After my webhost upgraded to PHP 8.1.2 any posts using CodeColorer would barf at line 4698. Following what’s mentioned here: I corrected it by changing the following in /wp-content/plugins/codecolorer/geshi.php:
if (!isset($callback_2)) {
//$callback_2 = create_function('$matches', 'return "[" . str_replace("|", "", $matches[1]) . "]";');
$callback_2 = function($matches) { return "[" . str_replace("|", "", $matches[1]) . "]"; };
Everything now works again and displays the syntax highlighting.
Hope this helps.
]]>Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/lifeisok/public_html/ on line 4698
Could you please help me out with this? I tried opening the file mentioned in this location and it seems that we are indeed calling a “create_function” in this plugin. It would be great if you could help me fix this issue because this will get shown to whoever comes across this page and will give a false impression about the quality of the site.
]]>See “Step 4”.
For some reason it is not colouring.
]]>I know I talked about this before but it keeps on happening. I start off using a shortcode block and put all my stuff in. It all looks fine.
But when I edit the page the block is never initially looking OK and I have to choose “convert to html” and it is OK again.
I would like to suggest a dedicated codecolour block. In addition, to consider exposing many of the settings on the panel on the right for the block. There is a rich set of settings and it is hard to remember and I always have to find the web page.
Another handy thing is to allow us to state the highlight numbers relative to the start number. It catches me out so often. Highlight is always based from 1. But in terms of line numbers it is relative to my actual start number. I always have to paste into notepad to work out the 1 based line numbers.
I think all the above would make for a fantastic plugin double-fantastic.
]]>Wondering if this plugin has an option to copy the code snippets to clipboard?
Something I could add myself, but wanted to know if that feature is already available somewhere.
Current version of GeSHi used in codecolorer uses deprecated create_function().
I noticed it has been fixed in the new repo on GitHub:
Would it be feasible to use this version?
Will it work Ok with this new Gutenberg Editor?
]]>I use simple download monitor plugin and add HTML in the description. But your short code is not being applied.
I have emailed you about this and other matters over the months so are you still supporting this excellent plugin?
]]>I use Google Website Translator and as a result it is translating all the code blocks.
I have done some research on this and I think I am right in saying all we need to do is add this to the outer most div
Can you please add a new bool
attribute to the cc
syntax for notranslate
? Or, I think better, an actual setting that is global, as I have several code blocks and it would be nice if they are all automatically tweaked with this required class.
I hope to hear from you shortly. I also emailed you.
Thanks for a great plugin.
]]>I think I know the answer to this question but is this plugin GDPR compliant? Is it worth adding an official status on this issue to your webpage?
first of all thanks for the very useful plugin!
In the plugin settings it says for default code block width:
Default code block width. Integer means pixels, also you can specify em or % suffix. Could be omitted to use whole width.
However, if I try to put anything else than plain numbers (e.g. 80%) I get an error “Please type a number” (translated from German). Seems like the input field doesnt allow “em” or “%” to be specified?
I had already created a CSS override to correct the issue:
.codecolorer-container table td.line-numbers div {
width: auto !important;
After the 0.9.13 update which mentioned the issue, I still need do this.
Screenshot of before:
Screenshot of after enabling my override:
I’m getting next error with any the plugin usages after WP update.
Fatal error: Call to private method CodeColorer::performHighlightCodeBlock() from context ” in /home/sysdevme/public_html/wp-content/plugins/codecolorer/codecolorer-core.php on line 55
CodeColorer version 0.9.11 (latest now)
WordPress version 4.8.2 (latest now)
upgraded to the latest plugin version on a site that’s hosted on php 5.3.27.
unfortunately, it now fails with :
Fatal error: Invalid opcode 153/1/8. in /.../wp-content/plugins/codecolorer/codecolorer-core.php on line 54
what is causing it and how to resolve ?
]]>Nice! I’ve been using this plugins for years and happy it was updated!
]]>I’ve been using this plugin for years now, and am super satisfied!
I was wondering if this plugin is still maintained, since the lack of updates in the past 2 years, and the recent changes in WordPress might start causing issues.
Or should I start looking for an alternative?
I have uploaded the below sample code snippet to my wordpress blog but when I view the blog the closing span tag is converted to empty string.
Instead of </SPAN>
I tried using </SPAN>
but its not working as expected.
I am currently using codecolorer plugin and have also tried crayon syntax highlighter but the results are same.
Any suggestions?
]]>[cc lang=”vb”]
…some code…
CLEAN_DATA = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(IE.Document.getElementById(“result_box”).innerHTML, “</SPAN>”, “”), “<“)
…some code…
Would the developer be interested in getting someone to takeover this plugin?
]]>Hi, i have the wp-config.php file outside the wordpress root, for secure reason, with this, the CodeColorer Button on the Editor didn’t work:
Could not found wp-config.php. Error in path
Otherwise, if i change de wp-config.php file to the wordpress root, it works.
How can i fix this with the wp-config.php outside the wordpress root.
The Plugin 0.9.9 not works form me on WP 3.5.1.
Display <div>::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_1::</div> on the Article. What’s wrong?
The Code is the Sample code:
echo "hello"
When citing a Gemfile, only the first “gem” gets wrapped in a <span>, the rest of them aren’t highlighted: See screenshot
I think this is a bug in the plugin, and I didn’t know where else to point it out.
I have been trying to use something like this…how far off am I?
[cc lang="js" file="/apisamples/youtube_example/index.js"][cc]
see actual screen
no vertical scroll bar
style: blackboard
inline style: slush & poppies
what might be the cause of it?
this is the only code highlighting plugin that supports Haskell. It also adds interesting and informational links to function names. Very good work!
Is there any chance to support the shortcode within bbPress posts? That would be great!
Thank you in advance.
]]>This is the only plugin I found which works fine with VBA encoding. Just select VB as language and all works fine.
]]>How do i add the code from the htaccess file to wordpress blog posts,
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc]
Feature request for CodeColorer:
To easily prevent WordPress from messing up the code between [cc][/cc] etc., just use the add_shortcode()-Function wordpress provides:
This will prevent running wpautop() when switching from and to visual/html-mode.
]]>Don’t know why no people mentioned this issue.
When displaying line numbers in wrap mode (line_numbers=”true” nowrap=”false”), if there are one or more lines wrapped, the line numbers will no longer align with corresponding line content.
]]>Есть два но:
Первое и весьма существенное – это ошибка, которую я назвал ::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_#:: Эта ошибка появилась после того, как я попробовал обновить WordPress с 3.0.4 до 3.0.5 – именно такой текст стал выводится в комментариях после обновления (в постах подсвеченный код отображается без ошибок). Я написал и комментарий на сайте плагина, и личное письмо его разработчику, но оба сообщения пока что остаются без ответа.
Второе, менее значимое – почему-то не всегда срабатывает шорткод при публикации постов, код выводится в виде обычного неподсвеченного текста, видно, что плагин не сработал. Причина возникновения этой ошибки не ясна – ошибка появляется редко, нерегулярно.
After updating WordPress the error occurred – in the comments instead of code appears – ::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_#::
where # – number of block code
If you install a previous version of WordPress – the error disappears.