I noticed the plugin wasn’t working on WP 4.9 or 5, and hasn’t been touched in quite a while. If anyone else is continuing to use this plugin, there’s an update available on Github here:
I’m trying to get in touch with the author so the official release can be fixed.
[child_pages id=”親ページのID”]を子ページに貼り付けても表示されません。
]]>Hi, i have installed the plugin and it is working, but the featured image used is not filling the width of the box on the parent page. All i get is a small clip of the image in the centre of the box. Do i need to set the image to a specific size?
]]>I want to add the class of pages in the default template. I’ve noticed you mention %class% when explaining filters, but it doesn’t return page classes when added to the default template, at lest not like this:
$html .= '<a href="%post_url%" id="child_page-%post_id%" class="%class%">';
Basically I need something that has the same output as <?php post_class(); ?>
Any suggestions for achieving this?
I have used your plugin on a few website. Their design is responsive but the plugin doesn’t support responsiveness. Will it be difficult for you to make the plugin design responsive, since all new themes are that way and it doesn’t work well?
Thank you.
]]>Hi, where can i limit the length of the excerpt displayed for each post? Thanks
Does anybody know if there is a filter available to customize the JS code?
I need to add equal heights function to the “.post_content” class instead of the “post_thumb” class. The code is:
$.fn.equalHeights = function() {
var currentTallest = 0;
if ($(this).height() > currentTallest) {
currentTallest = $(this).height();
return this;
$.event.add(window, "load", function(){
$(".child_pages .post_thumb").equalHeights();
$(".child_pages .child_page-container").equalHeights();
]]>The documentation states to use “disable_excerpt_filters” to disable excerpts however in the code “disabled_excerpt_filters” is being used with a “d”.
]]>WordPress 3.5.1 or major “read more” does not link to the child post. It links to the parent, using plug-Child Pages Shortcode version 1.9.3. Any solution to this problem?
]]>Thanks a lot for your great plugin!! It made everything easier for me!!
I would need some changes, but I do not know much about CSS styling. Could you please help me? Is it possible to change the size of the Title appearing under large image? Is it too small, and I would need it bigger, but I have no idea how to change it.. https://test.ciceronegranada.com/quienes-somos/
I’ve found missing image urls(bg-white.png and camera) at shortcode.css and shortcode.min.css by using https://gtmetrix.com/.
I think right url is url(../img/bg-white.png) instead of url(img/bg-white.png) and
url(../img/camera.png) instead of url(img/camera.png)
I’m glad to fix it on next version.
Forgive me as I’m still quite new to WordPress. All I want is a simple ascending list that displays the titles of the page as links.
How do I achieve this?
Thanks ??
is it possible to list pages without parent page? Only with Page ID ?
]]>[child_pages id=”xxx”]
the missing image width/height attributes for the thumbnail is a bit of a problem – besides the fact that it is not standard complaint, it can cause rendering issues on mobile devices and page elements jumping around while loading on any device
please consider either adding these attributes to the shortcode so one can set them manually, or perhaps get them automatically from the images being used
I’ve changed my theme and am converting some pages to other Custom Post Types, but now Child Pages Shortcode no longer displays these post types as they are no longer pages.
Can I update the Child Pages Shortcode code to work with a specific custom post type? How would I do that?
This is great ! But i need to keep my line return for the excerpt, would you know how please…?
* allow any image type instead of only “thumbnail” or “large”, such as “post-thumbnail”, “excerpt-thumbnail”, etc., as well as custom, user generated image sizes
* display the content blocks only after all content has been added – the problem here is that when a page is loaded, the content blocks jump around and resize until the content is added and everything is finalized
* add an invisible div over each content block (hand cursor) so the whole block is clickable instead of only the image and heading
* expose the css in a settings UI so it can be edited instead of having to add more code to the theme/child theme css
Im having a problem on the displayed excerpt content.
It does not seem to create a new line, instead it creates a scroll on the width. (https://losangelesinvest.com/property/)
can you please help me. thanks
]]>I tried using your filter hook example from the description page here so I could change the orderby to the post title, but it just causes the site to go white. I put that code into my functions.php theme file like so:
add_filters('child-pages-shortcode-query', "my_query");
function my_query($args) {
$args = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_parent' => $id_for_the_post,
'orderby' => 'post_title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'nopaging' => true,
return $args;
I must be adding it wrong, could you help with this please? I edited it in the plugin temporarily just so I could show what the list looks like on a page, but I certainly don’t want to leave it that way and have it overwrite on upgrades.
Thanks for your help, Heather
]]>UPDATE: never mind! this can easily be done using the ID attribute ??
for this example, assume the parent pages are “shop” and “tech” and each has several children
what i’d like to do is have a page “articles”, on which i can display the 2 headings, “shop” and “tech”, with their respective child pages under the headings
page: articles
heading: Shop
[list children of “shop”]
heading: Tech
[list children of “tech”]
noticed when i ran a GTmetrix scan that there seems to be 2 broken image URI’s in the code…
they should be pointing to…
How can I sort the output by date or randomly?
Is there a short code for each ??
Thanks for a terrific plugin!
I just noticed, however, that the link to child-pages-shortcode.min.js file appears to be broken… on my sites I was seeing a 404 erorr.
Lines 64-67:
$js = apply_filters(
plugins_url("child-pages-shortcode.min.js", __FILE__)
I changed line 66 to this (added the “js/”) and it fixed it:
plugins_url("js/child-pages-shortcode.min.js", __FILE__)
(Also – is the javascript really necessary? I’d rather not load an extra script if I’m not really using it…?)
the div containers for the child pages do not align properly on my front page (no problems on other pages)
i’m using a static page for the front page and it was working fine until, i believe, either the WP 4 update, or the 2013 theme update – not sure
i looked through the CSS and i’m not seeing anything obvious
]]>where is the changelog for 1.8 and 1.9?
Is there an easy way for a list of child post ID’s to be passed via the shortcode to exclude from appearing in the list?
Great plugin, I’ve been looking for something like this for a while.
I installed Child Pages Shortcode and it’s working fine on all of my pages except my Static Front page. Any ideas?
My site is https://www.AdventureRidingNZ.co.nz. I have the shortcode at the bottom of the content on my front page but it’s not showing up, but I have it on other pages and it’s working: https://www.adventureridingnz.co.nz/getting-started/
Thanks for your help
]]>Hi All,
I am using this plugin on my website. While validating the CSS, I found that errors are there. One of the errors identified by the W3C CSS validator was:
Error Mssage: .child_pages .post_content h4 Value Error : margin-top Too many values or values are not recognized : 0.5em 0 0 0
To correct the above error follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to the plugin CSS file.
2. Look for a piece of code shown below:
.child_pages .post_content h4 {
font-weight: bolder;
margin-top: .5em 0 0 0;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.2em;
3. The margin-top takes a single value but here its having 4 values.
4. Edit the margin-top statement so that the above piece of code looks as shown below:
.child_pages .post_content h4 {
font-weight: bolder;
margin-top: .5em;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.2em;
5. Run your website CSS through the validator. The error is now gone.
Hope this helps.
]]>Hello, after installing the plug-in and shortcode ona page the top row is aligning strangely. The theme is a default one but the top row is staggered, looking like steps descending (all browsers) to the right and using Chrome I can’t find anything affecting it in the CSS.
Has anyone else come across this?