Adding Appsero for this plugin and wp-edit-password-protected
has caused sites to fatal.
This is because when adding it you have the require
statement reading as:
if ( ! class_exists( 'Appsero\Client' ) ) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/appsero/src/Client.php';
however the path to the appsero client should actually be
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/appsero/client/src/Client.php';
You’re trying to require a file that doesn’t exist, so the site dies.
]]>Hi Dear Developer,
Hope you are doing great!
When I check the size of
It is 112 KB (6KB in Gzip), one of the largest CSS files for mine site.
Chrome says
font-awesome.min.css: 99% is not used by the current page.
hover.css: 99% is not used by the current page.
Kindly do something to remove unwanted bytes. It would be great.
Thanks & Regards,