great plugin but the plugin doesn’t work with javascript in footer. The problem arises when trying to eg add ‘jquery’ to the list.
With this, the output in footer will be
<script type='text/javascript' src='{rocket-ignore}https://xxxx/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js?ver=0.2.2'></script>
Scripts in the header work just fine
]]>Hi There,
I have been looking at such a plugin and finally found it but I am having trouble identifying which script I need to ignore. Currently when I enable Rocket Loader the only thing in our site that does not work is the menus. When we click on the menus the sub-menus do not appear. I have asked the dev but they are just hopeless in getting back to me. The website is https://www.securetechosting.com I am hoping someone will be able to take a look and tell me which script is handling the menus.
Thank you in advance
]]>Hi i am really need this to work since i am having issues with rocket loader on my site https://www.topclassprinting.com/wordpress slider and some gallery options seem to not be loading.
I am assuming if i pay i can get this updated?
I use the WP-Review Plugin and it does not work with Rocker Loader so I tried out this plugin.
I just add these 2 lines on the plugin tab:
Or I made a mistake or it did not worked.
]]>Dam and i was looking forward to using this plugin, i have tried everything to get this thing working but no go, i was trying to get it to ignore jquery.prettyphoto.js
I didnt test it yet but have a question.
Actually the rocket loader tags works well for anyone want to ignore a script.
Problem is that many theme are calling js by enqueue call in functions, make the tag to ignore impossible to integrate.
I mean, I didnt find the solution yet.
Does your plugin works even the js are call in theme function via enqueue script ?
]]>Is this possible?
]]>I did some more testing. Your plugin seem to be working only for some browsers if I don’t use a cache plugin. I noticed if I disable QC, then image lazy load is not working anymore. If it is enabled, it won’t let cache plugin do its job ??
<!– Quick Cache is NOT caching this page, because Quick Cache detected an early output buffer termination. This may happen when a theme/plugin ends, cleans, or flushes all output buffers before reaching the PHP shutdown phase. It’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is necessary for a theme/plugin to do this. However, in this scenario it is NOT possible to cache the output; since Quick Cache is effectively disabled at runtime when this occurs. –>
I tested also using caching engine from Wordfence plugin. Seem to be working on every browser if I use wordfence. Yet, couldn’t find their debug message from source code.
I would give you login credentials for a subdomain blog on my site if you need testing. I am tired and I don’t have the skills anyway.
]]>After uninstalling the plugin I’m left with parts of it that are slowing down my site.
which redirects to exactly the same:
Can you advice how to remove this?
]]>The plugin does not add any data-cfasync='false'
tags if multiple filenames are entered (1 per line).
This will work:
This will not work on any script:
I think that it isn’t parsing the new lines correctly because after adding more scripts and saving the settings, the refreshed page displays the all the filenames on 1 line.
]]>If you’re using CloudFlare’s Rocket Loader (on Auto or Manual) and the Really Simple Captcha (used with Contact Form 7) then you’ll notice that the Captcha does not load until a viewer clicks with Send button (which refreshes the Captcha). Naturally, this missing Captcha may put off users from filling in your form. And of course you don’t want to turn off Rocket Loader just for one plugin.
To fix this problem, simply install this plugin (CloudFlare Rocket Loader Ignore) and add “scripts.js” (without the quotes) to the ignore list. Doing this will prevent CloudFlare’s Rocket Loader from processing the javascript file for Really Simple Captcha so that it loads correctly each and every time!
Just thought I’d write this up for reference.