Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: ChargeBee api environment is not set. Set your site & api key in ChargeBee_Environment::configure
]]>Your plugin says that I need to install a plugin to incorporate wordpress user registration into the process of subscribing via chargebee. You say “Chargebee plugin integrates with other wordpress plugins that offer user registration.” but you don’t say which one. A little guidance here would be appreciated.
What version of the API do you use to setup the Webhook, it doesn’t say anywhere as far as I can tell
I am facing problem in getting user plan id by using the hook cb_get_user_plan. Getting empty array for this piece of code:
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$cb_current_plan = apply_filters(“cb_get_user_plan”, $current_user->ID);
Getting current_user id but not getting the plan id.
]]>Once I selected a subscription, I noticed an error appeared on that page when I went to test the restricted access for that page.
Code says:
Warning: substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /nfs/c01/h09/mnt/10776/domains/mydomain.com/html/wp-content/plugins/chargebee/chargebee.php on line 423
Does this plugin work with WordPress Multisite? If so, could we use it to get users to sign up and it automatically creates a blog for them and from there, they can delete or upgrade their subscription and therefore, their site?
]]>hey there!
I love Charge bee! Just wondering if you would consider working on a WooCommerce integration, as it’s one of the top shopping carts on WordPress, and also in the world.
]]>This plugin is not working when I attempt to set up the web hook to create new user’s when they subscribe. I get a 301 Re-direct error from wordpress. The site is installed in a directory, but I don’t see that being an issue. Any thoughts? Help?
This is a time sensitive project.
Austin Hunt
Nomad Graphix, LLP
I have two wuestions about this plugin. First, do I need to be a Chargebee costumer to use it? I am already a customer with Braintree, which you support as a payment gateway, so I don’t want double payment gateway memberships.
Second, does the app also handle one time charges for specific posts?