Is it possible to add a Filter so if a User is not a Admin it has to use Classic Editor?
]]>Editor adds extra classes to the paragraph tag
I can no longer switch from classic to block, even changing the default setting. This is the first review when clicking Details from the plugin (review by airbesi on November 14, 2024)
“In the latest version of WordPress 6.7 the Classic Editor doesnt work with post categories, the Classic Editor doesnt change or update the post categories, can you check this please ?”
It doesn’t work with Pages either.
]]>Thank you for your help.
I have the below 2 problems:
Problem 1:
Problem 2:
When creating a new post and selecting categories Under the “Most Used” tab, only the primary category is being saved.
It only seems to be affecting the “Most Used” category tab, they are being saved when you select categories from the “All Categories” tab.
Only started happening with the latest WordPress 6.7 version.
Was initially reported here as well:
tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2 Uncaught Error: Node cannot be null or undefined
at as fromDom
at op (tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2:187711)
at ap (tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2:187859)
at pp.execCommand (tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2:189483)
at tN.execCommand (tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2:346040)
at core.min.js?ver=3.6.0:1:123797
at h (vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16:41930)
at y (vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16:42191)
at m (vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16:42088)
ir @ tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2
op @ tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2
ap @ tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2
execCommand @ tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2
execCommand @ tinymce.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:2
(anonymous) @ core.min.js?ver=3.6.0:1
h @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
y @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
m @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
bi @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
v @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
b @ vendor.min.js?ver=3.6.0:16
(anonymous) @ core.min.js?ver=3.6.0:1
r.contentWindow.onresize @ core.min.js?ver=3.6.0:1
plugin.min.js?ver=49110-20201110:1 Deprecated TinyMCE API call: .onNodeChange.add(..)
When pasting in from Word the editor is adding <p style="font-weight: 400;">
to all normal paragraphs. It is not adding this code to any other elements. Is there a way to stop this behaviour? It is happening on all of our sites running current plugin and WP.
This post has some Bold elements. Some Italic elements.
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This is a test post</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This post has some <strong>Bold</strong> elements. Some <em>Italic</em> elements.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">And a <a >link</a>.</p>
As the title said, do you yet know if this plugin will continue support and development after this year?
]]>on firefox-pc
the classic editor has different behavious in long post when cut/pase/delete are used with images.
the editor will change its position in the text eg moving away from the place where the action occured (moving it offscreen) and/or reverting to the top of the post.
‘Delete or ctrl-x can behave differently to using the ‘X’
it’s done this for quite a while and it’s a minor annoyance
]]>Adding in html editor mode
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'theme_add_quicktags', 99 );
function theme_add_quicktags() {
if ( ! wp_script_is('quicktags') )
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function(){
QTags.addButton( 'r4_div_blue', 'div_blue', '<div class="color-blue">', '</div>', 'd', 'Div blue', 1 );
QTags.addButton( 'r4_h3_blue', 'h3_blue', '<h3 class="color-blue">', '</h3>', 'h', 'H3 blue', 2 );
QTags.addButton( 'r4_ol_lg', 'ol_lg', '<ol class="lg-list">', '</ol>', 'o', 'Ol lg', 3 );
} );
//QTags.addButton( id, display, arg1, arg2, access_key, title, priority, instance );
Adding in visual editor mode (buttons)
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.theme_buttons', {
init : function(ed, url) {
ed.addButton('r4_div_blue', {
title : 'Div blue',
icon: 'mce-ico mce-i-checkmark', // использование иконки Dashicons
onclick : function() {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<div class="color-blue"></div>');
ed.label = 'Div blue';
ed.addButton('r4_h3_blue', {
title : 'H3 blue',
icon: 'mce-ico mce-i-checkmark', // использование иконки Dashicons
onclick : function() {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<h3 class="color-blue"></h3>');
ed.label = 'H3 blue';
ed.addButton('r4_ol_lg', {
title : 'Ol lg',
icon: 'mce-ico mce-i-checkmark', // использование иконки Dashicons
onclick : function() {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<ol class="lg-list"><li></li></ol>');
ed.label = 'Ol lg';
tinymce.PluginManager.add('theme_buttons', tinymce.plugins.theme_buttons);
function theme_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
$plugin_array['theme_buttons'] = get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/tinymce-buttons.js?v=17'; // путь к вашему JS файлу
return $plugin_array;
function theme_register_buttons($buttons) {
array_push($buttons, 'r4_div_blue', 'r4_h3_blue', 'r4_ol_lg');
return $buttons;
Question: how to add to the drop-down list (see screenshot)
Hi all,
Page Attributes
“Full Width” not showing up.
Default template
Showcase template
Sidebar template
Pls help
Need to know if Classic Editor compatible with PHP 8.2 and above.
]]>Hello after updating my Mac to Sequoia this evening, the Classic Editor is not properly displaying on Safari (still works on Chrome and Firefox). All sections below the post editor that are supposed to display in the main column are displaying on top of the sections that normally display in the right column.
When creating an article in “classic” mode, the editor crashes if you want to “edit with elementor“
In addition, your plugin is disabled – there is a notable gain in performance of the pages in the back end
Thank you
Not sure if this is related to others having issues with formatting, but I’m able to make text bold however I’m not able to use the “insert link” on the visual tab. I have to switch the text tab to do it.
There’s no indication that a link was added, except for at the very bottom breadcrumb area stating that there is an anchor tag … however no pop-up is shown and I believe this issue is related to this plugin since I’ve deactivated other plugins and I do not have cache at the moment.
]]>Hello. Where can I find the settings to add other format options to the Classic Editor? Things like underline, superscript, tables, etc.
I know there is the toolbar toggle and the (?) button that shows keyboard short cuts. I’d just like to be able to some additional buttons to make a few things easier.
I can get that on the Advanced Editor Tools plugin, but I do have need to also be able to use the block editor. Advanced Editor Tools plugin suggest using Classic Editor if you want to be able to use both side by side.
]]>Hi. Tried to search for someone having a similar problem but couldn’t find one — the ones I found were more than 9mo old. My issue is: I cannot select texts while using the classic editor. Tried disabling all plugins to be sure CE causes the issue, and it appears it does. When I try to select a text, it does not highlight it like this:
I guess I can still select the text but it doesn’t appear visually. I can delete the selected text but cannot make it bold etc. I don’t want to use the other editor, is there a solution for this?
I have enabled the right-to-left (RTL) version of the theme, but I cannot remove the sidebar from the classic editor. The text is overlapping.
]]>80% of our site pages are Classic, and it’s great. But a handful of pages need more, so I switch them to Gutenberg blocks.
I have an editor who is an exec, who only knows how to use Classic. She opens “Gutenberg” blocks pages in Classic, changes words here and there, then saves. Mostly the blocks are restored, but I’ve had problems where she deleted code she can’t see.
Convincing her to not do this isn’t an option.
Is there any plugin that:
I have to build a site right now and I saw the Gutenberg Editor again. I don't see the Gutenberg Editor on my own site because I only use the Classic Editor.
When I saw the Gutenberg Editor and took a look, I immediately asked myself the question: "Why?"
Why so complicated and not as clean as the Classic Editor.
Then I looked at the Classic Editor plugin because I wanted to know how long it would be developed for.
And there I saw the large number of installations. 10 million people use the Classic Editor instead of the Gutenberg Editor.
10 million out of 44 million is a big number.
I can of course understand that the developers want to make WordPress more modern.
The question is, is that really what they want? Aren't there more important things that WordPress could have done? For example, making WordPress and embed functions GDPR compliant on their own? Or making WordPress 100% hacker-proof? Wouldn't there be better arguments for using WordPress than installing a new editor?
As you can see, many people want a simple and clean editor. Of course it's nice to be able to use a predefined block. But fundamentally I think it's a shame that the Gutenberg editor doesn't take into account the much more attractive clarity (also with regard to other screen elements) and doesn't create an attractive alternative.
Why isn't there a Classic Mode in the Gutenberg editor? So that the old, clean and clear design can be retained, but the new options would still be possible for the old design?
So a kind of mix of both. Personally, I mostly only use the Classic Editor in the text tab and not in the visual view. I just want to insert my text content, then format it and then be done and not create complex nesting with blocks to achieve similar results.
I would really like the development team to get the 10 million people who think Gutenberg is too complex or difficult or confusing back on board and construct a classic mode in the Gutenberg editor that maintains the clarity on the pages and keeps the screen elements in the foreground and simply sees the text area as a text area.
Keep the simple editor tools clear, but combine them with the new possibilities of the Gutenberg editor.
Or I would also like it if the page remained as clear in classic mode, but the area where you place and write your content can be in the modern Gutenberg editor style. I hope you understand what I mean.
The classic editor is clear because you can position the screen elements in such a way that you can generate new posts quickly and easily. With the Gutenberg editor, things have become more complex and confusing.
So why not offer a mix. A classic mode in the Gutenberg editor, which is only in the editing area (iFrame) of the Gutenberg editor, but the rest of the page is still simple and clear like the classic editor. A mix of both worlds.
That's possible. And the mce toolbar remains button-like, but works with the new Gutenberg functions. The + can also be installed on the left, so that all Gutenberg blocks are possible.
I just wanted to ask why Gutenberg apparently has no desire to approach the 10 million people who want to keep things simple and clear, because they don't need anything creative, they just want to publish their pure text (with a bit of formatting) quickly, easily and clearly. Sure, you can put an image in there too, or add a list or a shortcode (which are now blocks). But that was quick and easy.
And much more importantly, the screen elements that you have deliberately placed in such a way, then you can usually just work through all the necessary functions and settings (post format selected with one click, categories quickly selected, keywords, custom fields, post image, theme settings, review options, SEO entries, etc.) to achieve a great (consistent) result.
WordPress and the Classic Editor have made all of this quick and easy.
The Gutenberg Editor has become more creative, but not quicker or easier. You click more, have to look more and the screen elements are no longer in their places, so it is no longer so nice to work through them properly.
That's why I ask: "Why is there no Classic Mode in the Gutenberg Editor, which focuses on the clarity of the screen elements and pure text content and the creative elements are simply a button in the toolbar. Less creative and perhaps more tiled, but much faster and clearer.
I would be happy if the team actively thought of a solution in the Gutenberg Editor to satisfy those who currently reject the modern and creative and use the Classic Editor.
I just wanted to write that.
Thank you for listening.
Best wishes
In German:
Grunds?tzliche Frage and die Entwickler
ich muss gerade eine Seite aufbauen und da habe ich mal wieder den Gutenberg Editor gesehen. Auf meiner eigenen Seite sehe ich den Gutenberg Editor ja nicht, da ich nur den Classic Editor verwendet.
Als ich den Gutenberg Editor gesehen und mal geschaut habe, stellte ich mir direkt die Frage: "Warum?"
Warum so kompliziert und nicht so sauber, wie der Classic Editor.
Dann habe ich mir das Plugin vom Classic Editor angesehen, weil ich wissen wollte, wie lange der noch entwickelt wird.
Und dort habe ich dann die gro?e Installationszahl gesehen. 10 Millionen Menschen verwenden den Classic Editor anstelle des Gutenberg Editors.
10 Millionen von 44 Millionen sind schon eine gro?e Zahl.
Ich kann natürlich verstehen, dass die Entwickler WordPress moderner machen wollen.
Die Frage ist aber, ist das wirklich gewollt? Gibt es nicht wichtigere Dinge, die WordPress tun h?tte k?nnen? Zum Beispiel WordPress und Embed-Funktionen von sich aus DSGVO (GDPR)-konform zu machen? Oder WordPress 100% Hackersicher zu machen? W?re dann nicht bessere Argumente WordPress gerne zu nutzen, als einen neuen Editor einzubauen?
Wie man sieht, wollen viele Leute einen einfachen und sauberen Editor. Klar ist es mal nett, wenn man einen vordefinierten Block nutzen k?nnte. Aber grunds?tzlich finde ich es sehr schade, dass der Gutenberg Editor die viel attraktivere übersichtlichkeit (auch was andere Bildschirm-Elemente angeht) nicht berücksichtigt und da keine attraktive Alternative schafft.
Warum gibt es im Gutenberg Editor keinen Classic Mode? Also, so dass das alte, saubere und übersichtliche Design behalten kann, aber die neuen M?glichkeiten trotzdem fürs alte Design m?glich gemacht werden würde?
Also eine Art Mix aus beidem. Ich pers?nlich nutze weitestgehend ausschlie?lich den Classic Editor im Text-Tab und nicht in der visuellen Ansicht. Ich m?chte einfach meine Textinhalte einfügen, diese dann formatieren und dann fertig sein und nicht komplexe Verschachtelungen mit Bl?cken erstellen, um ?hnliche Resultate zu erzielen.
Ich würde mir echt wünschen, wenn das Entwicklerteam die 10 Millionen Menschen, die Gutenberg zu komplex oder schwer oder unübersichlicht betrachten, wieder mit ins Boot holen und in dem Gutenberg Editor einen Classic-Mode konstruieren, der die übersichtlichkeit auf den Seiten beibeh?lt und die Bildschirm-Elemente im Vordergrund beh?lt und den Textbereich einfach als Textbereich sieht.
Die einfachen Editor-Tools übersichtlich beibehalten, aber mit den neuen M?glichkeiten des Gutenberg Editors verbinden.
Oder ich würde es auch gut finden, wenn im Classic Mode die Seite weiterhin so übersichtlich bliebe, aber der Bereich, indem man seine Inhalte platziert und schreibt, kann im modernen Gutenberg Editor-Stye sein. Ich hoffe, ihr versteht wie ich das meine.
Der Classic Editor ist übersichtlich, weil man sich die Bildschirm-Elemente so platzieren kann, dass man schnell und einfach neue Beitr?ge generieren kann. Mit dem Gutenberg Editor ist das komplexer geworden und unübersichtlicher.
Warum bieten man deshalb nicht einen Mix an. Ein Classic Mode im Gutenberg Editor, die nur im Bearbeitungsbereich (iFrame) der Gutenberg Editor ist, aber der Rest der Seite ist weiterhin einfach und übersichtlich wie der Classic Editor. Ein Mix aus beiden Welten.
Das ist doch m?glich. Und die mce-toolbar bleibt so Buttonartig, aber funktioniert mit den neuen Gutenberg Funktionen. Auch das + kann man links einbauen, so dass alle Gutenberg Bl?cke m?glich sind.
Ich wollte einfach mal fragen, warum Gutenberg anscheinend keine Lust hat, sich den 10 Millionen Menschen anzun?hern, die es weiterhin einfach und übersichtlich haben wollen, weil sie eben nicht das gro?e Kreative brauchen, sondern einfach nur schnell, einfach und übersichtlich ihren reinen Text (mit ein bisschen Formatierung) ver?ffentlichen wollen. Klar, auch da macht man mal ein Bild rein oder setzt eine Liste oder ein Shortcode (was jetzt Bl?cke sind). Aber das war schnell und einfach.
Und viel wichtiger, die Bildschirm-Elemente, die man sich bewusst so platziert hat, dann man alle n?tigen Funktionen und Einstellungen (Beitragsformat mit einem Klick ausgew?hlt, Kategorien schnell ausgew?ht, Schlagw?rter, eigene Felder, Beitragsbild, Theme Einstellungen, Review Optionen, SEO Eingaben,usw.) in der Regel einfach abarbeitet, um ein super (gleichbleibendes) Ergbnis zu erzielen.
All das hat WordPress und auch den Classic Editor einfach und schnell gemacht.
Der Gutenberg Editor ist kreativer geworden, aber eben nicht schneller und einfacher. Man klickt mehr, muss mehr schauen und die Bildschirm-Elemente sind auch nicht mehr an ihren Pl?tzen, so dass ein gutes Abarbeiten nicht mehr so sch?n ist.
Deswegen frage ich: "Warum gibt es im Gutenberg Editor keinen Classic Mode, der darauf setzte, dass die übersichtlichkeit der Bildschirm-Elemente und reine Textinhalte im Vordergrund stehen und die kreativen Elemente einfach nur ein Button in der Toolbar darstellt. Weniger kreativ und vielleicht kacheliger, aber viel schneller und übersichtlicher.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn sich das Team aktiv eine L?sung überlegt, wie sie im Gutenberg Editor auch die zufriedenstellen, die aktuell das moderne und kreative ablehnen und den Classic Editor verwenden.
Das wollte ich nur mal schreiben.
Vielen Dank fürs zuh?ren.
Lieben Gruss
In the changelog, v1.6.4 is adding “support for administrators to choose the default editor for other users.” Where can that change be found in the UI? We only update our plugins at certain times and the answer to this will help us decide if we should make an exception for this. I’m comparing it to v1.6.3.
]]>I have disabled all plug ins, then enabled Classic Editor (which is normally a godsend) and it disables the save button, so I am unable to save content new or amended. Tried this twice, same result.
I am reluctant to play about with the theme as it is a modified Astra one, but I really need to be back up and running again.
On another site, presumably on the same shared server, everything is fine.
]]>I have a long list of category dialog box and the side scroll disappear. It is the classic editor plugin or the new wordpress update. how to fix the issue… wait for new update? can somebody suggest me an alternative plugins
]]>Since updating WordPress to version 6.6, the category list in the sidebar on the edit post page is no longer in a scrolling list. Instead it shows ALL the categories down the side of the page.
Is this happening to anyone else?
Can you plese look into creating comatibility with WidsmLabs Instructor Roles and BuddyBoss? The Classic Editor is not working correctly anymore and is giving me 500 errors when I activate it. I spoke to BuddyBoss and they said your plugin is not on thier compatibilty list and can’t help me. I also spoke with WidsmLabs Instructor Roles and they are looking into the compatibility. I would love any help you can give me. I really like the classic editor and have been using is for 7 years.
]]>Okay nice plugin, but how am I going to use this for my CPT’s (Custom Post Types)?
At this moment, if I make a CPT it does not show the little box “Editor” where I can switch to the Gutenberg-editor. This “Editor” box is shown at pages and posts but not at CPT.
So how can I enable this box so that a WordPress user can use the Gutenberg editor on a CPT?
We just updated from PHP 7.x to 8.3, and since then I can only insert full size images into posts. We used to default to a smaller size, but even the list of size choices has vanished for any newly-uploaded images. The only option I have is Full Size or, once the image has been inserted, Custom Size.
Is Classic Editor ever have 2 different builds? If not, one of these could malicious
On my other sites images are linked by default. My new site requires manually editing of each image and selecting “link to media file” in the display settings.
All sites use Classic Editor.
Is there some setting to link to media files by default?
On several sites, I can’t publish articles with Classic Editor. Articles can be deleted, but not published or updated.
I’ve tried on Gutenberg, and it works.
Checking in the Console of my element inspector, here is the error code that arrives when I click on the “Publish” button:
The strange thing is that Classic Editor works fine on my other sites…
Thank you in advance for your feedback