Hi there,
I got this email today about the new site from Google search console:
Events issues detected
To the owner:
Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 4 Events issues:
Top Errors
Errors can prevent your page or feature from appearing in Search results. The following errors were found on your site:
Date/time not in ISO 8601 format in field “dtstart”
Date/time not in ISO 8601 format in field “dtend”
Invalid value type for field “hcalendar#dtstart”
Top Warnings
Warnings are suggestions for improvement. Some warnings can affect your appearance on Search; some might be reclassified as errors in the future. The following warnings were found on your site:
Invalid value type for field “hcalendar#dtend”
We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.
I had a look on Google Search Console and it appears this is affecting all events pages on the site.
Is it possible to correct this metadata issue? Or is this a CiviCRM core issue to be raised with devs of that software? If it is a core CiviCRM issue I think they should definitely fix that as these kinds of warnings can hurt a website’s SEO.
thanks for this great widget.
I’m struggling to figure out how to display a list of event ids, but not others using shortcode.
I would like for example to list events of id 9,10,11 exclusively.
I think I had figured out how to do it in the shortcode before, but can’t work out how at the moment.
Thanks for your help and this great widget
]]>Hi there,
It would also be nice if the text of the ‘View all’ button was translated by WordPress localization, or that one could edit this text in the settings of the widget. Now I had to do this manually.
All the best,
]]>Hi there,
It would be nice if the plugin loaded the preferred date and time formats from CiviCRM, and/or gave you the option to choose custom date/time formats in the settings of the widgets. Now I had to do this manually.
All the best,
]]>How can I have a registration link “button” (in a span) the way the default theme on the event listing does it?
I’m trying to put the span tag in the prefix and suffix in the json, but it seems to be stripping them out.
]]>I have this plugin set up on WordPress 4.9.4, with CiviCRM 4.7.31. I am using the shortcode on a page to display upcoming events. I noticed recently that on the day of an event, the event does not show in the list when there is less than 7 hours until the event start time. When I change the event start time in Civi to 7+ hours ahead of the current time, it shows up in the list. Events are showing up correctly on the CiviCRM calendar page, and I have verified that mySQL and PHP are using the system time, which is set to -07:00 UTC (America/Los Angeles).
Somewhat unrelated, but for additional sanity checking, I installed CiviCRM Event List plugin and the list that this rather simple plugin produces displays events with no issue. I have poked through the civievent widget code and do not see anything obvious that would cause this issue.
Wondering if others had observed this, or if there is something obvious I am missing or otherwise some parameter to offset the event list to accommodate this?
]]>Love the plugin – it works great for us – but we want to use it for a listing of past events. Is it possible to use a parameter to create a listing of past events?
Locations are not being displayed for events.
This is in a fresh install of CiviCRM (4.7.19), without the sample data import; and the CiviEvents Widget is also the latest, at version 3.1. At first I added only one event. This issue has occurred with WP 4.8 and the previous version installed.
In the file civievent-widget.php, after this line:
$loc = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'api.Address.getsingle', CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'api.LocBlock.getsingle', $result, array() ), array() );
…when I:
…it yields:
array(3) { ["count"]=> int(2) ["is_error"]=>; int(1) ["error_message"]=> string(32) "Expected one Address but found 2" }
So later in the code, the address elements are NULL.
In the database column civicrm_address, there are only two records: one is the address for the event, and the other is my own organization/contact address for the website.
But when I add a second event with a new address the dump changes:
array(3) { ["count"]=> int(3) ["is_error"]=> int(1) ["error_message"]=> string(32) "Expected one Address but found 3” }
So it appears that api.Address.getsingle is finding all addresses in the database, not just the single address associated with each event.
Maybe a CiviCRM bug, in api.Address.getsingle?
Or maybe there are parameters missing from your call to api.Address.getsingle?
]]>Shortly after installation I get this:
Fatal error: Class ‘civievent_Widget’ not found in wordpress/wp-content/plugins/civievent-widget/civievent-single-widget.php on line 71
Civicrm 4.7.1 is installed working fine. Any suggestions?
]]>Hi there.
How easy would it be to give the option of the link for each event to go to the event detail page rather than the register now page. I guess the text on the button would need to be adjusted accordingly.
Thanks ??
Is there a way to display events from a specific CiviEvent event type only?
Or, barring that, is there a way to display only events that take place within a certain timeframe (i.e. April 2016)?
]]>Great plugin/extension, thanks a lot.
I am trying to do a page of all upcoming events so I’ve created a page and added:
[civievent_widget summary=1 city=1]
The result is:
City Event Title
Register Now
Summary text
In that order. Have I missed something about how to format or order the fields?
Thanks a lot
]]>I’ve been having a lot of trouble trying to theme this plugin, which is a shame because it is so awesome and provides a really necessary function to CiviCRM/WP integration.
I’ve been discussing with some folks on the Weaver forums while trying to theme this, and they are convinced that something is wrong with the way the plugin is written.
The discussion post is here for reference: https://forum.weavertheme.com/discussion/comment/60492
]]>Is it possible to modify which columns are displayed in the View All listing? I would like to remove the Category and Email columns. Not sure what file to look at. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be great.
]]>I have civievent installed on my WP, with Responsive theme. I include the widget in a custom sidebar. I don’t know why it is not responding to any changes in CSS. So I want to ignore the current provided themes “stripe” and “divider” to use the current theme, so I left the widget theme blank and saved but the appearance remained black and white while my theme is green. So do I miss something here?
Wanted to note what may be a bug. We have found that there are places where the Register Now and Event details link from the widget are not respecting wp_basepage or CIVICRM_UF_WP_BASEPAGE and not even using index.php when linking from a WP page that has a CiviCRM shortcode.
So for example, if on a Donate page of a website that using the CiviCRM shortcode on a yourdomain.org/donate/ slug the links redirect to a page that include /donate/ in the slug for the event links.
However, when on any other page that doesn’t use a civicrm shortcode in the page like yourdomain.org/about/ the event links use the civicrm base page and the url is correct using /civicrm/.
What’s the different from the widget to choose what link to use in these two cases?
]]>We are using the CiviEvent widget on our homepage. It seems that when you click an event title or click “View All” the details load on the homepage, or at least using the homepage template. This is a problem because that page is a specialized template with a side-show so all of the vent info is appearing below it. It looks like the CiviEvent links load to whatever page template they are called from, is there a way to change that behavior and specify or override it s a specific template or page?
]]>The plugin description says Compatible up to: 3.6.1
Did the plugin have been tested with 3.7 and higher? and if so what are the feedback?
]]>I like this widget, but I need to use it on a black background. The title ends up being invisible, black on black. What is the simplest way to let the theme handle the colors, or do I have to edit the CSS? Sorry for the noobie question, I am just learning WP.
]]>(edit – sorry this was posted in wrong area – wish I could delete)