viewers in order
to allow them the post photos..(Not sure how I can do this with this plug in we are discussing)
Any ideas? Thoughts, suggestions, etc?
There is a woocommerce plugin that bills people to upload but it looks a little more difficult than
the aforementioned ‘comment image’ and pay pal plugins? Thank you!
Hi, I’d really like to move the upload photo option above the submit comment button.
The plugin is adding the option to upload photos below the post comment button and it would be nice to place it above so that people see this option more clearly.
Can you tell me what to edit in the php file? Thank you so much!.
thanks for plugin. is it possible to enable disable per post?
]]>How do I echo out the images uploaded in my comments? Is there a specific custom field?
]]>Hi Ive recently installed this plugin.
My settings are WordPress hook
Thumbnail size is set to 250.
1: I ran a check on the laptop. The image that is 215×210 (9kb) loads and shows without any problem but an image 450×500 (49 kb) doesn’t load and gives error 404
2: 80% of Visitors use mobiles to snap pictures and then upload. I cannot seem to dp that from the mobile or full site of the blog. Gives error 404 again
Help will be appreciated.
I’ve been using Comment Images for years. It’s a plugin created by Tom McFarlin that has a very similar name as this one. Is this plugin the same as his? His plugin is no longer listed here, so I”m hoping it’s the same plugin with a new person handling the support.
I would like to disable my Comment Images plugin and use something else, but if I disable the plugin, hundreds of previously uploaded comment images disappear from all my posts. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
]]>Hi, when commenting and attaching an image an iPhone the image rotates on to it’s side if it has been taken vertically. I have searched/tried numerous plugins to fix this issue – apparently it is something to do with the EXIF data?
Is there anyway this can be fixed, as many people will be using this plugin from their mobiles…
Many thanks.
]]>Is there any way that the main image file can also be resized like the thumbnail is?
]]>I love this plugin so much and my site really depends on it.
With these latest wordpress updates the plugin stopped working ??
Every time a photo is uploaded in the comments the “page not found” opens and no image is uploaded, and the comment is not posted.
Please help! Thank you
]]>Hi Stefano
I would like to purchase your premium plugin Comment Plus but before I do can you please confirm what happens to the Comment Images upload folder when I delete this plugin?
Does the folder stay or would I have to protect in by re-naming the folder during uninstall? And if renamed, and the plugin removed, would the previously uploaded images remain intact?
Many thanks
]]>Hi, I don’t seem to have a problem with any other aspects of media upload for my site, but when I upload an image with a comment on a live website it times out and says “web page not available.”
However on my local testing server on VVV there doesn’t seem to be a problem.
Is this a webhost issue or a plugin fault?
plugin work in post but in custom post type i don’t see where input upload image…
please help me!
Great plugin.
How do I change the “Choose file” button text please?
My wordpress is in Arabic.
Is possible to delete uploaded image? How?
Thank you
]]>please add the ability to parse pasted image URL’s in comment box
thanks for producing this plugin – its a great idea. However i can get it to work. It adds the upload button but the image doesnt appear in the comments?
I’m using the classipess theme.
Just tried the comment image plugin, I noticed it hadn’t been updated for a while, it doesn’t seem to be working for 3.05 though
I was interested in trying this to see if it was/would be/could be compatible with the new bbpress plugin for wordpress