It would be good to add user verification of a certificate in a sub-menu of the user profile settings. Behavior would be
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
The following errors appear:
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ClientCertificateAuthenticationPlugin has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/client-certificate-authentication/client-certificate-authentication.php on line 13
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ClientCertificateAuthenticationOptionsPage has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/client-certificate-authentication/options-page.php on line 2
Using v1.0.2 of this plugin with Version 4.9.8 of WordPress and it works as advertised.
With the plugin enabled and
SSLVerifyClient require
added to wp-login.php
, everything works fine and I just click on the login link to be automatically logged in. However, when following the rest of the installation instructions and requiring a cert for all wp-admin
pages, loopback functionality is compromised, resulting in cron jobs beginning to fail to run properly.
Using the Health Check plugin shows the failed cron job and loopback error. Disabling require on wp-admin fixes the loopback error and cron trigger fixes the rest.
Is there a way to add a special cert to loopback?
]]>Good morning. I own a WP website in order to sell web courses. I use the LearnPress LMS feature, and Im having trouble with sending conclusion certificates automatically to my students at the end of their course.
I’ve created the certificates, they are linked with the course, but when the student clicks “FISH COURSE” button, he receives nothing but an e-mail that says: “congratulations on finishing the course”.
How can i make them receive the cert. template i’ve created to deliver them? Can somebody help me with this?
Sorry if ive made any english mistake. Have a nice day.
This sounds like the perfect plugin for me to have to set up a site for just family members to easily jump on without the hassle of authenticating via username and password.
However just need some advice on how to start utilising the plugin correctly, here are the next steps I would envision I would need to perform:-
1) Create a Certificate Authority & Server SSL certificate as standard
2) Create client certificates on devices for each user; this time cn is anything but email address details has to match a user’s email address on wordpress user list? Correct me if I am wrong?
3) Then enable apache for SSL client certificate authentication
Sorry for being thick, but any help would be most appreciated.
]]>I love this addon! The only thing that would make it better would be if you could build in certificate auto-provisioning for already authenticated users.