Hi there, great plugin!
On my page every headlines shows three dots (…), even if it has the full headline.
In the settings I can set the “Headline length” at 500 or leave it blank it always shows the three dots. Can I change it so it will only show the dots on the headlines that are not completely shown..?
This plugin made my day for displaying categories the way I want.
However I realized it is not responsive.
Columns is really narrow and unreadable on mobile/tablet.
Any plans on making it responsive?
Also, is it possible to add support for tags, archive and search to be displayed in columns as well?
Is there a way to merely organize your most recent posts in columns rather than by just categories? For example, right now, I have one recent post from every category on my site listed, when I’d really just like the 5 or 6 last posts that I’ve done show up, regardless of whatever category they’re in. I don’t want to exclude any categories, but I don’t want to necessarily show the latest post from each category…just the latest posts I’ve done, in general.
]]>Is it in any way possible to show the author name and publish date between the title and excerpt?
I tried to put the_date(); in column-posts.php for example, but it does not displayed at the spot i would expect it.
All dates show up at the top of page instead of inside the articles.
Thanks in advanced for any help and keep on the good work!
The Column Posts plugin works on the site (not the easiest to figure out but I got it.) However, the columns on the mobile version are about 2 words wide, incredibly small. Can the plugin be adapted to be wider or just not used on smaller screens?
]]>OK, maybe I’m a bit slow, but how does this work? I put <?php do_action(‘columnpost’); ?> into the post-template.php child, I’ve activated it, now how does it work? There’s no place on the posts page to insert the short code, and each post is a separate item, so do I need to insert the shortcode in each post?
To be more specific, I put ‘do_action(‘columnpost’);’ at the bottom of the post-template.php child file, which is in the theme child directory. I’m looking for some way to put all the posts into two columns.
I like the looks of your Column Posts plugin a lot. However, is it possible with this plugin to simply list the (e.g. 6) most recent posts in chronological order in two columns, *irrespective* of which category each post belongs to? (The most recent post should be left on top, the second most recent one should be on the right side on top, et cetera.)
And if so, how?
That would be great, because unfortunately I still haven’t found a good free recent posts plugin (let alone a good one that also works with columns).
I do understand that what I want to do is not the main purpose of the plugin, but as I said, it would be nice if it could be used for my purposes also.
Many thanks, best regards,
Let me start with the followin: Great plugin!
However, I got 3 categories in 3 columns working as expected. But for some reason, I see content of the last post of the 3rd column in full below the 3 columns.
Is this a known issue? Is there any thing I can do to hide/remove this?
I’ve used this plugin to devide content on my site. But in the columns, the special characters won’t show. When I view the post on its own, they do show up.
See https://bit.ly/1KDB7nr and click on a green block to show the post. In “senior software engineer” it’s obvious what I mean.
Hey Lebasca,
It has been long since I’ve been on the forums of your plugin. Since tonight my host started implementing PHP 5.4, and my site doesn’t work. It says:
“Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /public/sites/www.platenkastvan.nl/wp-content/plugins/column-posts/column-posts.php on line 271”
I looked up the error message to see if I could find any solution, but I lack php-knowledge here. Only thing I know is that it is the point where is defined that if the number of posts is more than one, column post will come in effect.
`if ($numposts > 0){
<strong>$this->print_endposts($cp_class, $col_cat, $cp_column, &$cp_str);</strong>
} // end if categories`
A post on Stackoverflow gave me a solution, but I couldn’t really see how it corresponded to this line in column-posts.php:
]]>For example, instead of using:
// Wrong way!
myFunc(&$arg); # Deprecated pass-by-reference argument function myFunc($arg) { }
// Right way!
myFunc($var); # pass-by-value argument function myFunc(&$arg) { }</blockquote>
I hope you can have a look at it soon, in the meantime I will reach my host to see whether they can solve it somehow… (will consider a new donation after all these years;) )
Thanks anyway!
hello dear developer hello dear three-column user
first of all – i am impressed;this plugin is highly wellcome – and i love it for its features
question: i want to run this plugin in the theme twentyfourteen – did somebody try this allready?
see the three column-css
how to set up
how to do this – in order to have
a. thumbnails or
b. amazon-plugins visible
note: at the moment the three colums are not three but two.
what can i do?
love to hear from you
]]>Hi there,
I wondered if you could please help. I am trying to display 4 posts, 2 coloumns – so 2 one side, and 2 beside them. However the posts seem to just keep going down the page in 1 coloumn. Can you help please?
What is the best email to get you on, I will send a link and login details?
Cheers, Cameron.
]]>The “Thumbnail Size” setting isn’t functioning. No matter what size I set it at the thumbnail size doesn’t change.
I an using the short code, and configured it to use 3 columns. The posts are displayed as a list, single column.
Hello Sir,
I use columnpost plugin for my wordpress site. It works properly, but now i face one problem in it. In my site, there are the categories. and three pages. Now I want to display one categorie’s post on page. same as others. I try to use shortcodes with category id in pages but it not work.
Could I use this plugin with Custom post types?
I’m beginner in this field.
I don’t know how/where to put code event I read this.
I am using WP theme responsive, and I want to make a page of excerpt which displaying in two columns as in screenshot of your plug-in.
Please help!
[Moderator Note: No bumping, thank you.]
]]>Wishing there was a way to have individual classes assigned to each category / box for individual styling. I’m in need of styling each box here (https://catawbavalleymedical.org/health-information/) with different backgrounds and there’s no way to do it that I can see using CSS.
How can I make it possible to show the date like:
31 May 2014 POST TITLE 6
30 May 2014 POST TITLE 5
29 May 2014 POST TITLE 4
28 May 2014 POST TITLE 3
This, instead of using the bullet.. I also need to style the date..
Can somebody please help me? I think other users would like to know this?
p.s. I’m a designer, not a coder, but I have a little bit of skills in wordpress & php.
]]>Hi! Great plugin, it does exactly what I want it to do!
Just a few questions on how to tweak things. I have some basic knowledge of wordpress
-Is there a way to remove the bullets next to the posts?
-It seems odd that one is able to change the color and font of the title, but not the size. Similarly, it is odd one can change the size and color of the excerpt, but not the font. On my website, my headings and texts use different fonts. Also now I’m stuck with really small titles compared to the text itself.
]]>Is it possible to order posts alphabetically?
]]>How do I get the content to flow to the 2nd column??
]]>Hi lebasca.
I install your plugin, i use two column setting, everything works fine but thumbnails don’t show only text displays.
i checked the option “Show thumbnail” but still no effect.
plz help me to solve it.
I’m creating a test site for a client. The Column Posts plug is what they want on their front page. Test site: https://at.awealthofwisdom.com
However, the comment box shows up at the bottom, even thought I’ve unchecked it on the WordPress side of the page (Discussion). NOTE: unchecking the comments works on the other pages, so I’m guessing it’s the plugin.
Where can this be adjusted?
Hi there,
Just wondering how I would go about putting the title above the image? I’ve tried to move it in the PHP but I keep getting an error. Thanks!
]]>I have a category menu at the top of the page and when the user selects a sub-category I want to display the posts in that selected category in three columns. I have the <?php do_action(‘columnpost’); ?> code in my category.php file (maybe that is what is wrong, not sure) as now whatever category is selected it shows every post as a submenu in three columns.
This is the link to my test site https://bztest.info/
]]>Hi Lebasca
When I active the plugin, this message appears (debug mode ON) :
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method ColumnPost_Widget::register_widget() should not be called statically in H:\xampp-portable\htdocs\precisadeajuda2\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 429
I’m using wordpress 3.8 and PHP 5.4.7
Can you fix this?
Thank you in advance
how can i change the excerpt lenght in this plugin?
Can’ get the post list to align with the bullet with FireFox or IE. See image here https://oi42.tinypic.com/29lzpyr.jpg
Any idea on how to get it aligned?
]]>Hi –
Great plug-in. I have everything working perfectly with no overiding of any of the base styles and the problem is that I”m running a 3 column grid and its working great until row 2: EX –
It won’t fill the 3rd column after the first row no matter what! I’d really appreciate any help you can give!
I am running the plug-in out of the box and it’s working in a 2 column lay out.
Thank you very much!