please, do it!
]]>Got my three columns and it looked good but…. when I removed the sidebar and selected full width the text is now right up against the edge of the page. Need to get a intent for the text. How?
]]>Hi, this looks great, but looking at the js example at, I see that the number of columns is not fixed.
There seems to be a min-width and a max-width, when they are reached, a column is removed/added and all text repositioned.
Can this plugin do the same? Are there min/max width options or is there another way?
This is mostly for those out there who want this plugin to work with WordPress 3.6. I know I did!
This plugin includes jquery.columnizer.js version 1.5 which conflicts with jQuery 1.10 (which is a part of WordPress 3.6).
Solution that worked for me was to download version 1.6 of jquery.columnizer.js from the Columnizer plugin website and replace the old version with this.
Happy columnizing.
]]>I’m using Columnizer to make a grid of links to anchors on a page but a tag is being inserted in each column as follows:
<div class="first column" style="width:25%; float: left;">
<a href="#centres">MGCC Centres</a>
Here’s how I’m doing the columns in Text view in the TinyMCE editor:
MGCC Centres
MGCC Registers
Other MG Clubs
I’ve tried putting all the links on one line but that just makes them appear in one line on the page.
I’ve searched all the Columnizer PHP and JS files but there’s no tag in any of them. Any idea how I can get rid of it?
]]>Again, love your plug-in, but I have run into an issue where I need to take advantage of some of the Columnizer options and classes. However since the Columnizer jQuery is being called before my own custom jQuery file, I’m unable to do so.
Specifically, I need to add “dontsplit” classes to my paragraph tags because I can’t have the columns splitting mid-paragraph. However, right now the only way I can find to do this is to add the class by hand in the WYSIWYG editor.
Another, totally unrelated suggestion: it would be super nice for clients if they could use a button in the WYSIWYG editor to generate the shortcode for them, rather than having to type it by hand.
]]>This plug-in does pretty much exactly what I need. My only problem is with the paragraph tags on the shortcode.
If I put the shortcode on the same line as my content, the first paragraph of my content has no paragraph tags around it and is followed by an empty <p></p>
line. However, if I put a line-break between the shortcode and my content, it creates an empty <p></p>
line before my first paragraph. Either way it makes for wonky spacing on the page. Is there any way of preventing this?
I am using the sixcolumn with a linked image in each column. The preview changes and page preview show the page properly, however when the live site is loaded, they are in a single column down the center. It doesn’t make columns at all in Chrome, and it needs to load and refresh in Firefox. My theme is by Elegant Themes – Sky.
I was excited about the ease of use for this one.
]]>any idea how I could correct the following?
after the columns, many themes don’t show the horizontal line (<hr>) at all,
some show one of ±1cm, some just for the width of the column above and
some just show it for the whole page-width (which is what I mostly) need.
Where should I look for changing this behaviour?
thanks ??
]]>Thank you for this plugin it works very well ??
I noticed that if I put a (“WOW”-) slider inside the columns and have also a border between them, the border-line behaves unexpectedly (is scattered around).
Any fix possible?
It’s not dramatic but it would be nice to have.
]]>Couldn’t find any mention of this elsewhere. Get this round the image, instead of the caption:
[caption id="attachment_84" align="aligncenter" width="240"]It’s everywhere![/caption]
]]>I am using a plugin in my wiki category page to list the posts in that category but i need it to be in multiple columns.
So i found the Columnizer and thought brilliant.
I tried this in my template :
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[threecolumns]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[catlist categorypage=yes orderby=title order=ASC post_type=incsub_wiki]’); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[/threecolumns]’); ?>
But it keeps printing on the page [/threecolumns]
Can you help me out with this as i must be missing something ?
I even tried
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[threecolumns] [catlist categorypage=yes orderby=title order=ASC post_type=incsub_wiki] [/threecolumns]’); ?>
But that does the same too.
Any help would be appreciated.