Hello, I’m testing your wonderful plugin but it does not change the colors of my notes.
I have the plugin active
My web has latest version of wordpress and woocommerce and is not working.
When I change a status order does not change colors, what can it be?
pd: I have set the colors I want to appear by state.
Thank you very much for your help!
I installed this plugin and configured all the colors, but they don’t change on clients account.
I’m using Savile Row theme
That’s my site: https://arquivo.cortecrie.com.br
]]>Not a Find woocommerce Setting in my website…
Plz Help Me..
]]>I am using the wordpress 4.5(Chinese) & WooCommerce 2.5.5. It doesn’t work after I active the “WooComerce Colored Order Notes”. I ensure that I had colored the status from WooCommerce -> Setting -> Order Note Colors
my site is https://www.pls173.com
can you check it for me?