The plugin probably shouldn’t run in the WP customizer either because it can cause issues with settings that load scripts (such as skins or google fonts).
I just add this at the top of the file for now
if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) {
I would also recommend making sure ABSPATH is defined as well…
]]>It would be great to have a filter so you can exclude scripts in your child theme or via another plugin. Basically it would return an array of handles that you don’t want combined into the ‘arevico-combines’ stylesheet.
I would love to contribute to this project ! If you can please put it on github I would be more then happy to submit some pull requests ??
Oh and to not open another topic…would be good and not very hard to also minify the CSS output of ‘arevico-combines’.
]]>The rmv_vers function could use some improvement…
Old Code:
function rmv_vers( $src ){
$parts = explode( '?', $src );
return $parts[0];
Suggested update:
function rmv_vers( $src ){
if ( strpos( $src, '?ver=' ) ) {
$src = esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src ) );
return $src;
Not only is it a bit better, but also there is a bug in WordPress where when loading a Google font its adding “&ver=4.2.1” instead of “?ver=4.2.1” at the end of the string. The current code will break the script completely, but the updated version won’t break things because it’s targeting the specific query argument.
]]>If there is a css file that is loaded inline and it has a dependency set to a script that is being added into arevico-css-cache then it will no longer load.
By altering all stylesheets that depend on a script that’s being cached have a dependency equal to arevico-combines it fixes the issue.
Great plugin you have there. It makes my website very fast. However, I am facing some problem with Pullout Widgets Version 2.7 by Max Chirkov.
Can you please provide a solution?
I have installed the CleanerPress. I did some customization through your plugin ( you know ticking the available options your plugin gives me). Finally, I ticked the option to disable the admin bar. However, finally I wanted to get back and have the admin bar on the frontend of my website. But when I unchecked the option nothing happened and now there is no admin bar in the frontend (please notice that I am logged in). Please help me. Thank you
Hi again,
I’ve just resolved an issue with your code that was causing none of my Javascript to load. Chrome inspection was telling me there was an unexpected “<” in the code.
It turns out it was a simple fix, you were just missing the double // before the <![CDATA[
See the fix I did on line 203 of your file cleanerpress-professional-3.php
Old Code
echo(sprintf(“%s<script src=’%s’ type=’text/javascript’></script><script type=’text/javascript’><![CDATA[\r\n head.js(%s);\r\n]]></script>”
New Code
echo(sprintf(“%s<script src=’%s’ type=’text/javascript’></script><script type=’text/javascript’>//<![CDATA[\r\n head.js(%s);\r\n//]]></script>”
I would like to know if it’s possible to only load a plugin on the home page. Unfortunately the “Only on urls containing (one per line)” option won’t work. Also I tried setting all the disable on the following ticks on, except for the home page and that didn’t work either.
Actually I’ve just tried blocking a plugin on the home page using the “Disable on the following items” option and that isn’t working either.
]]>Hi! Can i change directory where plugin cache its files? I want to cache them not in wp-content.
]]>your demo video on the front page goes black halfway through.
There is a GET-Parameter, which would clear the cache (‘clearcsscache’), but this is not possible because the code (function generate_form inside o_tld.php) is simply not working and brings up an error message, if you try to append the param to the URL. Is this the reason maybe that there isn’t even a link provided to clear the cache?
I made a little change in that code, so calling the magic URL: clears the cache for me now:
$files = glob( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/arevico-css-cache/*.css' );
and inserted a link to that magic URL.
BTW: 2 links (to support and faq) of the page are broken.
Would be nice, if you could fix this issue in your next release.
The best!
This error occurs actually in:
CleanerPress 2.01 / Last Updated: 2013-8-3
Error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '/' in /www/htdocs//wp-content/plugins/cleanerpress/o_tld.php on line 52
And for me it’s not clear what you want to do in line 52. Seems you didn’t want to comment the line, so … ??
Thanks so far,
the best,
I saw that the code refers to the wp-content directory in multiple places. Plugins like Better WP Security advise to rename wp-content into something else, but this breaks the plugin, obviously. Can this be fixed in a future release? That would be great.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m currently using this plugin and i really love it. Should be used by more blogs.
Anyways, when i’m clearing the cache, i get the following errormessage:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <mydomain>/wp-content/plugins/cleanerpress/o_tld.php on line 45
CSS Cache Cleared! Don’t forget to clear any other caching plugin you may use, to clear references to the static css files.
Not sure what has happened. Perhaps a chmod issue?
]]>I have been using this plugin for a while and happy with it. One of my other plugins, Flare, has gotten updated and comes with a new CSS file. I had the option ‘Enable Combining and Caching Stylesheets.’ ticked but the CSS changes do not take effect.
I have cleared all caches (CleanerPress, Hyper Cache and browser caches) but still the CSS changes do not show up. wp-content and the arevico folder have been chmodded to 755.
What am I missing here or doing wrong?
]]>There appears to be a serious problem somwhere in the plugin – Google test speed drops from 85 to 69 when it’s active. Quite obviously not using it at the moment, but you might want to look into this.
I’m no advanced user, but through the research that led me to this plugin I also came by some other articles and plugins that made me think the only way to make a feature like your plugin-loader work is to move your plugin to the must-use folder:
There’s no mention of it in your install instructions. Did you bypass it somehow, or would this be a better way of doing it?
While I’m at it, I should mention that a proper changelog and actual screenshots would be much appreciated as well.
I originally posted this thread:
about being able to disable the plugin for specific posts/pages, and you referred me to CleanerPress as a way to do so for now.
I installed cleanerpress and set it up to disable the facebook lightbox on certain posts, but it didn’t seem to work. I had the lightbox interval set up on “0” so that it would load on every refresh so that I could test it and CleanerPress doesn’t seem to have worked here; the lightbox still shows up on these posts.
Anything you can think of that might be the reason behind this, or that I can do in order to make it work?
Thank you!
]]>I discovered a conflict with the Lightbox Plus plugin. When activating the “Load scripts non-blocking with head.js (breaks inline scripts)” function, Lightbox Plus stops working. I don’t know if it works with other lightbox plugins, but maybe worth to look at.
]]>Great Plugin!
General Settings – 3: Plugins
Custom post type support, are not they?
]]>The only thing I was using CleanerPress for seems to be the only thing removed from the latest version; this is caching, and combinating of CSS. It was much more reliable at that than any other plugin I could find. It had trouble “deleting” cache files, but I could remove them manually. This was the one feature I used. This was/is the most spotlighted feature for it on, and the reason I found it in the first place.
I have downgraded to 1.0.2., which still works perfectly fine with wp 3.4.2. I don’t use the javascript handling, again just CSS.
]]>Basically, since this plugins isn’t very popular yet we decided to release the premium version we had planned, for free. While we need some extra time to debug and test the thing will have features like:
– select which plugin should be loaded on which page. This will increas the speed to generate a page and avoids loading extra css/js when not needed.
– disable certain plugins for mobile user-agents.
– some useful queries
First off, thanks for this plugin. After I installed it, I received this error code in my footer
Warning: ob_end_flush() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/spcm/public_html/localbusinesses/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403
I have W3 Total Cache installed, so I disabled it to make sure there wasnt a clash. If you would like me to send you anything, please email me @ Dustin at SP.CM
Again, thank you for your hard work
Looks like a very promising plugin. One question though: Will this plugin work in a multi site installation with domain mapping?
I was using BWP-Minify before, but this was conflicting with my google maps plugin when using a mapped domain.
]]>Hai buddy,
I currently use super cache plugin in my blog can i run this plugin along with super cache.