After Install the plugin Google PageSpeed insights show Minify CSS?Potential savings of 2?KiB (When i uninstall the Plugin, Minify css gone from pagespeed alert… see the bellow image, and please suggest me how to fix this
Google PageSpeed is reporting this error for my webpage:
Browser errors were logged to the console:
ReferenceError: wp is not defined at <anonymous>:3:1 at t.activateScript ( at at ( at at
I have no idea what is causing this or how to fix it. Can someone please help?
]]>Hello there!
Is it possible to use your plugin and LiteSpeed Cache in the same website?
And if yes, do I have to use specific settings to avoid conflicts?
]]>Getting a “Forbidden” banner every time we load the settings screen of this plugin.
]]>The plugin page shows that it was last updated 3 weeks ago (as of writing this) yet it says it is only tested up to WordPress version 6.2.6. This is several versions behind the current (as of writing this) WordPress version of 6.6.1. How was the plugin updated 3 weeks ago but not tested against the current version of WordPress?
]]>All of a sudden no matter what I do in the pluging (example purging), I get the message ‘bad request’ . Uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin after deleting it does not help.
Help please.
(looking ideally for a response from Cloudflare itself)
]]>Hi there,
I think I have determined that when I turn my Cloudflare proxy on, my Woocommerce or my Woocommerce Payments plugin can’t connect.
However, when I turn the CF proxy off I start getting referral spam.
Has anyone experienced this connection issue before between Woocommerce & proxying with Cloudflare?
What’s the solution?
Now seeing this in CF dashboard?
API Request Failed: PATCH /api/v4/zones/d4d29c1f70064ef2e00a25dd549c4e73/settings/security_level (520)
Recently, I implemented Cloudflare APO to my WP site to enhance the speed and security of our platform. However, I’ve encountered some technical glitches post-integration—specifically, issues with the ratings, Ajax search, and “show more” buttons, which stop functioning after a few hours but starts to work if I clear cloudflare cache.
Upon some research I found out it may have something to do with WordPress Nonces OR Edge TTL. So, I tried lowering Edge TTL for 8 hours and it still had the issue.
I use Rehub Theme, Php 8.1.
]]>99% of the time I’m using Purge Everything and Development Mode options in this plugin when updating a site. It would be extremely helpful to have a purge everything option in the WP Toolbar, which is similar to most WP caching solutions (for example we use nginx page cache and redis object cache) which offer the ability to purge easily from the toolbar.
Thanks for the consideration!
]]>I found that this plugin conflicts with Mpdf’s required package on PHP 8.
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Psr\Log\NullLogger::log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = []) must be compatible with Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::log($level, $message, array $context = []) in /var/…/wp-content/themes/…/includes/mpdf/vendor/psr/log/src/NullLogger.php on line 26
Can you please advise?
]]>Hello everything is fine?
The META conversion api, you need conversation between servers right?
To deliver as much data as possible.
In my case I’m using a very persistent cache on the cloudflare edge, that is, it doesn’t touch the server to load the HTML.
What do I have to do to make it work without losing this efficiency?
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\mb_chr() in /var/www/html/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/ Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\Idn::mapCodePoints() #1 /var/www/html/ Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\Idn::process() #2 /var/www/html/ Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Idn\Idn::idn_to_ascii() #3 /var/www/html/ idn_to_ascii() #4 /var/www/html/ CF\WordPress\WordPressClientAPI->getZoneTag() #5 /var/www/html/ in /var/www/html/ on line 288
Hi Guys Facing this issue I have recently migrated my website from one shared hosting to a dedicated one when I Click on save button on my contact form 7 form this issue arises I don’t the main cause of this issue can it might be due to the php version 7.4 currently using and on my shared hosting they were using 8.1.
and yes I am using cloudflare plugin also same version on both end.
]]>We have a problem with bots on our website & I’d like to use the Blackhole for Bad Bots plugin to trap them. Can you please provide the late init
functionality & anything else that has been provided by the other major caching plugins? Else provide this service yourself?
More info:
]]>Please Make it work with Open Lite Speed cache
]]>When you create a new blog post you dont want the whole website to be purged from the cache.
But the pages that contains a list with blog posts should be purged.
How to do this since the blog post appears on the frontpage, on the blog post listing page and several pages.
I do understand the cloudflare plugin can’t know where are the blogs are listed, but are there functions to call so the pages can be purged?
In case it’s relevant, the APO subscription is active (but not sure if its really helpful).
I have APO enabled (correctly, according to the headers). I’m not using any caching plugins and have disabled spam filters. Yet many new visitor comments are not posting (I’ve replicated the issue). I’ve read that comments should work fine with APO, but it seems that they are not. Not sure what to do. Are there any possible rules I can use to prevent caching of comments?
I saw that with Cloudflare I can block specific countries from even accessing my website.
So what I did was I added this country “block” WAF rule:
( eq “CN” and eq “HK” and eq “SG” and eq “RU”)
However, when I check WordFence for live traffic, I can still see that I get requests from exactly those countries: HongKong, Singapore and even China that I tried to block.
So what is the WAF rule for then if those countries can still try to access my website? Just wondering…..
I have successfully updated the database prefix manually. After updating, could successfully login to cpanel, admin and other authors account. The site seemed to be working as expected.
However, after updating, I came across cache issues on my website. I rechecked the wp_options table to verify that all entries starting with wp_ prefix are updated (20 entries). While I was going through, I could see a couple of duplicated entries (now a total of 22 entries) that show the previous prefix (wp_force_deactivated_plugins and wp_cloudflare_page_cache_install). These two entries are also available with the new updated prefix.
Few days ago, I noticed the cache issue on my website. Though after updating the database prefix, I cleared the Cloudflare cache too. Some changes that I made especially in the sidebars and in the Customizer tool are not visible at once, when viewing my website on different browser/devices. However, the changes made are visible when I’m logged into my admin account.
So, it seems the issue is related to the duplicated “wp_cloudflare_page_cache_install” entry. The cache was working correctly before updating the database prefix.
What could be the solution for this?
I would like to have the real visitor IPs in our WordPress logs:
Does this plugin help with that?
Rather than having to go thru this: Restoring original visitor IPs · Cloudflare Support docs
Thank you
]]>Ich habe kürzlich das Cloudflare-Plugin ausprobiert, es dann es wieder deinstalliert, da es third-party Dienste in Anspruch nahm. Nach der Deaktivierung und L?schung des Plugins zeigt mir Webbkoll immer noch 5 third-Party Anfragen von und an.
Kann mir jemand aufzeigen, wie ich die Spuren des gel?schten Plugins g?nzlich l?schen kann. Im Directory wp-content/plugins ist kein Directory von Cloudflare mehr vorhanden. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
I use the Cloudflare plugin on all of my WordPress sites, and I’ve started seeing an error at the bottom of the plugin settings screen whenever it’s loaded. It says “Bad Request” with a red background, then goes away within a few seconds. The plugin functionality doesn’t seem to be affected (I’ve tested enabling Development Mode within WordPress and it works), but a client is wondering what’s wrong. Can this be addressed?
]]>In the CloudFlare admin page, we are seeing a fatal error that caused the issue in the page rendering.
I have noticed the following error in the debug log.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function CF\API\Request::__construct(), 3 passed in /chroot/home/a42756c1/ on line 47 and exactly 4 expected in /chroot/home/a42756c1/
Image links for reference
]]>Regarding Cloud Flair plugin
When will this be campatible for use with WordPress ver 6.4.2?
David DeWitt
It seems the last time the plugin author replied and resolved an issue here was 6 months ago.
APO subscription doesn’t grant any support on the Cloudflare website.
The GitHub repo doesn’t seem to be responsive as well.
So, are APO subscribers paying customers without any access to support?
Tagging the last plugin author who replied here: @ggalow
]]>I purchased APO to speed up my websites, but then, I can now see wp-admin pages when I just come to my website from private mode (or in-cognito mode). I guess this is because of caching, and wonder if there is any way to disable that functionality.
I have a membership site, and now wp-admin, user specific cotents are shown to non-logged in users, while members complain that they cannot see their account page (which means their browser sees that they are not logged-in). Guess cookies are not stored, or mixed, maybe?
I turned off APO for now, and still would like to turn back, given the the amazing speed boost, but price that I have to pay, given what’s described above, feels way more than $5/month. Any potential fix?
]]>Plugin is not working with php 8.2.8.
PHP 8.2.8 (cli) (built: Jul 28 2023 18:24:31) (NTS)
# wp plugin activate cloudflare
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of CF\Integration\DefaultLogger::debug($message, array $context = []) must be compatible with Psr\Log\AbstractLogger::debug(Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void in /x/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/src/Integration/DefaultLogger.php on line 42
Fatal error: Declaration of CF\Integration\DefaultLogger::debug($message, array $context = []) must be compatible with Psr\Log\AbstractLogger::debug(Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void in /x/wp-content/plugins/cloudflare/src/Integration/DefaultLogger.php on line 42
Just applied CF on my wordpress website, then I no longer can see webp images on screen. I have EWWW IO working at the back, which worked fine until I added CF.
Is it because CF cached non-WebP images and serving them instead of WebPs?
Is there anyway CF cache WebP images instead of JPG/PNG?
]]>Check the below screenshot
DeprecatedCreation of dynamic property CF\WordPress\DataStore::$logger is deprecated-
1Plugin: cloudflareDeprecatedCreation of dynamic property CF\WordPress\Proxy::$pluginAPI is deprecated+