nella versione pro c’è la possibilità di far accedere più utenti alla stessa cartella drive?
ho comprato la versione pro, ma le funzionalità PRO si sono improvvisamente disabilitate.
Ho provato a raggiungere il vostro sito per verificare come mai non fossero abilitate, ma non riesco a cariarlo.
Potete aiutarmi?
Grazie Jacopo
I wanted to find out if it does exactly what I need. I need to be able to create infinite folders with documents on google drive, one for each user registered on the site, and to be able to allow each user to access ONLY his folder.
Is this possible?
And if it is possible, what should be done to allow each single user to access his / her reserved area from the menu? Is there an automated system or do I have to manually create the pages with the customized code for each single folder?
Thank you
]]>Dear support team,
How may I manage folders for the user?
Is this a pro feature?
Thank you.
Best regards,